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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Lightyear SW and Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent SW Thur 18 75 397 18651 18947 2.09 SW Fri 19 145 807 31226 32033 2.52 Comp JW3 x.1192 59 million (7.03 million) This will be my final Thursday count, tomorrow will get one more count. The numbers are what they are. 80 percent of Thursday was pretty much "no change, no change, no change" with a few numbers plugged in. Friday was a bit better but still for this area Im guessing the hope is wom/walkups. For a Pixar film these numbers seem kind of low at least up here, can't speak for down in the US
  2. Its certainly a new aspect to things Im still getting used to, but its fun. It will be more interesting as I accrue more comps as I do more films and with more T-dates....not sure Im ready yet do pull a heroic 20 (or 40 looking at you NOPE) T dates yet. Because my box office doesn't move much (though dang it if Thor4 isn't being pretty lively) in early presales. Will keep some records as I go but really will try and focus comps wise on T-7 dates.
  3. And Thor4 because why not. Thor 4 July7/8 (taken June 15) thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 113 4363 21096 25459 17.14% Fri 20 168 2362 36013 38375 6.16 ttl sold 6725 % avg 10.54% Again that Thurs 17 percent just cruising vs Fri 6.16 (which isn't bad in itself) And no, Sadly I do not not have t-20 something comps for Dr Strange2, so cannot compare them.
  4. and here's just a comparison of Minions which is still a couple weeks out Minions SW/Toronto Ontario Thurs/Fri June 30/July 1 (taken June 15) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 14 56 56 7133 7189 0.78 Fri 15 77 99 21958 22057 0.45
  5. Lightyear Southwest and Toronto Ontario (numbers are totals of SW/Tor for both thurs and Fri # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thur 18 75 296 18651 18947 1.56 Fri 19 144 623 31325 31948 1.95 Comp JW3 .849X59 million (5.0 million) (again I have no other comps for day to day. Minions will be my first real start of comps at t-7 with Lightyear. Toronto STILL has 2 theatres on Thurs and 1 on Friday without Lightyear screens yet....I don't think Ive seen this happen in my experience ( pre wed seat dumps yes Ive seen, but Wed is when seat availabilty increases, and still theatres not showing sales)
  6. I can totally see the logic in that. TG2 really kind of bumped in there as a kind of "what if" type of situation. I think what surprised me was it was a couple of Toronto theatres who usually keep up with rest of TO theatres. SW theatres I def would understand, as they range from anywhere from 1-3 seat auditorium to VIP/Alamo type theatres to Megaplexes-so those were the ones I would expect to have late drops to their seat count-not so much Toronto based ones. Have to see what happens when the massive seat drops hit tomorrow for Lightyear-but Ive got this niggling feeling that this is going to possibly be a softer one for Disney esp if Families who are uncertain about it might just wait for D+
  7. With the all the amount of sneakiness and subterfuge and collecting data here sometimes youd think that the movie counts were some high security topics lol
  8. I have still have some theatres that they have Thor4 presales, but don't have Lightyear sales up yet. Like weird
  9. Okay....drum roll as I attempt my first (very bad) comp Lightyear Southwest and Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent SW Thur 10 33 73 7773 7846 0.93 SW Fri 10 36 289 6508 6797 4.25 Tor Thurs 8 39 183 12270 12412 1.44 Tor Fri 7 33 192 9559 9751 1.97 Total Seats sold for Thurs/Fri 737/36806 Attempted Comp time! Im using JW3 as my comp because its only one I have for T-3 having just started this fun (ahahahah) exercise (Yes its a horrible and not really applicable comp-but....Lab work lol) JW3 to Lightyear was a WHOPPING 11.85 percent at T-3 JW3 made 59 million opening Thurs/Fri 11.85 percent of 59 million is 6.9 So that would make it x11.85 59 million (6.9)-sound about right? I made extra work for myself by dividing SW and Tor into separate areas as WELL as Thurs/Fri. (For the record I had If I messed this up let me know (For record I had 6218 seats sold for Thurs/Fri shows for JW3 during T-3, compared to Lightyears 737 seats sold)
  10. Copying my table is fine LOL. Wow....compared to Toronto and esp SW Ontario, don't know why such a disparity. I mean okay SW Ontario is a number of cities compared to 1-but 13 percent more-thats just weird. And that Elvis comparison LOL. I mean Minions and Lightyear are doing pretty quiet here (Minions might have explanation of being far away, but not Lightyear). Gotta wonder for Lightyear as I said are families just waiting for Disney plus. Now Lightyear might suddenly go bonkers this weekend, but a quiet leadup no doubt
  11. I just HAD to innocently check Thor presales.... Thor4 Southwest Ontario and Toronto combined Taken June 13 So yea after seeing the amount of seats and stuff I said nope not doing two separate sections for 2 separate days. Will prolly condense the other counts starting tomorrow save what little sanity I have left....ha....hahahahaha I had to double check the numbers of Thurs BOFFO numbers for Thurs. I did find one major error but all else seems to check out....people must not want spoilers I guess. # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 113 3656 21586 25242 14.48 Fri 18 154 1682 32435 34117 4.93
  12. *seeing all the Love and Thunder posts* I guess Ill take a peek at how Cineplex is doing....*checks*...oh boy.....right lets do a L and T drop and see what we have
  13. Those theatres must really like you to take pity on you like that
  14. Um yea I think I might do NOPE closer to opening. Crawdads is new. Thor....ehhh....MCU tentpole...might have to do an earlier start. Not sure I;; do Elvis or Blackphone because I only have so much sanity.
