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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I loved it. My eyes relaxed on clarity so I didn`t get a migraine and eye pain like I do from motion blur.I also didn`t think the movie looked cheap. Yes, it had sound stage fakeness as opposed to regular video game fakeness but it didn`t look cheap because the set sure as hell wasn`t cheap. And I didn`t mind fakness because these movies always look fake one way or the other. It worked for me. I hope they make more movies in HFR cause it`s really easy on eyes in more ways than one.I also liked that people looked human. You could see wrinkles and crow feel but I like that more than airbrushed doll-like glaze.
  2. i`ll see DoS for free like this and yes Riddles was fabulous because the fuckers didn`t try to be smart asses and deviate from the source. Plus they had strong actors. Armitage is such a disappointment. Seriously, WTF were they thinking? Sorry buddy but I loved it and the clarity really didn`t put me in pain. Yes I noticed fake ears,etc and it really didn`t matter to me. Also, the depth of the picture was insane. All the shit when they start falling through tunnels,etc was incredible. Too ba dnobody died for a) raising stakes and emotional effect. That dwarf who wished Bilbo good luck when Bilbo tried to leave could have died, for example. They had a sweet little scene and if he died it would have resonated a little.
  3. Thank you. I see why some people would love this. I cna tell you that while I think that slapstick at the dinner was awful, and that Gandalf would never let dwarves play with Bilbo like that (that plate tossing shit,etc) it didn`t bore me. I expected a slog but it didn`t drag. The movie was long and you cna feel it but so were LM and DU. Almost 3 hours (when commercials and trailers are included) is a long fuckin sit.But i`m sorry it`s a flat out bad adaptation, not a bad movie mind you, bad adaptation. They kept every scene and expended it beyond necessary but changed the lead and that`s a single most important thing to keep Bilbo as the audience`s avatar. And they fucked that up. Sorry, no.
  4. I hated it for reasons I mentioned. And I reviewed it fair and square. It`s an A+ if you are an EE fan without much attachment to the book. It`s a Z- if you are a purist. It`s a C when rated as amovie itself, not as something for fans of one or the other.It isn`t abad movie. It`s really averige. It isn`t TPM. But it falls flat on its face as an adaptiaon because they thought they could re-write it and make a better story and they couldn`t. I`m very annoyed by how little confince they have in the source and how overconfident they are about their re-writing ability.
  5. Brace yourselves, I have seen it.OK, I adore HFR. All movies, 2D, 3D,4D doesn`t matter must be made in this. I love the clarity. This is the first time that I did not have a slight migraine and an eye pain from watching a movie. And let me tell you a little secret. These movies look fake in any fps - video game fake in 24 fps and sound stage fake in 48 fps. I`d take sound stage fakeness any day. It didn`t distract me because I loved the fact that there was no blur which is what causes headache and eye pain. So listen to Jim Cameorn, people. This is the future and may he film Avatars in HFR because Gollum looked fantastic in it and Neytiri,etc will look even better. Avatar is perfect for this. Perfect. HFR`s gorgeous. I love it. Me and Wells stand alone against the world of HFR haters. Fuck you all.Now the movie. It`s an A+ if you are EE affictionado and want to see every irrelevant detail. Like to watch grass grow? You get that. Wanna see a paint dry? It`s there too. The movie wasn`t a slog I expected but it wasn`t engaging either due to:a) uninteresting content - nothing really happens plotwise unless by something happens you consider people running into different kinds of danger that are too easily overcome, workman-like direction - PJ knows this universe and can direct in his sleep and this feels exactly like he fell asleep and turned on an autopilot,c) dull or annoying characters - the main lead was dull as a dishwasher since he looked perpetually bored while trying to look brooding and deep thinker or whatever that emo schtick was supposed to be, the 30something prankster "teenagers" were fuckin irritating overactors and the beardless one`s Jedi baseball was really stupid, other dwarves save one didn`t register at all, Team Bombur was pushed into the background, not even a comic relief (kidding)d) most of all completely botched focus. Which brings me to another rating.As a book adaptation this is pure garbage. Z-. Sorry folks but you can love this only if you don`t give a shit about the book. This thing was not The Hobbit. This is The Emo Dwarf. I honestly expected a lot of shit here but that they would turn Thorin into protagonist and sideline Bilbo, that I didn`t think they`d dare. Holy Molly am I pissed. This is made for "I wanna see Hunt for Gollum, ________(insert other uninspiring event from fuckin overrated Appendices) crowd, not for TH fans. So, you know, typical Jacksonites. This is a huge transgression. Huge. Bilbo is the heart and soul of the story, not Thorin who is Bilbo`s antagonist. By changing the POV form Bilbo to Thorin, who is made defacto lead here, they changed the dynamics for worse hence why the movie isn`t engaging.I fuckin can`t believe it! I want to scream and scratch PJ`s