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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. TDI is the story. It did exactly what a movie should do - it opened.
  2. TV ads were everywhere, even during Project Runway reruns.
  3. But later drops will be bigger, right? It must start losing theaters with more movies coming out. This weekend is an anomaly because only TDI came out and it`s teen oriented movie. But next week and the one after will have more movies.
  4. I just can`t believe that DT will have a sub 20% drop. I just can`t believe it. Maybe it drops today?
  5. You are onto something. Fass is like Craig who didn`t look pouty and petulant all the time and who had German officer features instead of Polish plumber ones and who had more than 1 facial expression. problem is, he`s trying ONLY mainstream roles and always playing the same character. Fass is mixing it up. He did FC and Prometheus and also Shame, ADM and Jane Ayre. The latter three were not expected to be blockbusters by any strecth of imagination. You are onto something but I don`t think that rugged looks prevented some big stars of the past to be big stars. Craig problem is that he is really unlikable person on and off the screen and he isn`t charismatic. Also, Bond was never a star maker. None of Bond actors was famous for anything but BOnd, even Connery who came the closest to being famous for himself was never a sure boxoffice outside of Bond.
  6. Fass and Craig are different actors. Fass is a real talent who isn`t chasing blockbusters. he mixes it up but challenging roles are his priority and he obviously has no problem taking supporting roles as well. OTOH, Craig seems to be only interested in big franchises, not in stretching acting muscles. I mena, maybe he can act but he isn`t getting out of his comfort zone that is a cold, suave rogue in a big budget movie. In short, Fass seems interested in acting, Craig only in stardom.
  7. I know. :lol: Love you! Eh, I wish you`re right about my precious Fass but I doubt it. Trailers were way too focused on Blomquist (whoever plays him) and too little on salander who is the only selling point. And my precious Fass isn`t thsat known to the public yet to have any real opinion. XM FC was stricly geek thing. Bond has wider reach. So I don`t think Fassy would improve the boxoffice. He`d steal the movie from maramania, however, which would be wrong. Deadline people claim it was huge but considering how early it started, how frequent TV ads were during what prime time shows, not to mention other promo stuff, you bet your ass it was huge. I believe that TDI marketing was $35 mio cause TV ads are the most expensive and TDi was running them as frequently as it gets. And DT ran those 10 times more and for months.
  8. But the result is the same. And don`t try to spin late legs into Craig getting into general public`s favor. It has nothing to do with it and that huge marketing cost won`t be recouped.
  9. OK, so now TDI isn`t an undisputed hit thanks to marketing costs but DT`s legs that put it on track to over $100 mio is now a smash although marketing costs were bigger than its budget too? Please. If TDI`s success is disputed due to those $35 mio P&A than DT is a huge bomb cause its P&A is said to be over $100 mio.
  10. People hate Craig (he was supposed to open and failed), WOM is obviously great (thanks to Maramania who is the only person media and others talk about, not Craig - pushing him in promos was a mistake as Maramania is a true star of the movie) but I don`t get it casue books and Swedish movie are mediocre and boring and TDI`s opening is what Sony hoped for DT but fell way short of thanks to boxoffice poison Craig. Without him, they would have had that big opening Xmas or not.
  11. I think TDI will fall short of $30 mio but it`s still incredible success. I mean, it doubled its budget at midnight. The rest is a gravy and what a gravy train this is!
  12. Fudging more likely. PTA was mediocre so sub 30% drop can only be explained by fudging. I mena, it`s a sub 30% drop. Nothing indicated that so I call fudging.
  13. Overestimated friday for sure. It`s just too big. Cannot be right.
  14. Worst actress not just of the year but quite possibly of the decade or two decades The Jaw won`t be even nominated.
  15. It can`t be worse than Marky Mark apologizing to a plastic plant.
  16. I totally want to see the whole thing plus ending. In theater.
  17. OK, first of all, how old are you and if you are a minor is it really obvious?Second, best way to sneak is to do it alone. Theater staff is mostly alerted to groups but lone sneaker is hard to catch unless they have a watchdog in front of the auditorium that`s playing an NC-17 movie.Third, if you manage to sneka into auditorium that`s playing Shame, don`t sit alone but where there are more people, best to be middle middle. if you sit on the side, theater checker could see that you are obviously too young.Fourth, try to look older so that when you mingle with the rest of the audience, nobody pays attention to you and go "you`re too young for this! Guards!". Don`t wear a hoody and backpack cause that screams 15 years old.
  18. Not to mention that these movies are the quick buck thing. Nobody makes them for slow burn and legs. That`s why they are insanely profitable since studios make most money from opening weekend. Legs are face-saving and in case of legs beasts like Titanic and Avatar, they can be profitable too but that`s rare. Studios want money back right away hence why hype and names are supposed to open and why opening is so highly valued.Kudos to Paramount for releasing this excellent movie. I don`t believe critics and those anti-plants who boo`d. This is a good movie for sure.
  19. I hope the numbers hold and this really breaks out cause it`s about time something breaks out. Previews are phenomenal so no wonder.
  20. $20 or 30 mio doesn`t matter. Holy shit in any case! I must see this!
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