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Everything posted by Tarintino

  1. Jokers accomplishment was truly amazing, especially given the budget. I will say the controversy around inciting violence helped the movie more than anything. It gets people talling and interested to see what the attention is about, much like American sniper's controversy gave the film that box office edge. They actually had very similar performances in the States
  2. Youre right, I doubt they care as the original Trio were quite boring characters with the exception of Goldblum (who wasn't even a big part). Sam Neil didnt help Jurassic Park 3 just like Goldblum's appearance did nothing for the Fallen Kingdom. Chris Pratt was hot off Guardians when this was out. He was a bigger draw to the franchise than people want to give him credit for, definitely more so than Goldblum And Sam Neil. The first movie's magic was down to the dino's and did well despite having boring characters, much like Avatar. When people think of the original jurassic Park, they think of Richard Attenborough more than anyone else
  3. Grossing a billion these days doesnt mean much compared to 2008. He's definitely a draw, arguably the 2nd most iconic villain of all time. I Just dont think the Joker character alone caused TDK to become the first superhero movie to gross 1b. Fun fact, Batman's highest grossing movie doesn't even contain the Joker. End of May we will prpbably be saying the 2 highest grossing Batman movies do not contain the Joker
  4. TDK was the 4th movie in history to gross 1b. Joker was the 46th movie to hit that mark. Making 1b in 2019 isn't the same as making 1b in 2008. By how much? I dont know as we dont have an alternate reality to check. Its like spending 100m on advertising, watching a movie open high then claim advertising didnt really help becuase it cannot be proven. Technically no, but most people would point out the glarring obvious. If i was to pick a number though, I'd say 42
  5. No sorry, but It is a fact that Heaths death boosted TDK's gross. You wouldn't argue that Paul Walkers death did not effect the Fast franchise. To argue Heaths death had no impace would be arguing that Fast 7 was destined to eclipse 1.5b WW in 2d to become the 3rd highest grossing movie of its time. Sorry but Fast 6 wasn't THAT good. Spot the pattern. Luckily I remember 2008 well. I rememer every newsnstation talling about Heath and Batman for months. If the Joker was the reason for its huge opening, then Joker 2019 would have easily cleared 100m opening. It didnt
  6. I doubt Dave Chappelle does the twitter game like most celebs but I could be wrong. It's not a shitty viewpoint, it's a concerned viewpoint from someone with millions on the line. It's very easy to condem when you dont have your money on the line. Rich areas will tend to have more investment put into its surroundings. He doesn't want to invest in an area that might not be profitable, this is just general economics. It's not even worth a headline. Your viewpoint is what causes a businsess to go bust because they opened up in areas with less wealth, and in term less customers. For example my Town doesnt have a university, yet we have nigutclubs opening and closing down every year because there just arent enough young people to keep them afloat. Dave Chappelle basically just wants his Uni fo help his investment. If you go to a richer area or city, there tends to be more to do because many other people are investing like Chappelle. There is a reason why my small Town doesn't have a ritz, it would be a waste
  7. It's common knowledge that his death was a major reason for its gigantic gross. I woudn't have thought i'd have to convince someone of this on a forum that specialises in box office. Any doubt over Heath's impact would have surely been put to bed when F7 reacted the same way. Thats simple, Austin Powers was simply much better than Batman Begins
  8. TDK was great but its gross was massively inflated due to Heath's death, especially considering his death was a direct result of trying to perfect his joker role. The WW gross tripled from BB. A similar thing happened with F7 when it rocketed to 1.5b worldwide after the death of Paul Walker. No-one believed the F&F franchise doubled from 6 to 7 due to the goodwill from the franchise alone
  9. He invested in the area, so affordbale housing means less rich people. Less rich people means less money being spent in the area he's invested in with comedy clubs etc. He's a businessmen, and he wasn't the only one voicing concerns over it. Twitter are just out trying to get him. If you invested in Amazon, then amazon decided to lower their premiums to be more affordable yet bring in less business, you'd probably sell up and find another stock too. When you have millions on the line, its fair to voice concerns and reconisder your investment.
  10. Michael Bay has an eye for cinema that most highly praised directors lack. He also has the ability to give us fun and relatable characters in most of his films. He understands his audience most than critics. In terms of his Transformers sequels, most of them are bad but Transformers 3 is underrated. The action scenes in that are better than anything Marvel has ever produced. They can try and carry on the Transformers franchise without Bay but as we've seen with Bumblee Bee, no amout of critical praise will change the fact that Bay's version was just far more interesting, even if he did get lazy
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-60261876 More Netflix drama
  12. I love Jackass but i wish they had sorted out their problems with Bam. I know the guy had issues but he seemed like the closest one to Ryan Dunn and I'm sure that accident really hit him hard.
  13. I remember buyung MANA at 1.2 and it trippled the next day, luckiest crypto I ever got. The time for investing in these things isn't now though, best waiting a year from them all to hit rock bottom. Cryptos are worthless junk but enough people believe in them to make a proft from them
  14. Correct but that was over 10 years ago. The target audience probably have kids and a high credit score now so rushing to the cinema opening day is probably no longer an option for them
  15. It's good that he did but he didn't need to. He took a diffrerent approact to Dave chappelle who douboed down rather than apologising yet his career seems still intact. I like joe as a comedian, but i wouldnt take his advice on vaccines. All this free advertising has made me curious about what was said in this podcast though
  16. And now that image is back in my head. I was surprised Mark Strong took on that role, that scene did make me laugh.
  17. Each new Jackass movie increased from the last, jackass 3D making 50m on opening back 12 years ago was impressive. Not only that but Bad Grandpa managed 150m off a 15m budget. I dont see how there isn't a market for this when its a massively profitable franchise given the small budgets. The market is lacking comdies as it is and if studios all kept the mindset of yours, it wont be long until cinema really becomes dead. Less and less people are going to the cinema these days because there isnt a wide range of diverse content as it is. Cinema needs comedies like this, they cant just keep making movies for the same target audience forever as one day this audience will grow up and hollywood will be left in an even worse state The theatre reactions to Bad grandpa's beauty pageant scene back in the day was louder than anything I experienced in Endgame or NWH, we should embrace this
  18. Robin Thicke shouldn't be throwing stones in glass houses
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