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Posts posted by Dragoncaine

  1. 1 hour ago, excel1 said:

    No idea how this does overseas but the real key is reception of course. If it is wildly well received, flash 2 will be huge tentpole.

    Hopefully the DCU can learn how to pull off a good sequel by then!

    • Like 1
  2. I think this movie's gonna be a BANGER and I also think the budget was $300m or close to it. The amount of development time and forfeited deals ALONE! And the trailer clearly looks like the movie cost a pretty penny.

  3. 1 hour ago, reddevil19 said:

    Hmmm. Not really sure how I feel about this movie. Very much on the edge of 5/10 for me but could go lower or slightly higher. The humour didn't really work for me. Zachary Levy was quite annoying throughout. He crossed the line, whereas in the first he rode it well. I think it didn't help that we saw SO MUCH of Shazam and so little of Billy to balance it out (it's strange that he plays adult so much younger/sillier than when he's Billy and this was very noticeable here). Also Jack Dylan Grazer crossed well over into annoying with the shouting. Became quite grating, whereas in the first one he was on the right side of snarky and funny. Just overall some pretty bad character work, compounded by not ideal acting. Speaking of...by God, Lucy Liu was terrible. Not in a "scenery chewing, Jeremy Irons in Dungeons and Dragons" bad, just outright atrocious. Some of her lines reminded me of Mortal Kombat Annihilation's "Too Bad You Will Die". 


    But some of the action was fun, some decent themes still there. Overall just a pile of meh. Hardly offensive, but instantly forgettable, whereas the first was something quite special for me.

    Yeah, this is where I'm at. Everyone's obnoxiousness was really cranked up, the themes were good but underexplored, and Levi was just unbearable in this one 90% of the time. They took everything I loved about Shazam! And shoved it like hot coals down our throats. And while overall I liked the 3rd act, that one scene (you know the one) was so tonally jarring, shoehorned, and ruined an otherwise great emotional moment. Wouldn't be surprised if it's on my "worst scenes of the year list" by the end of 2023.

  4. 1 hour ago, Welcbr12 said:



    “Shazam: Fury of the Gods” opened to No. 1 in North America, but the Warner Bros. and DC Comics sequel fell short of expectations with its disappointing $30.5 million debut from 4,071 theaters. Heading into the weekend, the film was expected to collect $35 million to $40 million, which already wasn’t all that spectacular since it cost north of $110 million to make and another $100 million to market.


    This movie is a disaster 

    Shazam! Fury of the Gods makes history as the first movie to spend $100m on invisible marketing

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  5. That one scene from the leaked footage gotta be a contender for my "Worst Scenes of 2023" list when all is said and done. Overall, though, the movie is fine, but not good. I gave it a 2.5/5. Completely forgettable and going bigger here hurt the movie compared to the original, which I'd give a 4/5. Mirren and Zegler are having fun, but Lucy Liu was quite bad. Zachary Levi's obnoxiousness was cranked up to 11 here, and while Jack Dylan Grazer is still the MVP, even his character was more grating than the first movie.


    Some really funny moments interspersed between lots of duds, and the action is generally competent. I just wish we got A LOT more Billy Batson, a less convoluted plot, and funnier writing. The charm was there in fits and starts, whereas it was present the entire time during the original Shazam.

  6. 4 hours ago, AMC Theaters Enjoyer said:

    You never see a movie, even a big blockbuster like this, get a whole article in a major trade like THR about how the biggest movie star on the planet loved it so much. Between this, the year of claims about how the movie is "so good guys for real" from insiders and execs (Gunn and Zaslav hyping it up while the other DC films this year are barely acknowledged), WB returning to the Super Bowl just for it and none of their other movies, there's just something weird about how this movie is being pushed. Particularly given WB's current state and their lack of consistent hits over the past few years.


    It'll be funny if (most likely when), after all this, the movie just gets meh reviews and barely grosses more than Quantumania.

    Crazy, I know. Almost like the movie should be really good.

  7. 3 minutes ago, PlatnumRoyce said:

    The cinemacon news really convinced me but this reduces my confidence. It's a weird combination of too on the noise (clear subtext is "Top Gun Maverick star declares Flash to be the next Top Gun Maverick") and completely off the record. There's not even the pretense of a rote "Cruise/director of Flash did not comment when asked." 

    WB clearly thinks they have a crowd-pleasing hit on their hands, but this makes me suspect they're trying too hard to gin up a pre-release whisper campaign about the film's quality because of how successfully Top Gun: Maverick was able to leverage one (given that initial screenings happened pre-pandemic and Maverick genuinely was the most crowd pleasing blockbuster of the decade).

    Are we supposed to be 100% confident this happened as depicted because "an insider" said it as part of the film's marketing campaign?

    This feels like it would be so easy for Cruise to disprove or deny, though. And this is far from the first sign or hint of buzz that the movie is great. The timing is hysterical though

  8. 7 minutes ago, PlatnumRoyce said:

    For anyone that doesn't know "score-details-json" lets you see the raw vote totals instead of just seeing binned numbers (currently < 50).

    Where do you paste "score-details-json?" I tried it with a backslash in the URL and it didn't work, but I'm curious to see this in action.


    RT looks like it's down to 56% btw, even with fewer than 100 reviews. Crazy

  9. 6 minutes ago, Kyriacos said:

    Mon: 3.66M

    Tue: 4.4M

    Wed: 3.23M


    The movie is EXTREMELY strong during the week

    In comparison S5 in its first weekdays did:

    Mon: 3.8M (Holiday-MLK Day)

    Tue: 2.06M

    Wed: 1.55M


    S6 is doing more than double

    All of the holdovers are inflated by Spring Break, but yeah, this is still very strong. Well deserved for an awesome movie

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