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Everything posted by Tarintino

  1. I cant even get a baby sitter to watch this. My parents would usually help but they have covid so having them look after a baby would be a bit harsh on them, even if it is for batman
  2. I didnt say it was a flop, it was just slightly disappointing
  3. I want to be at that point again. I miss being excited to go to the cinema. My local took such a beating during the pandemic that they dont even offer jalepenos on your nachos anymore. It's a dark time for theatres
  4. So I cant talk about Pirates of the Carribbean?
  5. Bane > every MCU villain Tom Hardy nailed it, turned Bane into one of the most iconic movie villains after just 1 movie
  6. Comparing the quality of 2 movies is subjective though whereas comparing how 2 movies performed in a market is less about opinion and more about figures and facts Being a box office site it seems like an obvious comparisson to be made, especially as it shows how the markets have changed. I like these little debates because every now and then I learn something I never knew before, like Endgame's number of tickets sold. They are interesting to discuss
  7. I loved Bane. I never used to care for TDKR but repeat viewings and 9 years of MCU movies have appreciate it more over time, even if it did have one of the worst death scenes of any movie, it also had some of the best scenes of any CBM, and Bane's dialogue was so iconic that people still quote it regularly to this day
  8. TBF the seating arrangement could have been avoided. My friend booked for the wrong cinema so when we arrived we had to get a last minute ticket. I used to go theatres alot but as I've gotten older and have a child, I go less and less, party due to the inconvenience and also partly because theres nothing new to see anymore. There's only so many times you can get excited for a new Batman in a decade. When i was 18 I loved watching the likes of TDK and Iron Man in the cinema. Now I'm 32 and it just seems like there is nothing new to get excited over. Im sure people here wont agree with me, but im just predicting the legs wont be too stellar from what Im hearing or reading from social media and friends. I'd have eaten this up 10 years ago though
  9. Last time i went to the theatre was for NWH and I had to sit in the front corner with the worst view. Laying down on my sofa with a great view and homemade plate of nachos at the side is a better experience for me, especially for a film being compared to a thriller like Seven, which doesnt make for essential cinema Ive noticed many complaints about how long this movie feels. I dont mind 3 hour movies but ive heard no-one justify its length. I think this site is guilty of the shinny new toy syndrome. Everyone loves to rave about a brand new movie but a few months down the line, reality tends to kick in
  10. My 2d ticket for Endgame was far more expensive than my 3d ticket for Avatar back in the day so that argument can be put to rest. Endgame has more tickets sold because as i said, the market expanded 60%. So yes its not comparable as far more people were able to watch Endgame than Avatar. It made 650m in china afterall so of course it sold more tickets. Take away the expanded markets and Endgame isn't close to avatar
  11. It is limited, you would never see a comic book movie, even Endgame come close to 2.8b back im 2009. Endgame making 2.8b so recently just shows how much higher the ceiling has become for grosses, unfortunately its hard for that ceiling to be tested as studios only care about CBM's and they will never create new highs without the huge help from expansion, like Endgame had
  12. Didnt they re-release Endgame just to top Avatar? Anyways I never classed Endgame as winning given it needed a 60% market expansion and 10 years of inflation just to squeak by Avatar by a measly 2%. Considering the previous 2 record holders did it with such style, Endgames felt more like a an example of how big the market has become rather than being as impressive as the likes of Titanic or Avatar
  13. And it was made worse by having Spike Lee rant that his didnt win. Sometimes you have to accept that your film wasnt as good or moving as others tackling similar subject matters
  14. Opening on par with MOS just shows the damage thats been done to DC over the last half a dozen years. Hopefully the sequel builds on it
  15. TDKR and Batman V superman were the last 2 batman movies though, so its still a drop for the character. I guess I was just expecting more, especially when the likes of MOS opened almost as high 9 years ago. We've had a lot of inflation since, especially this year Ill give it a go myself on digital (i have oled now so this movie should look great on it) Problem is, i now have a child which makes me very picky on what i watch in cinemas and most of the comments ive seen state its good but overlong, many comparing this to thrillers like Seven so it doesnt scream like a Cinema job to me. 13m is impressive, but not for Batman, it's pretty standard to me. Even deadpool (15 rating) opened higher and hes not the most popular superhero out there like The Batman (granted it was a 5 day opening). Deadpool and Logan being among the higher grossing X-men movies just shows that age rating means nothing when your fanbase is well over 15 as it is. Batman has opened well, but it's not a spectatular opening, its expected, thats how I see it
  16. Im just going by social media comments and the friends that have seen it. One of whom loves everything he watches so for him to tell me to wait to watch it at home, Ill take his word for it Its saturday may have increased but the OW is nothing special compared to older Batman movies
  17. I doubt it. All im hearing is it's good but needlessly long. Seems more like a watch at home film
  18. Its making more than NWH, even without China. This will be an event for theatres whereas NWH, as fun as it is will be just as entertaining watching at home. Comic book movies will always have a limit, something Avatar wont have
  19. I dont think theres much to scoop for Avatar as there is no pre-existing material like comics or 20 years of iconic movie characters to draw base with. The fanbase is already built up for CBM's so rumours of a spider-man reunion and now for Dr Strange potential cameos make for good scooping material. Every time a new CBM is released, there are fans already wanting to know which villain they intend to use and it creates interest. Avatar 2 being a new franchise wont have that type for extreme interest at this point
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