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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. For this I had to take you off Ignore list. Now if you only renounced Shitto, we could be bff.Anyway, spot on. Repeat business was staggering because people cared for characters and universe, not because 3D was OMG so amazing.of course, same people won`t say that TH is doing well because 48ft or whatever 3D is OMG so amazing. It`s going to be ebecause people care for undistinguishable slapstick dwarf #8.
  2. Romance was awesome in Avatar. Half-hearted? That would be Aragorn and Arwen, a romance nobody who wrote it into the script was interested in but showhorned it to attract girls. Cameron makes romance center of his movies (or mother-child bond in movies w/o romance) instead of just tossing it in to pump more dollars from girls. In most genre movies, romance is periferal necessary evil for commercial reasons, not the A plot. Window dressing. OTOH, Cameron makes it an A plot and does it justice.You just hate Avatar cause it made more money than HP and LOTR. Don`t even try to deny, Magic, your bias is way too obvious.
  3. Cameron is the best writer of romance and warrior chick characters out there. Haters can suck it.
  4. I think it`s funny how nobody brings up Hopkins in SotL although his screen time was really limited. But his presence was so felt that he was in fact one of two leads.
  5. I`m sorry but you are wrong. DC would kill in Rutger Hauer role. Kill.Didn`t Hardy play a sensitive man in Wuthering Heights? And in Star Trek Nemesis?
  6. Fuck, this sounds amazing! What`s Blade Runner going to be remake or sequel? Also, any hope Daniel Craig plays an android? Now that`s a role where I`d totlaly see him in, also robot in Robocalypse. And, no, it isn`t sarkasm. I think that his metalic acting would be perfect for those roles.
  7. I think it`ll hit WH. It`s skewing older like that movie.
  8. So is it going to affect MI4 (hope not)?
  9. So what`s opening this week?
  10. I want to be on that train! Viola 4 eva! At least people have seen the movie unlike the usual limited release critics darling snob shit.Clloney is always smug in his awards speechifying. Nothing new here.
  11. Finally, MI4 has the best drop excluding Kutcher masterpiece.
  12. 2016 delay is great. Imagine what technology and other breakthrough cameron will make by than.
  13. That would be wrong. She`s past Young Breakout or whatever they call actors of certain age whom they snubbed in categories that matter. With one Oscar nom under her belt, she is a veteran, not a newcomer.
  14. I think Hiddleston too. He`s British and really on the rise.Surprised Cumberbatch didn`t make it. Or is he past rising star and in star category?
  15. Yep, that for sure. And RR must be especially desperate.
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