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Everything posted by SaltyPistola

  1. Would love to know what Grace knows about Politics Warfare Or Journalism
  2. Randolph tweets are hilarious. It's a work of fiction not real life what is she waffling on about 😭 Honestly the best marketing this movie has had tbh.
  3. I think Moana 2 is gonna hurt Wicked more than Wicked is gonna hurt Moana 2 tbh. Moana is a juggernaut, and I know for certain like 98% of kids and young families would rather see that than a musical prequel to the Wizard of Oz. Not sure why Disney needs to run anywhere tbh.
  4. I think if they kept the budget low this could be a real winner! So stoked for this. Originally this movie was sold as a Dracula's Daughter remake I believe, so I hope they're just avoiding that connection in the trailer and they haven't ditched it completely. I'd kill for a last act Dracula appearance akin to Vader in Rogue One.
  5. Are the Monday/Tueday drops for GxK good? How far can the total leg out? 100M?
  6. Honestly I thought it looked quite ugly in IMAX, the vfx didn't hold up to that kind of scutiny. I'd go Dolby, it looked much nicer
  7. I love Radio Silence and I loooove Universal Monsters. Sign me the fuck up.
  8. Who the hell is asking for any of those movies. Couldn't think of 3 IP revivals we need less lol
  9. Third act was the best part tho....it was like 30 minutes of brawlin
  10. Kong using baby Kong as a blunt weapon might be scene of the year. I fucking died.
  11. Movie fucking flaps. Ridiculous world building Atrocious dialogue So many stupid looking monkeys Whole scenes of huge Kaiju just grunting at each other like it's normal dialogue Badass fights Destroyed like 3 wonders of the world I've never booked round 2 tickets so quickly. Pump this shit out every 4 years and I will be there.
  12. This myth feels close to racism at this point. Instead of just celebrating the hard work of a small team who was very passionate and had great leader, it MUST be a vfx sweatshop where they were taken from their families and chained to a desk to make the big lizard shoot blue stuff in time for release. Where was this energy for Monsters, EEATO or The Creator or the countless films from the West that get celebrated for their small budgets and impressive visuals? We've been shown proof this wasn't the case and yet people will still spread lies.
  13. Whoops I meant so far! Agreed on this not coming close to these guys(I'd add DM4 and Lion King to that potential list)
  14. Yeah pretty much exactly what I expected. Reviews matter to me cause I want this do well, but tbh I think it's impossible for me not to enjoy a Godzilla movie. They'd have to develop brand new levels of cinematic doghsit that I can't even imagine or completely bamboozle me and get rid of all the monsters. Tomorrow can't come soon enough!
  15. 2019 hit us pretty bad.. but now the MCU is down the drain and the G Man has an Oscar and potentially the biggest opening of the year. If you come for the king, you best not miss.
  16. Give me some of whatever you are smoking rn, cause clearly it's strong af.
  17. Yah I thought that was nice, though I wish they didn't chicken out at the end. LET THEM KISS SONY
  18. This whole community feels like nothing but grown ass men trying to relive their youth however they can (same can be said for the creatives shepherding the franchise currently). I visited the sub and I was shook. What da hell are they doin. No one should be taking Ghostbusters that seriously
  19. I was on some absolute hater juice. I got dragged to the new one and actually had a blast. A solid to great family film. I think a lot of people will dig this one. I am deeply surprised. Guess that's a lesson learnt lmao, never write anything off completely.
  20. Ghostbusters 2 is awful. Unlikeable characters, basically no laughs and and an over reliance on special effects. To me it's just as bad as Ghostbusters 2016. I truely can't see how someone can say 2 is solid while 2016 is awful, that's gotta be nostalgia talking.
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