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Posts posted by AdamKendall

  1. Absolutely boring #s today.  Only interested to see how close Wonder Woman gets to 400 this weekend.


    About 'It' ... I don't care what the September record is ... September has been filled with shit forever ... give people something that looks intriguing and they'll show up.  It just feels like the time for 'It' to explode. (Stranger Things, clowns being pretty popular in terms of creepiness now, renowned IP)


    I find a 65+ opening MUCH more realistic than a 40-45 opening, especially if it's even decent.

  2. 2 hours ago, marveldcfox said:

    Good career choice for the director.


    I have a hard time seeing a big name director doing SS2 considering SS was extremely mediocre and no one wants to do sloppy seconds. 


    Go with an up and coming director who is willing to work with studio to make a fun solid movie. Gareth Edwards has no project lined up since rogue one (has his reputation taken a big hit since then? Let's face it, rogue one was a giant mess which was nicely saved by getting a new director and pumping lots of money in reshoots/vfx and changing character arcs and story bits) so get him up while you can.  



    Yes, skip a film that will likely be the biggest hit of your career, and instead he should do another 'Jungle adventure type movie with The Rock which won't likely bomb, but will under-perform given how much people prop Rock up as some ridiculously huge draw for anything he's in.  Seriously Dwayne is so overexposed right now, it's borderline absurd.  He has so many projects (most of which sound horrible as is his forte) upcoming.  By the time he gets around to Black Adam, nobody going to watch him do much of anything anymore. LOL


    Serra would have been solid for the material ... and I'd kind of accepted him as directing it, but whomever they get probably won't be some huge downgrade.

    • Like 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

    I really doubt SW9 is moving to DEC, since that would pit it against Frozen 2.

    Disney really don't want to hurt the Frozen brand by doing that. They'll protect it at all cost.

    Besides, if SW DOES move to Dec, WB can push WW2 to June 2020.

    Remember that WW was originally suppose to open against Transformers 5 before moving up to early June.

    Problem is you can't just keep 'moving things back' ... they're already likely eliminating that 11/19 spot due to this December spot.  You move to June 2020 and all of a sudden you have no DC release from June 2019 to February 2020.


    WB has done too much running away from Disney with some dates ... At some point you just have to say fuck it (maybe you move it to 12/6/19) ... we believe in this film and it was popular, screw the competition.


  4. I think Rock is more interested in being Black Adam and facing Superman than anything in Shazam. LOL


    Really ... this should be a priority for Rock as it's easily his best chance at huge #s outside Furious ... yet he keeps choosing these awful franchises and movies that aren't going to have longevity.  Instead he's been filming the likes of Jumanji, Rampage and something called Skyscraper.  I mean the dude has been touting being Black Adam (not counting the earlier times) since what ... 2014?


    Seriously ... Rock get your act together ... you won't be Teflon forever. :P

    • Like 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, YourMother said:


    To be honest I can see either or. On one hand, Shazam has the potential to be the most family friendly/kid appealing live action superhero movie even moreso than Spider-Man. It also wouldn't surprise me if they went the teamup route and put in Superman or Batman as Shazam's mentor (a la Iron Man in Homecoming). On the other hand, Captain Marvel has Nick Fury to help grosses, and the film before the storm (aka IW2 for the MCU), Disney also has Dumbo and Space (another Cars movie), they can double feature CM with throughout the Spring Break weeks. Also given the spot it's released on (International Women's Day) and the past success of Wonder Woman and Hunger Games, CM could go the distance but not $350M+ of course.

    Nick Fury isn't going to put any asses in the seats.  He's only there to tie the movie more to the traditional MCU. 

    • Like 1
  6. The film does take a hit (in terms of awareness/marketing) if Rock isn't in it, but still I think the potential is there for this to blow up if they get someone with some charisma for Shazam.  The idea of a little kid becoming a superhero seems like something that young audiences would flock to if done right.