face and leave huge deep blood marks!OK, phew, I`m calm now. The reason why this change does not work is that Thorin is simply a boring character. Looking bored (aka brooding but lets face it, this ain`t a high calibre actor so he wouldn`t know the difference) bores. And he looked bored all the time. And emo. This is bad because emo people don`t make relationships and don`t bond. This fucker was just sulking away from everyone instead of interacting with his people aside Balin . Speaking of, why isn`t Balin getting more love around here? He was terrific and should have been more present.So we got more Thorin and gandalf who ha dno chemistry whatsoever since Thorin is terrible dullard and Gandalf is awesome instead of more Gandalf and Bilbo. Or more BIlbo for the matter because THIS IS BILBO STORY DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bilbo`s great. I don`t think that Freeman`s the only one who could play him but he did the job. he was suitably goofy at first and suitably smart and cunning and brave as the movie progressed. Riddles was aces. I especially liked his acting when he proposes to Gollum to play the game. I liked the confidence and the "I see you`re a loon so I`m gonna play with you a little" thinking going on. Great. I think that was Freeman`s take on character rather than PJ`s who was more directing him into "ooooh, I don`t know what to do,uuuum, ok, I think I know" fish out of water. Spekaing of, since Thorin has become the center around which all planets orbit, it`s only natural that Bilbo wishes nothing more but to gain his approval. Cue a stupid scene where invisible Bilbo is hiding behind a tree eavesdropping. :rolleyes:Oh, speaking of, I think that repetition of instances where someone overhears something rivaled those when someone (cough Gandalfcough) saves everyone at the last moment from a super mortal danger that they`d survive anyway. Except when the plot requires it, less mortal situation had the Emo Dwarf knocked unconsious so that Bilbo could win his approval. Jesus and Mary! Bilbo`s a 40 years old educated man. His goal in life isn`t to win some petulant king`s trust. He doesn`t give a shit what people think. he`s mature,OK? Oh God. I really fuckin hate this bored and boring emo bitch. Because of him, we didn`t get to experience the flight on eagle`s back through Bilbo`s eyes. No grand moment of first flight like Harry and Buckbeak or Jake and his ikran. No. The focus is freakin Thorin. Because he`s uncoscious eevryone worries about him, no one experiences the flight. And I want Bilbo. I don`t care about Thorin. Fuck Thorin. They put him in the elad because Aragorn was the most popular character in LOTR and they figured if they Aragornize Thorin the movie would be a bigger success than with Bilbo in the lead. Well, fuckers, IT ISN`T! Nobody cares for him. he doesn`t carry emotional weight even though PJ&co tried really hard to make us weep for him and his kingdom. ZZZZZZZZZ. Been there, done that with a more compeling character who was made reluctant and whiny but never seemed bored and uninterested in people around him but made friendships and was warm and noble and not some petulant bitch who lashes at Bilbo. That`s what antagonist does, not a protagonst, not in this particular story anyway. because Thorin was antagonist originally and that`s why he doesn`t make a compelling protagonist. His stupid behavior at Elrond`s shows that he would be a shit king. Aragorn was always fair so it was easy to feel for such character and see that he would be a good king. But this fucker...Liked Blanchitto, surprisingly. She has such a sweet smile so I don`t know why she insists to play Galadriel like she`s an android. Those 2 times when she smiled where like a sunshine. Much more in character.Radagast was Radaghastly. Just awful. WTF were you thinking PJ? Too much mushrooms? really? Geez.Azog and Goblin King were terrible. Again, I don`t care about anyone`s beef with Thorin. I don`t care. Stop putting the spotlight on him at the expense of Bilbo.They fashioned Thorin to look exactly like Lucian the Lycan in Underworld:Rise of the Lycnas but with classically handsome features for ladies,duh. I guess they thought nobody saw it but sorry bitches I bloody own it on DVD and your Thorin is such a vanilla Lucian without any intensity. You would`ve done yourselves a favor by just cutting and pasting the character. Great charisma, true badassness and his NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO was far better too.I`m so pissed.Adored Stone Giants! Great Great idea execution and SFX.They should have let some dwarves die. Seriously, someone had to die because cartoonishness was beyond ridiculous.As a movie itself, not rated from EE fanboy POV nor from pissed-off book fan Bilbo fangirl one, I`d give it a C+.
  6. Pity that WB didn`t schedule HP in that slot after LOTR vacated it. I think that HP would have hit a billion before DH2. I don`t know why they loved THnaksgiving and summer so much. Xmas would have been perfect.
  7. It`s hardly incredible because it was expected but whatever. I`m seeing it in an hour so I`m leaving my house. Will keep an eye on LM and DU sell-outs.
  8. I second Bardem sentiment. He was decent but obviously meant to be the Joker figure and that was far lesser performance and character. But he campaigns and has big players (julia) who campaign for him.As for Arkin, that was good fun performance but not an oscar calibre.same as Bardem.
