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Everything posted by Tarintino

  1. I think the left and right just love to argue with one another regardless of the subject. The right dont want 7 years olds having their heads filled with sex ed as it's obviously alot to take in as a child whilst the left dont want the new law to make it easy for LGBTQ members to be surpressed given the poor wording of the new law. Instead of campaigning to remove the law completely, why not campaign to have it re-worded to give people a clearer view? Or is meeting half way just not an option when it comes to politics?
  2. You could just tell by the way he spoke that it wasn't acting. I also dont think Will Smith would risk his likability just to give the oscars a ratings boost
  3. I guess my film studies teacher was just a casual movie fan then, he used to ridicule the oscars and that was before they got bad 🤣
  4. You're quick to jump on JK Rowling for having friends with different opinions to you but condoning someone who threatened to kill a guy and his 'slut' wife is what makes you uncomfortable? Strange
  5. This is silly. I watch movies every day, study them and keep myself updated on future released and even talk on forums like this but if im not informed on what the US based academy thinks are the years best movies despite all the controversy in recent years then I'm not a true movie buff? That is so pretentious
  6. I get your point, i just disagree that all film buffs know of all best picture nominations when Im living proof that's not true. And yes I paid attention in class, even though it was 15 years back. Oscars and festivals like Cannes had nothing to do with my assignments. No need to patronise
  7. Doug Ellin and Jim Carey didnt have nice things to say about Will Smith
  8. How are movie buffs and movie geeks two different groups? Most people can't even watch CODA unless they pay for Apple tv so suggesting all movie buffs must know of CODA's existence is a massive stretch. World cup is not the same as the oscars. I havent even seen an article pop up discussing the oscar winners this year, its just all about the slap because they know people are caring less and less about the awards, including all the movie buffs out there. World cup is the biggest sporting event in the world to the point that people with no interest in football know who the winner is so comparing the oscars to an event that brings in 500m viewers is flawed. Comparing to rate hikes is laughable as they actually effect people. Seeing who took home a gold statue one night doesn't have any effect on the public, its just curiosity which has dwindled over the years due to unpopular decisions. I, like many people who are movie buffs hadn't even heard of CODA until the win, took me til last week to realise it wasn't an acronym
  9. Nah because the world cup winner is decided by an exciting game of who's best on the night. Best picture winners are picked based on people's opinion who are out of touch with much of the public. That's why the world cup final ends up being the most watched sporting event whilst the oscars struggle to get 20m viewers. Many true movie buffs stopped paying attention to the oscars when The Reader was nominated over TDK.
  10. Mate i did film studies so I probably know more about it than you
  11. Dude, chill. I havent suggested anything is 'woke' so no need for strawmanning. And yes I love Robocop.
  12. No the problem is all these film studies classes taught new filmmakers that metaphors and political matters brought into movies are more important than a good story. Now we have really well made movies with ridiculous and unrelatable stories so people naturally show less interest.
  13. Thats the thing, I dont find all of his jokes funny, I'm willing to laugh at the ones I like and cringe at the ones I dont. There seems to be a pattern these days where people hear 1 joke they dont like so decide they are crap comedians. That's like me saying Christian Bale isn't that good of an actor because his performance in Terminator Salvation was bad.
  14. People with a sense of humour find him funny, people who dont aren't his target audience
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