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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. DU is the story of the season. I freakin can`t believe Harvey didn`t send screeners to SAG. No way it would have missed Best Ensamble win. Nothing out there comes close to this. Seriously, insanely fantastic work.
  2. Oblivion earned some hearty laughs when it was shown before LM.
  3. Well I`m sure as hell not disappointed that TH is performing like a normal big blockbuster, and not like a Cameron. Fanboys would have been insufferable. OMG is this even possible? Hard R movie having the best jump in Top 3? WOM is clearly kicking in big time and rihgtly so. It`s the best holiday season movie by a landslide. Everyone brought their A+ game to this.
  4. Isn`t TH going to be a bit over $700 mio WW by Tuesday? That`s $300 mio away from $1 billion. Granted, it`s losing lucrative holiday hold from Wednsday onwards but it doesn`t quite add up that it`ll peter out so fast it won`t be able to scartch the mark.
  5. Does anyone love the blood-splattered Big Daddy horse moment? I thought it was beautiful.Yes, it needed tighter editing but the content is so strong and performances beyond brilliant that it didn`t take away from the movie.
  6. I agree that part 1 and 2 didn`t mesh though they were awsome each. Part 3 (after the shooting) is the weakest because I think people were more invested in Schultz than Django and Candie was Schultz`s antagonist from the moment they met and their banter was great while Stephen wasn`t Django`s antagonist so clearly until he had to interrupt castration to send him to labour prison. But they ddin`t have a chance to verbally spar until the very end so that was kinda unticlimactic because Schultz and Candie were the real climax.
  7. Yes he did. He said that GG nominate based on popularity and not necessarily quality of work. Which is strongly implying that was how Leo and Waltz got nominated. Here`s the quote again: That`s lumping his co-stars with the crowd that gets nominated for ratings. He could have said something like "that said, Leo and Cristoph totally deserve their nominations and GG got that right." But he didn`t. The guy wants and Oscar. If you want to win, you have to tell the world that you want it. He`s also campaigning for himself. So gloves are off. No Go Team! shit if you want to win. It`s yes, I`m better and I should win. That`s pretty much what he`s saying. I mena, I can`t totally begrudge him but I prefer class.
  8. Ok, so with these numbers how hard it is expected to drop right after holidays to fight for $1 billion WW? if it`s going to be at $700 mio WW by New Year`s Day it`s only $300 mio away from $1 billion WW. So drops need to be particulary hard for this to barely cross the mark. Right now, it looks like it could pass Shriekapoo.
  9. I think they should have split it in 3 movies considering that the movie really is made of 3 parts. So LM:An Undexpected Parole would have actually explained how Valjean pulled off rugs-to-riches cause they`d have to add new songs to beef up the story. Soi they would`ve had original songs eligible for oriignal Score and Original Song. Bullseye.
  10. My point was that sarcasm would become reality if LM dropped today. Because right now calling it a flop is about as founded as calling TH The Floppit. But if Saturday had a drop instead of expected jump than no more sarcasm, all real bombs. from too much close-ups.
  11. I`m pulling for DU in BP and BD and Skyfall in BP cause BD won`t happen.
  12. No,no, don`t be mean. The Legend is happining so better train your stomach to accept it.
  13. This dellusion is so sad I won`t even try to poke fun at it. Not to mention that there is no leading man. PJ already said he would like to see McKellen, Freeman or Serkis win supporting.
  14. Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing, Best Make-up and Hairstyling, Best Costume Design, Best Production Design, Best Original SongAt the same ceremony, The Claf will win BSA for THG:MJ Pt 1.
  15. "Scrotum" King looked insane but he`s such a putt-off that I can`t imagine anyone voting for him. OTOH, OMG cute tiger!
  16. I dismissed Avatar because I don`t think sequels will happen in a forseeable future. So Epi 7 was the only logical other although December isn`t SW tradition. But they won`t move TA2 from May so anything is possible. Personally, I would love SW for Xmas. Tis the season for big movies. LOTR, Avatar, TH, SW. MI4 doesn`t cut it. It`s really the season for fantasy/alien worlds. HP should have gotten that spot.
  17. Hold on, they are releasing Episode 7 in December? Somebody change the SW thread title, please!
  18. Without a doubt the biggest breakout of the month second only to DU.
  19. I`m sorry but is it possible that nobody sees that he dissed Waltz and Leo with that comment? He put them into the same category of ratings whoring like The Tourist. As if they didn`t deserve to be nominated. I mean, HFPA are star fuckers and they do nominate based on popularity but that`s mostly reserved for Comedy categories and Waltz is not a bigger name than SLJ. Plus, he and Leo deserve their noms. So, IMO, SLJ is a real ass here. He could have said that his co-stars were deserving, since they were, after unleashing an attack on HFPA. Also, his comments about Martin Landau and Ed Wood were not cool. It`s OK to be honest and say, yes I should have won instead, but saying that nobody remembers Ed Wood is proposterous.
  20. Sounds about right for a controversial hard R movie that`s also almost 3 hours long.
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