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Everything posted by SaltyPistola

  1. Unless I'm reading it all wrong, the numbers for IO2 seem quite good? The numbers aren't crazy but it's still a couple of weeks out and seems to be keeping pace with bad boys and the like. Are Pixar films usually presale heavy? I know they have a huge fanbase but I'm expecting this will be a walkup driven opening weekend when the time comes around.
  2. People are high on their own supply if they think Wicked is any sort of threat to this. When was the last time we had a OZ property in cinemas that wasn't largely rejected by audiences? 1939? It looks like an ugly mess and is at least 10 years too late. I mean they're hiding that audiences are only getting half a movie?? I'm truely not sure what Universal is thinking with this one. Moana 2's only enemy is Moana 2. The only reason this doesn't absolutely demolish the season is if it's not very good. Otherwise, this has a clear runway
  3. Expect Thor 5 and Extraction 4 5 6 announcements any day now lol
  4. Especially if they're following Iger's new mandate, I imagine they're well into effects pre-production as well. It's not like they're starting all the cg after they finish filming.
  5. He's been in the industry 20+ years, a lot his movies were very successful and he's quite an influential producer - he's a large part Stranger Things getting off the ground and being so successful. It's really not not that shocking of a evolution.
  6. Maybe an unpopular opinion around here - but I think this will be the highest grossing superhero film of 2025. And by a wide margin.
  7. I wish they committed to the Dracula of it all a little more, but still an awesome watch! Radio Silence don't miss
  8. Agreed on that ranking, but the difference in quality between the good 5 and the bad 5 is a steeeeeeep drop.
  9. Honestly it feels a lot like the fantasy adventures we used to get in the 80s and 90s like Conan or Excalibur even. So I was pretty blown away to get those vibes captured so closely on the big screen in 2024. And yes it's slow but it's certainly not boring - the last set piece is one of the most exciting things I've seen all year. Incredible franchise.
  10. Yeah I do sadly, but I think what he was preaching will only grow between movies. Seems like Noa's tribe is starting to follow in his steps. I think looking back after this new trilogy is over, Raka will be huge catalyst for what goes down.
  11. It seems like it's done a great job at appeasing the die hards and fans who are already there, but I don't think it's bringing in many new eyes. Which is still a big plus for the brand, but I don't think it means a monumental shift is incoming. X-Men are popular, water is wet.
  12. Guardians had the backing of the MCU when it was reaching peak popularity and good will. DC or Superman does not have that. And hasn't for a long time. Have any of Gunn's non MCU films been a success? How did Suicide Squad do? Obviously Gunn is responsible for the critical success of the MCU, but if you removed the marvel branding and marketing I very much doubt it would have had anywhere near the level of commercial success it did.
  13. I think it's pretty bad actually. Guardians had a significantly higher opening, a much more positive reception and much wider appeal. So I don't think that comparison fits. A $180+ million movie with this low of an opening needs better than fine holds to have any hope of being a success.
  14. I think it actually looks pretty cool and I have near absolute faith in Gunn, but it's a bit concerning to me that discourse around this is already mixed this far out. I think this will need at least The Batman numbers to be considered a hit, and it's a pretty stark contrast when you compare the positivity surrounding the suit rollout of that film. This thing really needs all the good word of mouth and hype it can get, because currently I just don't see how it's possible given the box office history of both the character and Gunn (not including MCU). I think it's reasonably easy to right the ship on the hype front, comic book fans are some of the most shallow and easily swayed people out there, but when a whole cinematic universe is resting on the shoulders of this movie I was hoping for a bit of better first impression.
  15. I think this stuff is silly. Not every failure or success has to be systematic of some greater issue in the industry. Audiences simply aren't interested in what they were sold and what the film is. It's that simple. We've seen films of all shapes and sizes succeed this year, we don't need to bend over backwards to make excuses or explanations for this one because it underdelivered. This isn't some original, auteur driven IP that's been done dirty by big bad Hollywood. 12 reasons? I'll give you 1. It's a mediocre product that's having a mediocre performance.
  16. We're not doing this. I'm happy for you that the movie you liked as a kid has found it's own crowd of appreciators, but the movie is absolutely bollocks by all known metrics. No one has been gaslit, there is no great lie - most of the people who saw the movie simply thought it was shit. It's that clear cut. I will give Revenge of The Sith the credit it's due, but anyone actually saying that Episodes 1 & 2 are good movies are not serious people. Take the nostalgia goggles off.
  17. Way. They're gonna do what they're doing with Fantastic Four - set it on a seperate world than mash them all together for Secret Wars. New F4 + new Avengers team + new X-men cast
  18. Yeah it's pretty subtle with the MCU logo, dialogue about Fiege and the giant Ant-Man head.
  19. I gotta say I'm continually disappointed in Leitch as a solo director. Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt were great together, but the movie is too bogged down with ugly visuals and a twist that's so immensely obvious it sucks al the energy out of the third act. Sadly I don't think this has the sauce to breakout. Hopefully I'm wrong tho.
  20. I believe that's already the plan. It's meant to start filming next year.
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