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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. OK, guys, performers, underperformers and overperformers are not based on budget only. I get that when overhyped movie doesn`t meet xpectations, fans like to throw the "but the budget wasn`t big" card to show their favorite is a success although industry doesn`t perceive it as such. Every movie is individual case so individual situation has to be taken into consideration. It goes beyond budget and hype. There`s also accessibility. Just because Johnny Depp is in it, it doesn`t mean that Sweeney Todd is expected to post POTC numbers. Another one is awards potential. Some movies are made for awards and studios know they may lose money (which they`ll cover with some tentpole, no problem). Another big one is merchnadise, the sole reason why narnia keeps churning out movies. Etc.
  2. I don`t think they tried to connect. Trailers pretty much took Tintin for granted, as if everyone knows who he is. The shit with his shadow first and than face reveal. Why would anyone who isn`t familar with the comic books think "I must see this"? Who the fuck is that kid? Or maybe not a kid cause he`s carrying a gun? Trailer and commecials emphasized state of the art animation/mo`cap but who are these people? Why should we like them? What`s the story?Nope.
  3. As much as it pains me to say, Alvin WOM is good. It looked like audiences finally got smarter when it opened but now it`s recovering so the only explanation is that someone is saying great things about this trainwreck.
  4. He will judge you for putting Toddlers and Tiaras on #4. WTF? #1 all the way! The show is ah-mazing! Best reality show out there. RH of ________ are all the same like CSI but way better. But they are all the same. Botox bitches bitching. Plus, RH of Atlanta = Best RH Of ________.
  5. That`s a great list and all those directors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bigelow.
  6. I think we can scrap Annalee. Resurrection is just a bad dream of the franchise that didn`t happen.So Ash, Bishop,David.I wish they explained why original alien loved the cat so much. Not overexplain but just kinda,you know. He basically died because of Jones.
  7. Cage named his son Kal-El. I`m not gonna trash him derranged acting or not.I hope he makes a comeback like Cruise.
  8. That` s a great observation! A-sh, B-ishop, ????, D-avid. Any character in the movie named C who could be the evil model?BTW, what was Winona`s name in Resurrection? She was an android. It`s more in line with this movie casting than with old Alien movies. Original Alien didn`t have stars (Weaver became after) so eevryone was fair game. She was expected to live in Aliens but the rest of the cast weren`t big names. OTOH, Prometheus has names or recenetly hyped new names so your choices fall more into that line.Chastain can play the lead if she eats a sandwitch. I`m sorry but the chick is a skeleton. I wouldn`t believe her totin` a flamethrower which has to weight more than she.Jolie can only be a "Drew Barrymore in Scream"role to take people by surprise. Otherwise too destracting and predictable (ether lives or dies at the very end).Saldana is cool since these movies need more diversity and not just the token black guy or token black chick. Point to AvP for Sanaa Lathan casting.I don`t think Leo would happen cause he isn`t a franchiser. I do believe he`ll return to sci fi when something as challenging as Inception comes along.JGL for the lead. What, Alien movies can`t have a male lead?
  9. I hope David the android (Fass) lives or at least we see another David in the sequel. His role is said to be the juiciest.I think that Shaw (Rapace) lives. One chick always does in horror movies. That`s,like, a rule.
  10. Yeah, I can`t imagine why anyone would root for this shit to do well for any reason.
  11. I know, right? But considering that underhyped Tintin is neck to neck with overhyped DT, on top of direct kiddie competition, it`s little better than it looks.
  12. Has BD1 closed the gap to $700 mio WW yet? It got really hit during holidays domestically so only OS can take it over $700 mio.
  13. I know about your list, Neo, it has everything. Didn`t realize it was his personal list. Disregard previous post.
  14. And Alvin (shitmunk) and DT (stop encouraging unnecessary remakes even by Geek Gods).
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