  15. For anyone interested in comparing to current Minions rise of gru to Lightyear (Which opens a week after Lightyear) Minions Rise of Gru June 29/30 (thurs/fri) EDIT: I might start condensing SW and Toronto together for a more complete picture (unless people WANT to see how a major city compares real time to 10 Theatres in SW Ontario), esp if Im doing more titles. # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent SW Thur 10 36 30 9079 9109 0.33 SW Fri 10 44 43 11575 11618 0.37 Tor Thurs 4 20 48 7147 7195 0.67 Tor Fri 5 30 32 10073 10105 0.32
  16. Now to be fair at least with Cineplex most of the IMAX ect screens don't pop into inventory till Wed so theres the possiblity we might see more movement after that. Come Wed the floodgates might open and Im looking very foolish (not the first time lol).
  17. So lightyear for where I am with its lower numbers with Thurs/Fri not far off, Im gonna go with a hunch. I think this will be a something families wait for Disney Plus. I think combo of it technically not being a Toy Story movie and theres a different voice actor for Buzz, I just see more families waiting for the streaming. Im also going to go way out on a limb and suggest that Minions might be the movie for families head to theatres to see-not that one property is more popular than the other, but Minions being a prequel I think theres more of a "known quantity" with it. It will certainly be interesting to see how the comps do to Lightyear.
  18. Thank you. It will take some time and experimenting for me as well-until I get comfortable will just try this new table format, yes its' bigger but more concise (I hope lol)
  19. This is still Excel. I will play around with Google to see about playing with it, but even if this is "big" at least its a little tidier than previous and better for at a glance Lightyear(taken June 13) Total Seats Sold combined SW and Tor Thurs 201/18683-percentage 1.08 Fri 362/16227-percentage 2.23 Right-SW means Southern Ontario. Tor is Toronto, Thurs is Thurs, Fri is friday. Seats Rem is seating remaining, ttl Seat is total seats of sold plus remaining. Yes I know prolly obvious but just clarifying with table for any confusions (knowing me I just added more...hahahah....sad laugh) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent SW Thur 10 33 59 6167 6226 0.95 SW Fri 10 36 225 6572 6797 3.31 Tor Thurs 8 39 142 12270 12412 1.14 Tor Fri 7 29 137 9243 9430 1.45
  20. Ah okay. I don't have much (any) experience with google sheets so that will be a kind of more labwork lol. Thank you I will experiment with it.
  21. How are you formatting your cells into your post? Just wondering using Excel how I might be able to do it without everything being GIGANTIC whenever I try and do it.
  22. Lightyear Friday June 17 (Taken June 12) SW Ontario 10 theatres 37 shows Total sold 173 Total remaining 6734 Total seats 6907 Percentage 2.5 Toronto Ontario 7 Theatres 28 shows Total sold 118 Total remaining 9315 Total seats 9433 Percentage 1.25 Combined SW and Toronto sold 291/16340 Percentage 1.78 Lightyear is....odd. Less than a week till shows and some theatres still not having listings for presales. Tells me possibly that as the crunch of movies start coming in post covid, certain theatres not quite ready to decide prolly till after weekend to open up showings based on what they are keeping that's already in theatres. So possibly hard to make a judgement here on if it's selling "well" or not. Hoping by Mon or Tues (Def wed when the mass seat dumps start) we start seeing a better idea. The other question-which could be telling-are families wanting to see Lightyear-or are they saving their pennies for Minions? Thats another consideration.
  23. Lightyear Thurs June 16 (taken June 12 SW Ontario 10 Theatres 33 Shows Total Sold 30 Total Remaining 6198 Total seats 6228 Percentage .48 Toronto Ontario 8 Theatres 39 shows Total sold 117 Total Remaining 12295 Total seats 12412 Percentage .94 Combined Southwest and Toronto numbers sold 147/18640 Percentage .79 When I start doing my comps I will being total comps for combined numbers sold for the days in question-I don't think Im up to doing comps for SW AND Toronto AND SW/Toronto combined....might be a bit much. But good news! Im coming up in a couple of days to be able to do comps to JW3 (yea I know not the best comps-but good practice)
  24. I will check out "this might be a thing" and keep an eye on it. I could certainly do a special track of it is desired
  25. After seeing Combined Thurs/Fri numbers THATS the reason I don't make predictions (I predicted 17 mil on Friday just on a lark and seeing it made pretty much double that....yea) LOL. I am not predicting Sat because Im horrible at predictions LOL
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