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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 31 minutes ago, AniNate said:

    There is never gonna be no competition. Wherever they put it there are going to be pros and cons.


    I'd at least want to wait and see how the Flash PR campaign unfolds and if it ends up certain to open that day before blinking. I personally think it would be a bad look to move it just because a very troubled superhero tentpole moved to the same weekend. As it is they still stand as the moral choice of the weekend.


    I will say if Pixar really is confident in it, might be a good idea to get it into Cannes, that way a good reputation can be built up in the month leading up.

    Didn't Up go to Cannes?

  2. 40 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

    The move up seems like WB smelled blood after the Lightyear/Strange World fiascos this year. Elementals kinda looks weak too IMO and I already expected Spider-Verse to outperform it. Could be Summer 2023's biggest casualty.


    Depends on the reviews at this point.

  3. 13 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


    Have you read American media before? Watched American interviews? When was the last time anyone asked anyone hard questions? Uncomfortable questions?


    There's still 6 months left where Ezra can do "rehabilitation". I imagine that COULD come up, but if Ezra is a part of the marketing/promotion, I doubt they'll be doing it without massive coverage from WB PR.


    Yeah, but there's almost no chance they'll let Miller be an active part of the press tour.

  4. 14 minutes ago, SullyJake said:

    This movie will bomb hard. Ezra Miller articles will be everywhere when advertising begins

    I think WB is betting on the average person not knowing about Ezra's controversies. Though that becomes a challenge when the press tour begins and the question inevitably comes up. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Verrows said:

    Yep, gotta think so. Says something that other studios are willing to move in with Disney on certain dates. That hasn't happened in the recent past. Although it seems to be more about The Flash and what WB thinks of it, you have to think this also says something about the Pixar brand.


    It says that they can't risk a third animated flop in a row. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Reddroast said:

    The difference is sonic had a notable run of bad games and a toxic fandom long before we saw what sonic was supposed to look like. Mario games are consistently good


    To be fair, every fan base has toxic members. But the point I'm making is that the success of the games don't directly translate to the box office. It's going to make a lot, but the ceiling isn't as high as many think.

  7. 11 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    If gay characters are that much of a turn-off, then I’d have to wonder why things have apparently regressed so much over the course of just seven years. One of the biggest children’s shows of the 2010s was Steven Universe, and that’s extremely queer. 


    Television show audiences are a world apart from movie audiences when it comes to that kinda stuff. Also, Steven Universe came out at a different time and era.

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