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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Thats a very good question. AQP2 is on 45 days before streaming i believe, I think it will all depend on where the theatres are on the "opening" schedule of things. If they open in the 45 days there might be a bit of time for AQP2 to grab a little bit, as you say late in the run. Also I don't know the contractual side of it, wouldn't surprise me if Cineplex has a "can't stream in Canada until 45 days from its theatre opening here" type of provision, in which case there would definitely be a boost. I'll keep an eye out as we get closer to that time (right now our lockdown "ends" on June 2, assuming it doesn't get extended or some variant).
  2. Re Canada (or I can only speak for Ontario), noises being made right now about "re-opening plans" and what they might entail. Our Premier also talking about camps being open in July (now maybe he was presuming, I don't know). Numbers are dropping here right now as more are vaccinated each day. Not saying they'll be open this week or even end of month or even June, but it DOES sound like we might be in the home stretch here in Ontario as far as when theatres will open again)
  3. Also with the film announcing it's going to streaming 45 days after theatre release, how much will that affect people who may have gone but now will be "Ill just wait a month and a half and watch it". The other side of course is also people wanting to get out for ANY sense of normality to get to a theatre. So just more variables really. Tales will be in the numbers
  4. It wouldn't surprise me. Alot of confused messaging can be out there. I know where I am in Canada (Ontario) its been pretty much all stuff shutdown till June 2, and because the theatres pretty much are under one umbrella (Cineplex), there isn't the situation where it is in the states where are competing movie chains that may have very different opening and operating depending on county, city and state.
  5. So for anyone who just cant wait for Ontario Canada (Toronto) box office....well youre waiting a little bit longer. Premier Doug Ford has extended our lockdown to at least June 2, so no theatres will be opening till at least then (probably closer to July if not later imo). Re AQP2: Didnt realize it had a 45 day theatrical window-so it will be Streaming in (well now less than 45) days. Have to wonder how much this is affecting people who will go the wait for Streaming route. Looks like Disneys Chang Chi and Free Guys are NOT doing Disney Plus out of the gate, but will have (45 days I think) window before going to streaming.
  6. You raise an interesting point to me. Could AQP 2 be a possible kind of benchmark for other studios to see if movies about post apoc/ and or virus type settings would resonate with the public. My thought is that people go to theatre to get away from reality for a couple of hours, not be reminded of it (esp in those theatres that are mask/distancing/other covid protocols in effect). I agree that I think this film is either going to really well (people just wanting to get out and watch a film and not worry about setting and theme), or really poorly (people NOT wanting a gloomy reminder of the world right now). I think its going to be the WOM that will tell the tale as word gets out from viewers to their friends. Opening weekend I think won't really be an accurate take IMO.
  7. I agree, it will have to be a big PR push when theatres open up again here to say "Hey we are open again!" Getting that awareness out will be key. Will be interesting to see what (if any) type of promotion up here they do to convince people to come back out, whether its groups or discounts or something else.
  8. Just an anecdote that relates to MK and Im really curious how much the HBO stream is taking in. I have a friend who told me the we was with family the other day, watched Mortal Kombat awesome movie, ect. "I said wow, I didn't know london (Ontario Canada) theatres were open" , he said said "We paid 25 dollars and rented it from Microsoft Windows store watched it at home. Says he has some anxious stuff with theatres and he really liked this and may do it more often as it works better for him Like boom, I was like "right in my own circle, theres 25 plus dollars the theatre won't see (and there was a group of like 5 of them). Just a personal anecdote from someone in my social circle, it really "brought home" how much this could affect the theatre takes for movies, and for the theatres who rely on the concessions to pay the bills.
  9. In a way I wonder if this is weirdly replicating WAY back when theatres were only one a screen (before any sort of home video was a thing) and a there wasn't a new movie ever week, so people would repeat views of a movie. You were only seeing your movie at home when it finally came on TV months or more later. I think there is some definite "hey we can actually see movies again in theatres lets do again". Movie going is being an "event" right now, and people just want to get away from the covid world for a couple of hours.
  10. I just want to take a moment to thank Key and everyone else who has been tracking (who actually have theatres TO track) the films. Its nice to be able to talk box office predictions in any capacity right now. People taking the time out to do it, even if its just on weekends, is certainly helpful in keeping the thread moving. Thank you!
