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Everything posted by JJ-8

  1. Those are excellent numbers. Who here think 6m is possible today? I am thinking 5m should happen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Merry Xmas all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Right - Time for a Showdown!!!!!! All Time Champs (Excluding Titanic just because ) Week # Avatar Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 The Avengers Jurassic World Star Wars: The Force Awakens Released 17/12/2009 13/07/2011 25/04/2012 11/06/2015 17/12/2015 (Weekend = First Line) Week 0 $931,125 $931,125 $7,029,487 $7,029,487 $6,003,882 $6,003,882 Week 1 (OW) $11,962,308 $12,895,497 $18,368,621 $25,460,975 $13,288,146 $19,305,652 $16,063,693 $16,063,693 $27,254,820 $27,254,820 $7,349,693 $20,245,190 $5,032,927 $30,493,902 $3,537,319 $22,842,971 $4,305,083 $20,368,776 $11,282,749 $38,537,569 W/E Screens/Ave 588 20,344 754 24,362 621 21,398 605 26,552 941 28,964 Opening Day 7,029,487 6,003,882 2,735,000 9,425,000 Single Day 7,029,487 (Wednesday) 6,003,882 (Wednesday) 5,400,000 (Saturday) 9,425,000 (Thursday) Week 2 $8,749,099 $28,994,289 $7,994,127 $38,488,029 $8,232,502 $31,075,473 $9,870,007 $30,238,783 $9,772,863 $38,767,152 $2,181,834 $40,669,863 $2,958,066 $34,033,539 $2,716,344 $32,955,127 W/E % Drop -26.9% -56.5% -38.0% -38.6% Week 3 $9,659,700 $48,426,852 $3,821,864 $44,491,727 $5,198,112 $39,231,651 $5,138,426 $38,093,553 $6,475,778 $54,902,630 $1,087,827 $45,579,554 $1,176,602 $40,408,253 $2,687,516 $40,781,069 Week 4 $8,338,365 $63,240,995 $2,263,723 $47,843,277 $3,513,268 $43,921,521 $3,599,657 $44,380,726 $5,032,850 $68,273,845 $551,975 $48,395,252 $802,397 $44,723,918 $2,052,562 $46,433,288 Week 5 $7,002,454 $75,276,299 $1,290,573 $49,685,825 $2,262,900 $46,986,818 $2,742,799 $49,176,087 Week 6 $5,604,268 $84,804,886 $756,945 $50,871,843 $1,774,762 $49,316,321 $1,087,749 $51,072,113 Week 7 $4,548,004 $92,706,581 $444,594 $51,496,017 $1,282,054 $51,028,343 $588,156 $51,962,096 Week 8 $3,936,622 $98,374,262 $278,941 $51,887,115 $608,269 $52,304,307 $297,809 $52,440,054 Week 9 $2,850,321 $102,615,052 $176,046 $52,143,114 $307,314 $52,752,706 $107,902 $52,601,800 Week 10 $1,874,114 $105,454,142 $92,347 $52,399,104 $162,343 $53,086,490 $52,303 $52,687,047 Week 11 $1,709,239 $107,859,934 $74,512 $52,419,937 $52,400 $53,248,265 $33,750 $52,736,860 Week 12 $1,003,500 $109,539,127 $23,909 $52,767,785 Week 13 $780,998 $110,866,504 $22,892 $52,795,399 Week 14 $561,868 $111,653,739 $8,907 $52,808,171 Week 15 $323,301 $112,170,651 $1,283 $52,809,776 TOTAL: $115,600,481 $52,611,276 $53,250,000 $52,814,845 $38,537,569
  4. Various records are in posts on page 1 of this thread. There's a very good chance it will pass Avatar's $115.6m. Also, TFA's first 3 weekends could be in the top 10 biggest weekends all time. However, it will need AUD146m to pass Avatar's USD total of USD105.8m Funnily enough if it continues perform at the same pace as avatar albeit at a much higher level, it could end passing that. I think this place would implode at that level but yeah it's not impossible at this point. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Wtf. This date is like the perfect release date. I have no words. I thought 35m at most today..... In other news Australia has continued to break records like the US. 38.5m 1st week. Seeing similar performance to avatar but on a bigger level. On its current trajectory after 3 weeks we could have a total between 85m and 100m. This is a serious threat to our all time admissions champ in croc Dundee. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. At a glance I think it will need about 110m to beat Star Wars TOTAL lifetime admissions. (This is taking 3D into account. ) EDIT I should note that I'm not sure of the 3D share here. I some further calcs using a 15/ticket average. To beat avatar it will need not much more than the 115m avatar got (due to its high 3D share) to get the all time champ since 1985 (at least the records we have), it should need about 135m. Of course if the 3d share higher than this and raises that average then it may need like 120m to beat avatar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. The scary part is Star Wars 2nd week could still outdo DH2's 1st week. It's a stretch and I suspect it will be barely short but is simply how amazing this run is. Wk1= 38.5m Wk2 - 26m - 32m Wk3 - 20m - 28m So in summary after 3 wks I see a running total between 84m and 99m. Yeah 100m is pretty much toast at this point. Not a lock but not far from it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Fantastic start. DH2 had the lopsided / front loaded start meaning it dropped off quicker. Avatar had a slower start but a lot stronger weekdays. Star Wars took the best of both worlds mashed it together and began shattering as many records as it can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. looking at least 3.3 , biggest non OD wed by like 25+% (prev record Avatar) Was never touching the overall Wednesday record ..... considering it was the record single day only a week ago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. With Xmas so close I'd expect some drop off. Perfectly normal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Australia is continuing add well to this total. Star Wars 7 has set Monday and Tuesday records with about 4m AUD on each day. Up to 35m AUD. (about 25m USD. ) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Wells it's a bit hard to remove sessions when your still getting sellouts. