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Everything posted by Tarintino

  1. Sounds like things got blown out of proportion
  2. Well luckily it's not down to you. What's Brad Bird done to upset anyone?
  3. Best is very subjective. That being said, I think many can agree that TDK is probably the smartest comic book movie, but I wouldnt call it a superhero movie as it's essentially a modern day mob/crime action thriller making it hard to be fairly compared to most of the accurately bright and colourful adaptations out there
  4. Its mainly opnion piece articles that suggest the UK's involvement in WW1 was an error in history. Should have we just let Germany run wild and potentially let them get to a point where they were too strong to deal with? Reality is there are too many ripples created to guess what the world would have looked like today had we not rushed to war. It weakened the UK, but we are a small Nation that really doesnt need nor care about having the power we used to have. Historians say lots of things, truth is no-one has a crystal ball
  5. Because they are part of Nato therefore it's difficult to just turn your back on this situation. Then again they did manage it for half of WW2
  6. I think we can all agree that posting reactions from 'verified Twitter users' also adds no value
  7. This will open over 150m. The hype is there, the trailer is great and Batman is the most popular superhero of all time. 200m is more likely than some of the under 100m predictions I've seen. I bet when this movie opens around the 200m mark, people will say it was a massive surprise rather than admitting they just lowballed it
  8. Sure it is. Ukraine dont have to be armed by Nato to join Nato. Ukraine probably wouldnt have wanted to join Nato had Russia stopped playing silly bollocks and messing around in the black sea. Now they feel they need an alliance and its within every European countries right to decide whether they can join Nato, so Russia really shouldn't have a say. If they dont want guns pointing at them, then stop pointing them at Ukraine. If your neighbour knocks on your door and asks for help because their partner is being abusive, will you let her in or tell her you dont want any involvement?
  9. Ukraine should just join Nato. If Hitler number 2 has a problem with it, thats down to him. You can't force countries to do things they dont want to do
  10. I read that China have it out for Marvel. Where Americans think its progressive making films like Shang Chi, apparently they see it as stereotyping. It's like, "ah we will give them a martial arts movie, they love that shit" We saw a lot of chinese landmarks and influence in Avatar and the hype there for a sequel would make it very difficult for the goverment to simply block.
  11. Why not? I dont see the logic here. The covid impact has fizzled out rapidly. We saw with NWH and Bond how little Covid is impacting the box office right now, the virus is pretty much behind us, it doesnt even make headline news these days. We are about to see a boom in the box office market
  12. No i didn't. Still, I would have thought a box office forum of all places would expect a huge gross from A2. Instead im hearing more realistic predictions from outside sources.
  13. This is so wrong. Everyone knows Avatar, most people still rave about it, there's just been no content released to keep it fresh in discussions, like any decade old movie. It's got the most pages of discussion in these forums alone, it persuaded millions of people to waste money on a 3d televsion, It created a surge in demand for hollywood entertainment in China and led every studio to convert their films to 3d. I cant think of any other film in history that had such a wide impact on the industry. Avatar's 3d hype left such a great lasting impression that it took every other studio about 5 years to finally kill the format with cheaper looking post production conversion jobs. It did all this after just 1 movie, there's 4 more to come I'd imagine Iron man would have left no lasting impact in pop culture had they not decided to give him 7 sequels and a few cameos. Let's see Avatar's impact after a few more sequels
  14. There wont be yet, its 10 months from release. Every time I see something on social media though, the comments are mostly filled with 'finally, Avatar is still my favourite movie' etc Films like that dont need to marketing this far out
  15. Yes but considering we all know Avatar is locked to make more than 1.4b, I twisted his statement. Realistically Avatar has a higher chance of making 1.4b in china than only just making it worldwide
  16. Avatar's gross today is the equivalent to around 4.4b, so 50% of that was what I was referring to
  17. Those Avatar odds just scream free money. Though i guess a chunk of Avatar's gross will come in 2023.
  18. The box office market has increased 60% since 2009 so a 50% drop with a market for market comparisson would still give it around 2.2b
  19. There are no gurantees. All countries are going through an inflation crises brought on by the pandemic. What will really impact the euro is the ECB's current decision not to introduce a rate hike in 2022, something the FED and BOA are doing. This will likely see the Euro continue to depreciate for this year which could hurt Avatar. What it loses in Europe will be made up in China alone though
  20. I didnt realise TDKR was only 1.081b, i thought it was about 100m higher. Joker was just 5m away, crazy.
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