  11. MK looking at 23 Million weekend. DS 19 million https://www.cbr.com/mortal-kombat-beats-out-demon-slayer-at-weekend-box-office/ Funny numbers MK made basically what original made in opening weekend back in 1996. Makes me wonder what a "full theatre" opening would have been. 50, 60 million?
  12. Ive mentioned it before, but I can only imagine financial depts of the studios for films like bw and "tentpole" movies this year really trying to anticipate whether its better to do film only, stream only or stream/film opening. Its moving parts financially as studios try to figure how to best get the movie out and watching their various city/state/province rules and how they change and what opens up and doesnt. Trackers for the various studios have to be definitely making their paycheque right now, because they know if they make a call and the studios take that action and they blow because things changed, theyre going to be on a hotseat.
  13. I didn't know about cinemark....like 100 buck difference. That's definitely more of a deal. Up here Cineplex/Famous Players ect are pretty much all under one umbrella, save for some independents, but we don't have that competing theatre chains anymore, which is a loss for us competition is good. Not surprised about the "no outside food". Alot of those workers in the theatres pretty much rely on the concessions to pay their paycheck. And I totally get that comment about being with...."other" unknown people as it were. Suggests to me either Regal doesn't care and/or they can't maybe afford it (I know the theatres have taken a hit, but which of regal or cinemark is closer to the brink I wonder economics wise) Still 100 buck difference....wow! I do wonder if our theatres up here will look at the PWP model when (whenever that is) they open up again.
  14. 20 people at 250 bucks... works out to...what 12 bucks a person? And thats us funds. Up here 12 bucks is about an average price (Canadian dollars), but 12 bucks US works out to I think 15.00 a person (which is pretty norm for Imax stuff) which would make our watch party 312.00 for 20 people. Esp during this time when lots of people have lost jobs/hours/have trouble paying rent, you'd think Regal might tad that back a bit for some good PR. Just find it fascinating the diff between classics and new films is over double in price. Wow
  15. Just a further update for those remotely interested in Toronto Canada numbers, it's looking like we are going to get even MORE stuff locking down in future, so yea if I would to hazard a personal guess on my speculation, we are lucky if we are looking at late June before we might see even some movie movement. Its bad right now.
  16. Thanks! As I mentioned to Porthos, be interesting to see if PWP actually becomes a thing people keep doing post pandemic and keep it going (no doubt the theatres will definitely try to push it)
  17. Thanks for the info And with studios wanting to look at the stream/opening day combo, theatres I can see definitely going to want to see if they can use that PWP as a way of recouping some of those costs, and if its profitable all the better. Be interesting to see if people keep up the PWP or not when it all settles down.
  18. Just a general question. Were PWP's that prevalent pre-covid? I only started seeing them recently referred to on the forums. I just am wondering if these will mainly be a covid period thing, or whether we could see PWPs have an effect post Covid when theatres are back to allowing full attendance (whenever that may be).
  19. Thank you for location count! Helps me to understand how many screens are currently "open" and whats on said screens.
  20. As I understand from what I've read, sounds like all chains have certain theatres open, possibly depending on state rules. I know Regal has put out a roadmap of what theatres are open now and when others will open, Im guessing other chains may have similar roadmap either now or in future. Im reading a lot of "Oh wow zilla vs kong is open in "x" city, I wish my city would open up soon" type of comments here and elsewhere.
  21. Nice roadmap for people to see when their area theatre will reopen.
  22. Looking ahead: Disney doing the stream/theatre combo for Black Widow. Needless to say, theatres aren't happy. https://www.cbr.com/black-widow-release-plans-upset-theaters/ I know back last year there was discussion on some forums like reddit that "Mulan is one thing, but no way Disney would stream Black Widow first day" Theatres can threaten to not show films, that just improves Disney's leverage with the viewer though, because that will increase more scarce viewings, leading more people to watch it on Disney Plus, which is what Disney really wants IMO.
  23. Ill be interested to see not just this film but next few films going forward. Im wondering how much of Zilla/Kong is people wanting to see if for the actual film and how many people are going out to the theatres just because they can and they're really want to experience the movie going experience they've been denied so long. I think it will be fascinating to watch to see the next few movie openings if the numbers keep consistent and/or theres a drop off as moving going becomes "normal" again (though with limited seating for the forseeable future I certainly see a lot of full screens and sellouts due to simple reduced seating.
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