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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I just don`t get it. Why is the hold so good for emotionally uninvolving movie with poor characters? Does it mean it would have made more if it had good characters and emotional resonance? Anywya, I want it to flal short of unadjusted FOTR. It`s crossing $300 mio but it doesn`t have to pass FOTR.May Armitage, Turner, Pace and Lilly bomb! Bomb! Bomb! BOmb! Fuck you! You are not going to become stars! You will not! You are already too old for that and have no charisma and she is wrinkled more than Judi dench!
  2. Fandango is biased and I want the stupid freakin octogenic cougar Elfette and her boytoy spring chicken dwarf to bomb hard. This wrinkled bitch is not going to take down Katniss!
  3. Is there any sentimental clap-trap that could take the Daldrey spot while pushing out more deserving movie? PGA list looks rock solid to me.
  4. Hear hear. That amount paled in comparison to Titanic, of course, but what doesn`t? It was still staggering for its time. It`s just that Titanic changed the preception of success so some big successes in their own right come off as underperformers in (unfair) comparison.
  5. I`m so annoyed by commenters who say that Skyfall will get a snub at the Oscars. Hello, Bardem nom + PGA nom hint at bigger support among the industry. It won`t get snubbed. It musn`t.
  6. Big rack, yeah.I don`t think she`s big at all. She`s just attractive to media because she`s busty and she lucked out with Marvel but other than that she`s a boxoffice non-factor.
  7. :rofl: Yeah, tell One Day and Love and Other Drugs what a big draw she is. She`s definitely more respected than Scar-JO but like SCar-Jo she isn`t a draw. It`s very questionable if Jennifer Lawrence is a draw too. THG was opened by THG. House at the End of the Street didn`t reach Woman in Black heights let alone higher but it was a critically panned movie. SLP is screwed by platfprm release so it`s unclear and Cooper is a draw himself so it isn`t her sole picture.
  8. Super happy Skyfall made it. PGA snubbing DH2 was unforgivable because Producers should have acknowledged the biggest franchise in the world.DU is happening as the Best Picture nominee. WOM is insane already but actual nom will help its legs too.
  9. So you`ve seen DU and think this is the best acting of the year, hell, several years? Wow. Gotta disagree. She was great but what DU men do is just beyond extraordinary. And I also think she was better in TDKR. fabulous fabulous Catwoman.
  10. Twi, Expendables and TF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TH. Twi and E2 have much better villains. KStew, Anna Kedrick,Mega Fox, Victoria actresses are hotter than granny Evangeline. Expendables are real men unlike TH cosplayers who look like Poor Man`s Version of Fading Stars (Turner = poor man`s Borelando and Armitage = poor man`s Gerard Buttler). Twi unintentional humor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TH intentional humor. TF SFX >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TH SFX.
  11. He is great on Sherlock (sexy sparks with Cumberbatch help) but they won`t try to make him a leading man. They`ll try the trick on looks-like-a-leading-man-has-charisma-of-a-wet-noodle Armitage and Turner. CartoonFace`s (that would be Lee Pace) agent is pushing for CartoonFace but that one won`t happen either.
  12. He isn`t exactly from Breaking Bad if you catch my drift.
  13. Not even close. She`s just a temporary wrinkle on the Goddess Katniss red carpet that I intend to flatten.
  14. I want him to stay on British TV. You mean one of the hottest openly gay men ever. Cause celebworld is 99% closeted gay. Speaking of, I hope nobody lets Luke Evans go back into the closet easily. He was out when he was Welsh theater tespian and now is trying to go bakc into the closet that his action star career took off. Hell no fucker. You have a chance to do something for gay actors so do it.
  15. Armitage is a pure TV material. PJ should stop trying to make some people happen. he was really fuckin tryin to make Shitto happen with the whole "look she sings! (badly) Look she fights! (her stunt double does) Look she smiles! (the teeth! AAAAAH!) Look she cries! (boo-hoo hoo) Look she cooks a stew! (cause she ain`t good for anything else),etc" That stupid character was one big Shitto sizzle reel that turned into a fizzle reel because she sucked. This guy ain`t as bad as Shitto (that`s unbeatable in this lifetime and the next) but he sure as hell didn`t sizzle.
  16. The only North and South that matters is Patrick Swayze one bitches! Also, Armitage sans Emo prostethics looks like Dimitri from Project Runway.
  17. I love it that when TA destroyed everything on its path previously overpredicted numbers for TDKR and TH weren`t good enough. So fanboys raised overpredictions and movies failed.
  18. Yeah and all 3 beat TH which was supposed to beat them. But I hope comptition demolishes DoS and TABA and than TA2 and SW 7 demolish the demolishers.It`s about time Star Wars prevail over
  19. I hope it makes more than TH because it`s obivously bigger succes being 2D.
  20. Unfortunately that`s true though I really hope that Fake Katniss movies drop from TH. But franchises tend to work the same way and The Prequels repeated OT patern of first is the biggest second drops third makes between first and second. Die Tauriel die.
  21. No. I`m sick of FOTR being the least grossing movie even though it beats the shit out of TH when adjusted but, then, TPM unadjusted beats the shit out of FOTR and that`s bad enough.
  22. Leo`s one of the best actors currently working. He`s beyond terrific in DU. The whole cast is. What those guys do in DU other actros cna only dream of. Seriously blow everyone out of water this year.
  23. DU dropped from estimates but not by much. Insance jump from Monday anyway you slice it.
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