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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 7 minutes ago, poweranimals said:

    Honestly, I think people are just tired of the franchise as a whole. And it's going to take a lot of good will to reignite the spark.  #punintended; If people don't like Rise of the Beasts, they might as well throw in the towel and the release date they picked isn't doing them any favors. Outside of Elemental, it's the least interesting of the big releases that month. But at least Elemental might appeal to a different audience.


    The one counter I'd offer is that Transformers is a known IP which could help it OS. And yet, people who might see Transformers will probably go see The Flash if they want a bublockbuster, or Elemental, if they want something for the kids.

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  2. 1 hour ago, cannastop said:

    I guess there really isn't an embargo on this movie...


    Judging by Inside Out, people can just write reviews of the movie when they see it. Quite a few reviews of Inside Out were published on the day of the premier at Cannes.


    Seems like the right call. This movie could use all the hype it could get.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    I think Spider-Verse will be slightly frontloaded, it looks amazing and I'm looking forward to it but I do wonder if it'll act more like a superhero sequel than an animated sequel. 


    I'm bullish on Elemental and I think the Cannes reviews should help it in terms of raising awareness to audiences. 



    Spider-Verse is going to do well for itself, but not be a HUGE increase from 1.


    Long shot, but I won't be surprised if that runtime puts off some families who want something breezier and easier to watch, which could potentially help Elemental. 


    Yes, The Flash will open big, but if Inside Out could do well opening close to Jursssic World, I don't see why we can't see something similar here.

  4. I would have ended with the fight in Smallville and then Superman destroying the terraformer.


    Once it's just Superman fighting Zod in Metropolis, the fight becomes dull and numbing. The big issue is that I never got the sense that either of them was in mortal peril, they just fly towards each other and bounce off like rubber. 


    More should have been done to sell that these guys were getting bruised and exhausted. It never felt like their punches were having any effect. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    Did it really though? Superman has commonly been dismissed as “boring” by the general public for nearly 40 years. Despite the divisive at best reception to the Snyder films, I’m not sure how it hurt public perception of the character anymore than it already was. People like Frank Miller played a bigger role in damaging the perception of Superman. 


    Well, it hasn't exactly helped that perception either. If the movies were good, we might not have been in this scenario.

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