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Posts posted by Dragoncaine

  1. 30 minutes ago, Lucas said:

    I liked the movie but it's completely made up of paradoxes and contradictions, both thematically and visually. It's simultaneously rather thoughtful and completely clueless, visually very nice and catastrophically ugly, and in it is a warning about nostalgic overload, but the movie then endulges in that overload way too much. There should be a much better version of it somewhere in there. It's definitely a crowdpleaser and oh boy does it please them. It's likeable, funny, and very entertaining. It's genuinely clever to pair Barry Allen with a younger version of himself, and the script does a very good job with both of them. In many ways it feels like an ending that leaves behind a desire to look forward - but only until the film then threatens once again with one last look back. Very enjoyable, it just might also be the nadir of franchise cinema.

    Are you Matt Zoller-Seitz? Your comment about contradictions is strikingly similar, haha! Glad you liked the movie, but sorry it wasn't better. I'm really intrigued to see how I respond to this one.

  2. 13 minutes ago, M37 said:

    Well, we got the review bump this week that everyone was expecting ...


    ... for Transformers. Count me in the ~$8M Thur/ over $50M camp now. EA shows are a complicating factor in sales patterns, but haven't seen late growth like this for a long time. Might see a lower IM due to EA inflated preview, but Friday sales are similarly showing strong growth, so maybe not


    Still think there's some merit to this theory, that it's more palatable for casual audiences who for whatever reasons passed on TLM and/or SV, plus reviews are good enough to draw in the regular moviegoers as well


    The gap between TF and Flash has gotten awfully narrow this week ...

    Crazy that these Transformers reviews are considered good, but I guess it's all relative within the franchise. I'll check it out this weekend

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Ohana said:

    And also I don't see any young fans raving about Robert Pattison,
    It feels like The Batman appealed more to olden audiences.
    Personally I found it the most boring Batman movie to date, but maybe it's because I love elements of sci-fi / supernatural 
    in comic book movies. 

    Do you use TikTok and Twitter? I'm not sure how young you're referring to, but I feel like this point can be emphatically argued against, haha. Pattinson was very well liked in the role by high-school and college students - now if you mean elementary or middle school, then yeah, I don't think The Batman would hit them the same way a flashier, colorful, thrill-ride CBM would.

  4. 16 minutes ago, vafrow said:

    Going backwards against all comps on the day after your review embargo isn't a great trend.

    Defcon 3 moment for me lol. I really think the excessive # of hyped screenings and reactions happening for a month straight, combined with decent but not great reviews, will result in a slowdown near the end instead of a ramp up. People have had arguably too much time to digest all of the flashy reactions instead of concentrating it all to the final 2-3 weeks.

    • Like 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, Mr Roark said:

    It’s still beyond me how WB ended up jeopardizing and messing the DCEU over the past 6 years.

    Yes, Snyder is a controversial director that made some controversial choices but his 5 movies plan for Supes, Batman and the JL vs Darkseid would’ve been extremely cool to witness.

    We got a glimpse of that in ZSJL and even if the 4 hours film is something designed for hardcore fans it still has some peak DC moments in it with good direction, emotional punches and scoring.

    Too bad they butchered BvS into a 150 mins mess and then destroyed JL in a desperate retroactive move to copy Marvel.

    Now after 5 abysmal flops in a row we are going to see TIM BURTON’s 70 years old Batman fighting Kryptonians within a dead end movie for a brand that’s gonna be rebooted in another two years…

    If you need 3 hours to tell a marginally coherent story about Batman and Superman and make an illogical mess in 2.5, you're not the guy for the job. The Bruce/Lois stuff in Snyder's 5-movie plan is perhaps the dumbest arc I've heard for a modern CBM. And I say that as someone who thoroughly enjoyed ZSJL and thinks MoS has an outside shot at a spot in the "Top 10 CBM" conversation.

    • Like 3
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    • Knock It Off 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Eric 2099 said:

    The Flash Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-9 and Counting

      Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold
    TOTALS 0 98 1809 18907 9.57%


    Total Seats Sold Today: 49


    Comp - T-9

    0.326x of The Batman (7.04M)

    0.897x of Jurassic World 3 (16.14M)

    0.287x of Thor 4 (8.32M)

    2.113x of Black Adam (16.06M)

    0.778x of Avatar 2 (13.22M)

    0.384x of Ant-Man 3 (6.73M)

    0.497x of Guardians 3 (8.7M)

    0.870x of Spider-Verse (15.1M)

    Oh no

    • Like 1
    • Astonished 1
  7. 1 hour ago, thajdikt said:


    Okay this clip right here is bad, not the actual clip that looks awesome but the VFX is making it look like a PS3 game. I don´t mind bad VFX, but this is rough. On the other hand Sasha looks absolute perfect for the role. Can´t wait to watch her in this.


    I've been saying for weeks the action will probably be sick and visually inventive and the CGI will undercut the inventiveness. Looks like that's the case so far!

  8. 30 minutes ago, Flopped said:

    Sad, almost every mixed or negative review says that there's lots of promise or the movie almost pulls its conceit off, but it wallows in cheap nostalgia too much. That's exactly what doesn't excite me about modern CBMs, so I hope I feel differently once I watch it.

  9. 5 hours ago, AJG said:

    I saw this Bus Stop Ad earlier.

    The Quoted Review is just some guys Twitter



    This is a RT-approved critic for We Live Entertainment. You're seeing his Twitter handle bc this weeks-old ad was from the reaction embargo being up - his review is a 9.5/10.

    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, Durden said:

    The film is awful. Literally awful. Oscar for Worst Visual Effects.


    But still a 3/5.



    Anyway, up to 74% on RT with 68 reviews. Maybe we'll get a 61 MC once that Slant review is improved from a 50 to a 63, but realistically I expect more mixed or negative reviews to come in and balance things out anyway.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Lucas said:

    Now it hasn't even moved with the additional 80 from Empire lmao



    Sometimes MC takes a bit to actually update the aggregate score, even when the individual scores have been included. Maybe this is one of those times? Or maybe Empire is also very lightly weighted (which I don't believe to be especially true).

  12. 2 minutes ago, 21C said:

    It's not bad but the problem is that it's not exactly promising either with how the tracking for pre-sales has been lackluster.

    My guess is that this movie will make somewhere around 600-650 million worldwide. Enough to break even and maybe even make a bit of a profit, but also enough so that WBD won't miss Ezra Miller, probably won't bother pursuing any elseworlds projects with Keaton's Batman, and Brave and the Bold goes to someone else since Muschietti isn't even signed. 

    Also my guess is that this probably marks the end for a while of them exploring this multiverse concept at least in DC. 

    The Suicide Squad was a total bomb and Gunn became the Creative Head of the franchise. I think Muschietti is staying as many reviews are citing the cinematography and action as a highlight (just not the VFX)

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