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Everything posted by Tarintino

  1. Tesla forced other car makers over to EV's. They showed little interest in a mass production of EV's until Tesla threatened their market and forced the change. Are Tesla's the best EV's? Definitely not but have the helped convert millions into cutting back their emisions? Absolutely. Space X was also a great idea. Humans gave up on space and Nasa so it's my belief that people with his wealth owe it to humanity to further push the limits of space pioneering. Twitter takeover is a great idea because its currently a platform with a bias agenda which is preventing the growth it could be enjoying. It need to bring itself down the centre, if Musk turns it into a right wing platform then ill admit I was wrong, but that doesn't seem like his goal. I'd rather respect people like Musk than hate on him, unless he gives me a good reason to hate him.
  2. The worst part for me was her lying under oath that she donated that 7m settlement to the 2 charities back in the UK court case. Now she's admitted she's not done that and blamed depps current law suit as a reason why, despite the lengthy gap. Donating that money would have silenced all of those who claimed she was looking for financial gain, now these people are more convinced than ever
  3. The issue with this is its not fair on the thousands of people that worked on Aquaman who dont deserve their work to be ignored.
  4. Maybe, I guess he could turn into either Tony Stark or Lex Luther at this point. I dont think he needs to be a con man. As of now I think the way he's fast tracked EV's has to be seen as a positive for the planet but like all humans, he's not without faults
  5. She's also admitted to starting fights with the guy and chasing him for a reaction. Also didn't that makeup company call her out on her lie? Its all iffy to me, Both are wrong, neither should be cancelled for their relalationship. If one is fired, the other should be too. If Warner hasn't even gotten round to firing Ezra Miller yet, someone whos actually been arrested for abuse then these two shouldn't have a problem
  6. This seems like a matter that should have been left away from the courts. Its just a typical toxic relationship which the public had no need to be on the loop about but one party thought they could financially gain from this. They will both be working in no time
  7. So far the case isn't looking too good for Amber but regardless of the trials outcome, the public have heard those very damaging audio recordings of her now and that's why she has such limited support.
  8. I am. I think it's good to respect those who are trying to make the planet greener. It's certainly healthier than being salty and hating on the guy because he's rich.
  9. Flighter pilots usually have a cut off age at sround 25 years old so the young casting makes sense. They don't tend to accept anyone older
  10. UK only came 2nd because of all the support we've given Ukraine compared to the rest of Europe. Any other year and we would have had zero points
  11. This is just silly. its on hold whilst they clarify the amound of daily users hasn't been exaggerated by bots. He even confirmed he's still set on the buyout. Twitter has lost 30% of it value since the announcement so if the daily user has infact been exaggerated it will give him the option to negotiate a lower price. All of this is a simple google search away my friend, it has nothing to do with his popularity which really hasn't been effected during all this. People against the takeover likely never liked him in the first place
  12. I never said it was your problem, but anyways, Top Gun I really dont know what numbers to expect from this, I was expecting a rotten score and a flop and so far I'm embarassingly wrong on the first part
  13. The final chase is devoid of any tension and goes on far too long for a movie which doesn't have a wasted scene. Maybe if George didn't try being so efficient we'd have had atleast 1 character to actually care for. It's a bit like Dunkirk in that respect which too had high critical acclaim but again left me caring for none of the characters. All personal preference I guess
  14. It seems more likely that the stocks taking a tumble of almost 30% make it difficult for him to sell Tesla stock to cover it (assuming that's how he foots the bill). He's lost more than Twitters worth since the announcement
  15. It's no more economic or efficient than films like TDK or Edge of tomorrow which dont have a wasted scene. Fury Road has a simple plot and is very well made, comparable with something like Gravity to me wheras a film like TDK is not only well made but has a great plot to go with it that really sets it apart to most action films.
  16. Off the top of my head, TDK, Edge of tomorrow, Borne 2&3, John Wick, Bad Boys 2 and The Raid are all more engaging. If I had to pick a favourite it would likely be Casino Royale. I wasn't emotionally invested in any of the characters in Mad Max which prevented me from loving it. It also felt like it didnt utilise it's R rating as well as it could have.
  17. Pratt was coming off the back of Guardians though which was a massive breakout for him. I'd say he helped Jurassic World more than this new cast will help Dominion. He had meme's flying all over the place when it opened. But yeah the Dinos have and always will be the main attraction
  18. My name has nothing to do with Quentin. But still, I, like most audiences refuse to call Mad Max the greatest action movie of this century. If it was so loved, it would have performed better. Critics liked it but it was a bit too strange for my liking
  19. I dont think bringing the old cast will help. Goldblum didnt help TLW or Fallen Kingdom and Sam Neil didn't help Jurassic Park 3. The most successful 'Park' sequel was the one that didn't bother with any of the old cast and instead relied on Pratt's popularity. This will gross less than Fallen Kingdom domestically and worldwide
  20. I dont understand NFT's in the slightest. Nice to see all the crypto bros go quiet on my feed. I'm sure there will be a bounce but its safe to say cryptos wont be peaking again til atleast 2024
  21. Mods: Deleting my comment for suggesting Elon Musk will improve twitter is completely out of order. It's not rude nor is it against the rules. It may go against your opinion of the guy but that shouldn't give you the right to remove my post. The guy made Paypal huge and everywhere I look I see people driving Teslas. With just 300m users on twitter compared 2.9b from Facebook, there's cleary massive room to grow and looking at his track record, it's safe to assume he can begin to close that gap. Twitter no longer being so biased will do nothing but improve it If someone can point out in your rule section where I crossed the line that would be great becasuse im baffled
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