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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. WWZ has nothing in common with RE.28 Days Later is my fave too, a tie with DotD remake.
  2. neither can I. I hope it`s epic. Epic zombie movie is what I`ve been waiting for ever since I fell in love with the subgenre.
  3. Unless by some evil miracle WB tentpoles underperform. You know, mumbling w/o subtitles turns people off, geeks decide that they dig zombies more than dwarves and Hobbits.
  4. BOTF is gretaness of the highest order. But the piece of most majestic music ever created starts from 2:14 in Journey In the Dark:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ttCJ6uQN_QAnd although ROTK score is considerably weaker than FOTR and TTT ones, there are part of Return of the King that I love so much. From 2:05 until Viggo`s retarded singing (ugh). I just love that part where music swells and than transitions into wonderful White Tree. And than from 8:21 starts incredibly beautiful variation of Concerning Hobbits. It`s just too beautiful for words:
  5. :wub: That movie is so great. I`m shocked there isn`t a 3D remake.That said, the thread is titled Titanic so Titanic it is.
  6. Absolutely, totlaly, irrevocably 100% disagree with absolutely everything you said.
  7. Fiennes.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EfuEuKq5Ts
  8. [*]TDI is the news of the week. Everyone is talking about the absolutely stunning OD.
  9. So how did you like Fass`s armadillo?
  10. Cronenberg horror is fucked up and it`s 100% canadian. So no Hollywood here. Korean horror is also very fucked up.
  11. Original My Bloody Valentine is super scary. Cronenberg`s Brood is fucked up.
  12. The Hostel was amazing. Best revenge flick among horror movies. I also love old Argento shit. Profundo Roso really scared the shit out of me.
  13. My first horror was Alien. My folks had it on video. It was the first movie ever that I actually felt like my favorite movie as opposed to just watching without absorbing what`s going on. I think it was to me what Star Wars was to other people. The moment you become aware of movies as something worth obsessing about.My other genre favorites are Aliens (though technically more action than horror), The Descent (best Girl Power movie ever), Carrie (best teen movie ever) Blair Witch Project, The Ring and the original Nightmare on Elm Street.
  14. Dude, crying during the scene doesn`t mean that OMG it`s the best scene ever or best movie eevr or best performance ever. Some things are sad and induce tears regardless of quality. I think that PJ`s KK is a terrible movie but I cried when KK was receiving bullets because animal cruelty is sad even in fiction. I hate Sean Astin`s Oscar wanking overacting but I cried at the end of Shriekapoo because it`s sad when one gay lover decides to stay in the closet and lets the openly gay one go.Rickman was OK but nothing special. he didn`t suck, he did well but IMO, Fiennes was better. Fiennes is amazing Voldemort. He reallt brought that retarded lunacy to the chaarcter that made him much better than he is in the book.
  15. me too. When it`s good, horror is just great. What`s your favorite horror movie.
  16. Thanks. You guys need good Hollywood horror. Swedish geek stuff that you get like LTROI isn`t horror at all. Real good horror is cheap, scary, cheesy, has bad acting in it and WTF ending. BTW, Bergman = overrated (read:boring) and Swedish movies = overrated.Also, Von Trier = super overrated.
  17. Did. Thank you! Awesome ending. Noboidy can say it`s cliche. It`s actually the most bold ending you`ll ever see.
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