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. 100M would be locked. How high can it go in your scenario? 120M? 150M? Yeah in my scenario, both 100m and 120m (including avatar)would be toast. I think 150m would well within reach at that point. The only question is whether there is a point where it does just start to drop. U could say Star Wars would have out titatanic'd avatar...... In this scenario Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. ok some quick projections: OW = 27.3m mon = 3.9m+ tues = 4m+ ~ 35m+ total projected... wed = 3.5m thurs = 3m fri = 3m Sat = 6m Sun = 5.5m (2nd weekend = 17.5m ) Total after 10 days = 56m and only a whisker away from passing titanic.... 3rd week : Mon (is public holiday also thanks to boxing day being on the sat) = 5m Tues = 4m Wed = 3.6m thurs = 4m Fri = 4.5m Sat = 5m Sun = 4.5m (3rd weekend = 18m ) ok I'm now being a little crazy.... total after 17 days = 86.6m is that even possible ? nah... it's got drop off at some point here..... No ... just no.... I'm think about 52 to 53m after 10 days and about 70m after 17 days is more realistic.. but quite simply the numbers I put up above are kinda how avatar travelled through the Christmas period. PS that would be 3 out of the 4 highest weekend totals ever.
  15. just wow.... I have no words..... I had hoped for about 3.5 yesterday and about 3m... to be at or over 4m both Monday and Tuesday is just ......wow.. come on Australia..... can we get a 40m first week ? (I actually thinking it will be more like 39m or just under but it's nice to dream...) oh and ... avatar took 14 days to reach the same height (38.7m after 14 days that is) that Star Wars is doing in 7 days.... It has to start easing off sooner or later... otherwise 200m here we come
  16. wowowowowowowowow that is an insane number... good news down under too... nearly 4m Monday, (RTH thanks for the update)... biggest Monday ever......
  17. wow.. just wow... nearly 4m on a Monday ? that is just insane. Should we expect under 3m today ? or can we get another surprise.
  18. That is just insane. Glad someone else is adding up the same insane numbers I am. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Australia broke the previous weekend record by 50%, so I think we win. In USD it wasn't so much higher but in AUD we had broken the OW with day to play. Not only smashed the OD and Thursday records but also took down Saturday and Sunday records. Only Friday missed (2nd) thanks to a holiday opening day (Boxing Day for BAFTA). Put it another way Star Wars made more in 4 days than the previous record did in 5 days (HP8 opened on a Wednesday burning off demand. - hp8 was the holder of the OD and OW records before this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Consider this. With both Xmas eve and day falling on the weekend it means this weekend coming is heavily handicapped meaning most films including openers were either flat or increased (last time this setup happened was avatar. ) Say it got 40% in its 2nd weekend then a third of 13m to 18m is possible. I believe we will see a heavier drop due to the OD though (still about 13m or so)to get 15m or more I think we will need a 6m or 7m Boxing Day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. oh and that is just crazy! WTF ? I mean, I get the Sat gross. but sunday too is just mad! you do realise that SW7 has just put up the 1st, 3rd and 4th highest single days (pretty sure nothing else has made it much past 6m here other than Potter that is.
  22. would be funny if it broke the boxing day record... which to be honest isn't completely impossible even if it's the 2nd Saturday. There are already sellouts for boxing day as it is.
  23. So in Summary: Star Wars: The Force Awakens has broken the following records: Widest Release (937 Screens) Opening Day (9.4m) Single Day (9.4m) Thursday Gross (9.4m) Non Holiday Friday (5.3m - highest Friday remains with TH: BAFTA on boxing day with 5.6m) Saturday Gross (6.3m) Sunday Gross (EST 6m ?) Opening Weekend Gross (EST 27m) (December; 2015 weekend grosses obviously follow ) Fastest to 10m (2 days); 20m (3 days) Most Days in a row > 5m (4 and counting :D) I don't believe we got the Screen Average - pretty sure TLOTR: TTT still owns that one. Records expected to fall: Opening Week (I think its about 30m - expecting TFA to be at least 35m by end of Wednesday. Biggest Christmas Day (no idea how big the current holder is) Fastest to 30m, 40m, 50m, 60m the rest is just avatar vs Star wars anyway beyond this..... 2nd Weekend Record 3rd Weekend Record That will do to start with......
  24. Not sure about sat and sun but pretty sure they were both owned by HP8 till now. current Friday holder should be TH BOTFA from memory. TFA 2nd and ROTK 3rd. (Though 2nd and 3rd could swap) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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