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RJ 95

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Everything posted by RJ 95

  1. Will reach 500m WW by the end of next WE. Even 510-520m possible. Dont know if DOM or OS will win before SK opening.
  2. Could be 11.5m probably without CL final ?
  3. Yeah thats why i ask what is the biggest non holiday monday since Frozen 2 before. It's a bit slowing down though. Hopefully still at least 50% down from Sunday.
  4. Want to ask a bit specific, what is the biggest non holiday monday in Japan for hollywood movie since frozen 2 ?
  5. I think SK will get at least 30m and its already reach my target 2pm usual location numbers in Japan 1 hour 30 minutes earlier.... At this rate it will get >100k today.
  6. Really early number still 12 am in Japan but i think compared to DS2 and TB data, Top Gun 2 on its rate to drop <50%. 45% drop if its compared to DS2, 37% drop compared with total seats haha no way. Hopefully at least it can match Joker 50% first Sunday to Monday drop.
  7. Just notice that next Thu and Fri is a public holiday. Do you guys think it can get into $40m after next Sunday ?
  8. Great number all around, probably France can come higher with actual. Surprise Australia can get into 10m. Bit disappointing from Spain but maybe weak Sat all around Europe because of CL final.
  9. When is the last time big hollywood movie have this kind of rating in there ?
  10. The only hope for overperformance probably only in Japan and SK from this. 450m still possible while 500m needs unlikely overperformance from probably LATAM and Asia. Hopefully Mexico and Brazil both overperform in there. Btw as expected in Japan looks like 25-28% increase today. $9.5m OW seems possible.
  11. Never post in the weekend thread but just want to say that i love this movie. Already saw it 3 times by now. Planning to watch it more later. Easily best movie that i watched this year. One of the first scenes is my favorite because i'm such a fan of the real life plane that this movie took inspiration for that particular scene. Excellent 1st and 3rd act. Nearly perfect for a blockbuster. Repeat viewing seems high and people who haven't watch the first can easily understand this movie without having to watch the 1st movie.
  12. Assuming that 500m from DOM and 500m from OS is the ideal ratio for this movie. Besides UK, Japan, and other Europe big markets which will provide nice legs. It needs one more big market, which is SK. SK love TC and his MI is very sucessfull there. I just looked that TG1 has a very high rating in there ( naver movie ), so if they like TG1 then no way they wont like the sequel. It needs to get big there to even have a slightest hope for 500m OS
  13. I know its still early but good day so far in Japan 30% better than yesterday. Around the same number with NWH first Saturday but NWH has around 20% seats more so far and TG2 will have more seats later this day. If this ratio holds. TG2 will have 210k adms from usual location. Around 28% increase, which is fantastic with already big Friday. Even NWH only increase by 10% from Fri. Seems like review and WOM helps. $9m seems locked and 9.5m OW possible.
  14. Looking at MI6 made 42m in Japan from 7.8m start. With that multiplier this will make 48m. So >50m should be the target with this having great rating. In SK, MI 6 made 49m but dont know if they love the original top gun like in Japan. So 30m from 10m OW probably a good starting target. Still holding hope for some breakout because Tom is really popular there and whole Asia tbh. Hopefully with great legs in Europe this can reach 400m. 450 DOM and 400m OS will be nice
  15. Crazy, is there any big local film that will release before JWD that will prevent this to go >40m ?
  16. For Friday, nearly same number with NWH Japan's start from usual location. Good start. 10% down in currency though.
  17. I dont really know how accurate yahoo movies jp for japan box office but Top Gun with 4.5/5 with quite many review already. Incredible early rating if its accurate. Allocine for france also with 4.5/5, so wom will be great too in important market.
  18. I used Batman multiplier for mimorin but yeah if we use Dr Strange 2 multiplier it will get into around 8m. From mimorin data, Dr Strange 2 got 523k adm from Wed-Sun and got 9.3m. Top Gun Maverick probably will get 160k - 190 - 175k for Friday to Sunday. Around the same with DS2, so 9m still possible imo.
  19. Nah this is closer to 11m than 8m from this early sales. Even today it will get more admission than Batman did in its OW. Crazy. Japan seems like Top Gun. Nostalgia factor with its quality probably.
  20. Honestly with 2 weeks later release than US. Even with exceptional review 90+ RT score and great WOM. 70-80m is already great. Still better than not releasing at the market at all.
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