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Posts posted by TheDude391

  1. 18 hours ago, dudalb said:

    Excuse me, but I got the obsession with IMAX for a serious Drama with almost no Eye Candy or big action scenes.

    This is my most anticipated film for the summer, but some people here seem not to get a Nolan film that sort of gets away from the big visuals.

    If you've seen the trailers on a true IMAX screen, you'd get it. It's easily the most impressive looking spectacle this summer. So towering, intense and immersive.

  2. Averages work out differently than individual ratings, vast majority of great films on there are technically only 7s and 8s at best if we go by that metric.


    I'm just pointing out that the dude shills on social media but in actuality he's more lukewarm (but still positive) on it.

  3. 2 hours ago, filmlover said:

    I fully expect the Big Reveal in the next one to be that Elena isn't dead after all and Charlize had used an elaborate tranquilizer gun on her to make it appear so based on the promise that Elena could be protected with important information while her baby would be safe with Dom. Would anyone actually be shocked? At this point these movies have clearly abandoned all reality. 

    Dom's Dad is gonna be the big bad all along, pulling the strings since Fast 1. He faked his death to plan out a 30 year spanning plan to get revenge on his teenage son.

  4. 25 minutes ago, ddddeeee said:

    It has been said loads before, but it really is depressing to see Keaton's Batman in a not-great-visually movie.

    I think it's why the nostalgia angle for him ain't working on me. He's just cut and paste into this movie, no elements retained of what made his version great/distinct on display.

    • Like 5
  5. 4 minutes ago, John Marston said:

    while the opening of Last Crusade is a little eye rolling in how it seemingly sets up all his unique trademarks all in one moment, like the guy who is chasing Indy in the beginning, it can't help but bring a smile to my face. Speaking of that guy, I always wanted to know more about him




    If this were made today, Indy getting his hat and trademarks would be treated with the utmost biblical reverence vs a quick cute 10 minute intro.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    Is this the first time we’ve had it in marketing pointing out that there’s only 2 weeks for PLF? Or do IMAX tweet this sort of thing regularly? 



    Cinemas really need to invest in more PLFs and I think that will (or should be) the main takeaway from this summer. 

    Even just upgrading standard projectors from dim bulbs to laser (or just higher brightness bulbs) would be a great selling point. People want nicer screens!

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, John Marston said:

    Don’t think I’ve seen Alan Ritchson is anything  but  he made an impression. Like how they set him up as another Hobbs and the next to join the family (even having him start to help Don at the exact place Hobbs did) then do a switcheroo. Hell I was surprised Vin was ok with the little moments that poked fun at some aspects of the series 

    He's the lead on the Jack Reacher show on Amazon, him and the show are great, would highly reccomend!

  8. 7 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Going to one of these fan screenings this week I think. Does anyone know how harshly 1iota people check your ID? The name on my account is missing my middle name.

    In my experience, they've never once checked ID. Just scanned your ticket.

    • Thanks 1
  9. It's still funny to me how Man of Steel was SUCH a divisive movie on release, and so crapped upon online (to the extent that every CBM needs to point out that cities got evacuated before they get blowed up)...but now its been 10 years and they're basing their nostalgia movie off of it to fan adoration. 


    Reminds me of the line in Chinatown: "Of course I'm respectable I'm old! Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough."

  10. 2 hours ago, grey ghost said:

    People want to complain about a MCU's repetitive formula with afrofuturism, heist movies, sorcery, political thrillers, space opera, horror, John Hughes, etc but what about the Fast and Furious franchise?

    If we got 3-4 Fast films a year (Vin don't get any ideas) then yeah I'd agree with that comparison when people complain about repetitive formula. 

    • Like 2
  11. This reminded me of F8 of the Furious above everything else. Decent action, lots of individual moments and scenes I liked peppered throughout but loses the tone and focus completely. F9 put things back on track, yes its the Moonraker of the fast franchise but the flashback structure worked well "grounding" it somewhat, this ones just a total mess. Every scene ends with "I know a guy/place" and then they go to that. They've always been somewhat self parody but the craft of Lin just isn't here to keep it on track. Whole thing feels like a lot of deleted scenes in between action beats. 


    I'm so over the sci-fi Agency shit at this point, it's capital B BORING. Brie Larson wasted, should've kept Kurt Russel as him up against a younger rival would be more interesting. I'm glad Charlize finally got a good scene in this series (her against Momoa's goons) and she should've always been an action villain, not a hacker. Ending was fine, nothing special, Devil Inside my ass. Post credits scene got my crowd fired up.


    One of, if not the weakest Fast films for me, but I think audience WOM will be a big step up from 9. I didn't love Momoa like everyone else but every line and action he had KILLED with my crowd.


    5 > 7 > 6 > 3 > Better Luck Tomorrow > 9 > 1 > 2 > 8 > 10 > 4

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