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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 8 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    It's not really all that baffling. All four DC movies next year are storytelling dead ends. They are lame ducks that won't lead anywhere. Audiences are smart enough to spot lame ducks, hence Dark Phoenix-which also came out against the backdrop of a reboot-catastrophically bombing. Why bother advertising it beyond the bare minimum? Spend as little as possible, recoup what you can, and move on.


    Dark Phoenix failing had more to do with Apocalypse being a disappointment. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

    People bashed Lightyear for "flopping" but it's hard to winover kids these days. 


    You basically need to go viral for certain audiences to succeed in certain genres.


    Boomers, kids, and DC fans aren't showing up en mass for most of the stuff marketed towards them these days.


    Lightyear had a confusing marketing campaign and was a niche concept. But children's movies have been struggling as of late. Hoping that things improve in 2023.

    • Like 1
  3. The snowstorm didn't help matters, but I think a lot of the results we're seeing have different explanations. 


    Babylon: Middling reviews, vague trailers that never told you what the movie was about, and adult dramas still struggling in a post covid world.


    I Wannna Dance with Somebody: The idea of a Whitney Houston movie no longer seems special years after we've had numerous specials and made for TV movies. 


    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, ZattMurdock said:

    I don’t blame the marketing. I absolutely love Wakanda Forever. But it’s a downer of a film, it end on one of the most epic high notes in the universe that shut up collectively all the idiots demanding for a recast of T’Challa and yet, it is having the path that I feel like it was bound to make given the circumstances. I’d argue that Wakanda Forever is performing accordingly, Multiverse of Madness over performed and the anomaly is Thor: Love and Thunder. I still don’t see why that film didn’t went gangbusters. My second favorite MCU film this year.  


    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The Little Mermaid, and Indy 5 mostly market themselves. It's Elemental and Wish that are going to need the biggest push. 

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    8 minutes ago, Macleod said:


    My bet is that they will go full bore with everyone *else* that is in the movie...and there are a lot.  The General Audience only really cares about whether the movie looks good...or bad.  Personal controversies and franchise problems can all be overcome...if the movie is great!  But yes, even though all the buzz for the movie is great, it will be a true test of how toxic the DC/Warner Bros. brand has truly become. 


    Yeah that sounds about right 


    3 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    I actually think this can be succesful because every time something about Elemental drops it goes viral because of Fireboy & Watergirl comparissons 


    Some can think this is actually bad for the movie but honestly, i doubt someone will not watching it because of some funny comparissons. 


    People talking about it is what it needs, and it's happening.


    I mean, it already seems like Disney is pushing it a lot more than their 2022 outings. And it has a better idea of what it wants to be than Lightyear did in its marketing. 

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  7. 36 minutes ago, Verrows said:

    With Iger back in the fold are they now going to have everyone come back for this or are they sticking with the plan? I realize you have to do something new for a sequel but you can't just kick beloved characters to the curb and hope to rekindle the magic.


    Oh, and this can get moved to the main forum now too.


    He's definitely going to try. Hope it's not too late. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, reddevil19 said:

    Oh, I get the games are popular, but I was reticent on its power of drawing THAT many people to a theatrical release (DM grew tremendously from the first movie, off the back of annoying yellow creatures that created an insane following - my question is whether that in-built following for Mario will show up in cinemas). But if it does 800+...great, more likely it can bring life back to theatrical animation.


    It's still a video game adaptation, which limits its reach to some degree. 

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