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Everything posted by Madhuvan

  1. Considering we are in pandemic and movie will be available on Disney+ , what IM do you see?? I see around 6.5-7x.
  2. You didn't get what I was saying. I never said that no one should criticize.. I just said don't be personal. Is that a fanboy behavior?? I am not gonna go on about this discussion because I have many things to say but I respect BOT rules and leave this discussion here.
  3. Trailer is awesome. I loved it. Also, I hope you all don't start doom and gloom again. If you don't like trailer or thinks it looks bad fair enough and I have absolutely no problem if you think that this movie will fail in Asia blah blah.. But please don't come for personal stuffs about actors like last time. It's offensive idc
  4. Loki is not only turning up to best Disney+ show in quality but I would say if next 3 episodes are also like this , this will comfortably be in my Top 5 MCU.
  5. Writers ,Directors and actors everyone is teasing episode 4 as something insane and new. Honestly , I could guess the plot till episode 2 from trailers. now , I don't know where they are going. Such a refreshing feel after Wandavision and Falcon , where it was easier to deduce.
  6. It would have trended anyway so no nothing changes. Most people wouldn't even know about this. Anyways trailer is better than first.
  7. Grace Randolph tries too hard to pit DC vs MARVEL. Somebody tell her it ain't gonna work.
  8. And while this maybe little fanboyish , you are actually right in a way. So , we wait. No other critic has such extreme reaction and I do know few who would have said harsh things if movie was actually bad.
  9. lol, no. That one review , I have a thing to say against it but Eric has asked us not to. Just wait till June 29th , you will know yourself.
  10. Anyways , they got what they wanted from movie. Florence Pugh is getting unanimous praise. She is our future Black Widow and I can't be happier.
  11. This is my doubt as well. Also regarding Steve leaving wouldn't that mean 2 timelines becuase in MCU timeline Peggy wasn't married to Steve. Or did they hid it really well ? Because otherwise Sharon will know better to not kiss his grand uncle.
  12. Well , it's not logically coherent right now , if you think about Steve Rogers and what TVA said.
  13. Why do you have so much fear about timeline?? MCU is no way going to be linear Loki or not. We have NWH, DS2 and even Kang coming. Do you really think MCU timeline will be linear after all of this?? Specially after Kang?
  14. First episode has really grown on me. The score is fantastic. Everything about this show is so different than other 2. This show has MCU vibes.
  15. Wow, this was absolutely fantastic episode. Also this is what we needed for Phase 4. I have a theory regarding this show, I think the actions of LOKI in this show is what causes this all to happen in first place. Maybe a Paradox. Hmmm
  16. That image is so weird. Hope he is not pressured by Marvel do go this extreme. Maybe it's for Netflix Hulk Hogan movie
  17. Yes. Odinson Thor's arc is pretty much coming to end. His scene with mother was full circle moment. Only thread left in his story was his love for Jane Foster and that will be pretty much be resolved in Thor 4. So, it's right in every eay that we get new Thor.
  18. Yeah. Haven't seen swifties supporting this movie and that's a good thing. Press is gonna be very awkward.
  19. Oh no , I wasn't talking about this movie. She only shot for 2 days so just a cameo. I was thinking more in the future. This movie seems another cats size bomb to me.
  20. Hoping she only has cameo and addresses this situation. We want musical from her. She can write excellent musical.
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