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Everything posted by SaltyPistola

  1. If they kept the budget in check, this could be pretty sizeable success for the mouse. A return to the Alien/Aliens aesthetics and fundamentals should peak the interest of Gen X and hit em with a good ol nostalgia bomb, and the young cast and director are well liked and have a following within Gen Z/horror crowds respectively. This franchise has one of the oldest and most chronically online fan communities out there so that should inflate interest on socials a bit. I reckon FNAF numbers (290+) if it's a critical hit, and The Predator (190) if it's another dud.
  2. The Monsterverse nailing tv storytelling on the first go while Marvel is an absolute mid fest 10 shows later
  3. If you had told me back in 2014 that the Monsterverse would be doing better than the DCEU and MCU, I would believe you. Fuck the spandex people wanna see the kings.
  4. I liked your original post... I just said that female version technically exits in the comics and that the MCU isn't comic accurate and I've given up on expecting it to be. Not sure why you think I'm arguing with you, I agree with you.
  5. Juno has existed for 13 years (Only in like 3 issues I believe), so it's not like they're creating a brand new character. Besides the MCU has been making stuff up and remixing characters since 2008, expecting comic accuracy is a foolish endeavour at this point.
  6. Sorry to tell you buddy, it absolutely is a female Silver Surfer. And Sue being the lead? Sounds good to me. This is the fourth live action iteration of these characters, it's okay to mix things up. Anyone with more than one brain cell and the ability to touch grass will not care either way. The GA only cares about a movie being good and/or entertaining, they're not sitting in their movie seats with an abacus counting out the male to female screen time ratio. We really don't need this wOkE/ewww girls energy here. It's dumb.
  7. More importantly then luck, the movie simply wasn't that good. Some amazing setpeices yes, but the plot was paper thin, the writing mediocre, and the film was just wayyyy too long. 4/5/6 were all tighter films. If this one kept that quality it would have easily made more money. I don't have much faith Part 2, I think it will struggle to match the total of Part 1 tbh
  8. Why they wouldn't just make Cap 4 a "filler" avengers film like Age of Ultron with Sam being the leader is beyond me. Sitting on the Avengers brand/dynamic for nearly a decade is the most costly mistake Fiege has made. How many falcon and red hulk fans are there? Why would the GA care about this film at all
  9. David ehrlich gotta be one of the most annoying film twitter-brain critics of all time. Can't stand his reviews.
  10. This feels like Mary Poppins all over again - a sequel/prequel to a decades old musical that will underperform due to a lack of interest in the property. Migration will stomp all over this most likely.
  11. Ms. Marvel was the least of that game's problems and you know it. What was even the point of bringing it up.
  12. Not the home run it probably needed to be in order to have any chance of digging itself out of flopsville but I'm glad there's fun to be had
  13. I doubt it - feels more like small time trying to get in first and Grace being Grace
  14. Not a great sign when the "fIfTy EaStEr EgGs" crowd isn't glowing, but this guy has been bit of a weirdo on twitter since he got let go so I'm gonna hold on to hope lol
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