  9. Harvey messed up everything, not just the movie but Lawrence win and Cooper nom. Cooper may get nominated but he would have been a lock if the movie was posting huge numbers. Likewise Lawrence win would have been assured if she had 2 blockbusters. As it is, ZDT has gained the momentum in actress and Bst Picture category (SLP was never strong in the latter but Lawrence was the frontrunner until Chastain bandwaggon which SLP boxoffice performance would have kept in check).
  10. I totally do. This year is full of fuck ups like that. Harvey releases SLP as a platform which was completely inappropriate but that was his move when he realized he scheduled a romcom against BD2. He`s still expending SLP too slowly while he rushed The Master expansion and that also backfired. Then he didn`t send DU screeners to SAG so actors missed nominations. Now Uni released LM in under 3000 theaters which is beyond ridiculous especially for a long movie that has slower turnover.
  11. That`s what I want to know too. Because when it hits, it`ll still have more steam and maybe enough to pass Shriekapoo for me and TF3 for other people who expressed interest in seeing that one go down.
  12. I don`t mind quality discussion which would be admitting that if TH wins the weekend it`ll be only because it plays in 1300 more theaters than LM which is just as long movie as TH and doesn`t get more showings a day. LM is sold out. TH profits from spillovers. If LM played in more theaters, it would satisfy the demand instead of having people who went to see it watch TH because they couldn`t get tickets. This kind of talk is OK. But you know we`ll get tons of spin that TH WOM is suddenly glorious and competition`s isn`t and what not.
  13. I feel the same and I was also rudelly dismissed by a fnaboy when I pointed that out. They feel better to repeat that it isn`t doing bad at all while talking about LM and DU would remind them that those two are the big story of the season. And this forum has more TH fans so that`s why beating the dead horse will continue.
  14. That was definitely his Lector moment. Coldest eyes ever and huge satisfaction behind them. Sick, sick,sick. I think that the perf will be more valued in hindsight. I agree with Adim about Waltz. The more I think about the more I see it isn`t a one-trick. It is the same style of acting like Landa but he brought so many layers to the character, especially during the Brunhilde myth story-telling and Dumas confrontation with Leo. He brought a lot of emoitonal resonance to the movie. I don`t think it would have resonated emotionally just off Django`s quest to find Broomhilda. It`s their bromance that really warms the movie. As for buying into his own hype, QT cameo, nuff said. Though payoff for our suffering was huge.
  15. Ok definitely not worse than or HP:TSS`s troll snot. Ewwwwwwww. It`s much less disgusting version of Bad Taste scene which was beyond gross. See, that`s a problem with people here. You think I make shit up when in reality Shitto`s so stunnigly awful my imagination could ever top her real shit. I`m going to be objective except when it comes to Team Bombur. TB rocks sight unseen and that won`t change.
  16. As they should be. The movie`s strong accros the board and the money shot (evil Leo) delivers big time. LM wins big if they add more theaters.
  17. Is that a man in Shitto drag? Can`t be. Drag Queens emulate only icons. So this gotta be Shitto himself. Right?
  18. I want Les Mis and DU numbers so I can gloat at how much GWTDT ass they are kicking. One for Fincherites who are sctraching their faces in anguish that Hoopsie did it again (made a bigga hit) and the other because that`s what Xmas R rated breakout looks like.
  19. Harvey fucked up plain and simple. He should have pushed QT to deliver the movie on time and not when it`s too late. That messed up SAG and categories in which actors are pushed. Instead of Waltz in the Lead and Leo and SLP in supporting, there are 3 actors now canibalizing each other in supporting category. That`s unbelievable gaffe on Harvey`s part. Waltz could have bumped one of weaker Actor nominees. So that would leave Leo and SLJ to get into supporting and once upon a time Harvey managed to get CZJ AND Queen Latifa in supporting so Leo and SLJ should have been a breeze. As it is, Arkin, whose Argo Fuck Yourself can`t measure up to Leo`s grand speech, is a sure-fire nominee while DU actors may miss out on a single nom completely. because of that SAG fuck up. Nobody wins without SAG push and even though this isn`t a case where SAG ignored them (ZDT should worry about Ensamble snub cause the movie was clearly seen) , it isn`t helpful that all 3 are missing a precursor when competition lined up all they could get.Fuck it. DU acting is the best I`ve seen this year and in many years. QT really pushed his cast to go places so if they miss out due to screener fuck up more`s the pity.
  20. HFR. But it won`t distract me because I find the make-up to be fuckin awful in any format.
  21. My most anticipated are in no order:MoSThor:DWST:ItDTHG Saga:CFPRGravityEliseumOzThe HostGatsbyWolf of Wall StreetBeautiful Creatures47 RoninAnchorman 2Pain and GainZDT which is 2012 release but we won`t get it until wide release in January.
  22. :rofl: I have a crazy feeling that he`ll be right about those Avatar sequel numbers. They are about as crazy as BKB`s projection that IM+CA+Thor+Hulk totals = TA total. And that worked. His TH projections were crazy but not that crazy or crazy enough. Off the charts craziness wins and that`s where his Avatar projections are heading.
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