    I could easily see this making more than Captain Marvel because of that alone.  Seriously, from what I've seen online, almost nobody who reads comics seems to like Carol, so they'll really have to sell the character in the movie universe to really make big money.  Otherwise, could see that film being more of an Ant Man type box office.


    I could see this doing something like 85/250 if good.


    Oh, and yes Superman needs to show up in this film if at all possible (I know people will say it's like Homecoming, but who cares), if only for it to tease a match up of Black Adam vs. Superman/Shazam in the sequel ... or Man of Steel 2.

    • Like 3
  7. 33 minutes ago, AndyK said:


    Probably, but there seemed to be so much positivity pre release.

    Well, of course, a lot of people still going to be positive and excited ... I thought it was a good movie as well.


    And as @Jayhawk said, it's still gonna make 300 million, so nothing to be ashamed of, especially given the last few results in the franchise, but it does seem that the past has taken a toll on the people who were maybe on the fence and that has held it back from competing near the top comic book films this year.

    • Like 1
  8. 39 minutes ago, AndyK said:


    Personally, I think Spidey would have done better if the release dates were swapped with WW.


    But I don't think WW's numbers would have been any different, just SPideys would have improved.


    I think many peoples perceptions changed once they watched WW.


    Nothing to back that up, just a hunch.


    I was one those predicting 150/400 for Spidey and I can not think, with all the critic scores and pre release hype, of any other reason why its not performing as well as expected.



    Or you know, general public may just be sick of another Spider-Man film with a different lead actor for the 3rd time in 10 years.


    I mean, that seems to be the most likely reason ...

    • Like 6
  9. 49 minutes ago, UNDERDOG said:



    Interesting...colors they chose...


    Almost reminds you of a certain movie...

    True ... possible announcement of Collet-Serra taking over SS2 at Comic Con (he is also now following based Michael Wilkinson).  Also, WB just dated 2 additional DC films on 2/14/20  and 6/5/20 ... maybe Gotham City Sirens & Wonder Woman?


    So yeah, they have 4 dates right now including 4/2/20 (Cyborg) & 7/20/20 (Green Lantern Corp)

  10. 5 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

    I'm getting tired of people saying August is a wasteland. Plenty of midsize films are coming (all OW so don't play cute with me):


    The Dark Tower: 20-25M

    Detroit: 10-15M

    Kidnap: lol


    Annabelle: 30-35M

    The Nut Job: 10M

    The Glass Castle: 7-10M


    Hitman's Bodyguard: 20-25M

    Logan Lucky: 10-15M


    That's not even factoring in indies that will expand like An Inconvenient Sequel, Wind River, Good Time, etc.

    Sure gonna look like it a wasteland from a monetary point of view without a 133 million opener this year.

    • Like 8
  11. 16 minutes ago, Jonwo said:


    WB doesn't have the same amount of IPs that Disney have but they release a lot more films, some of it is more adult skewing like Dunkirk, It etc As long as the tentpoles like DC, Wizarding World, WAG and things like Ready Player One are successful, they'll be more than content

    Their DC films since 2013 are averaging 330,000,000+ domestic ... Fantastic Beasts is going to be a perennial 200-250 million franchise ... Lego is a solid piece as well ... and they continually keep Nolan in the fold.


    They'll be fine and don't need to worry about Disney/MCU.  If they make good movies the sky is the limit for them due to the individual IP they have access to.

    • Like 4
  12. 4 minutes ago, Jonwo said:


    Batgirl in the Spring, SS2 in June or August and The Batman in November would be a solid lineup although I could see WB switching SS2 to November and having Batman in the summer.

    I remember before Wonder Woman came out (maybe at CinemaCon or a WW China premiere) Deb Snyder mentioned that Batgirl was 'next up' in terms of the female solo films (she couldn't have guessed WW would do 400 million in US at the time) but I think that is still the plan.  Makes sense to give WW 3 years between sequels so it doesn't feel too rushed from an audience perspective.  Plus, if you do Batgirl ... then maybe you can fold that into an appearance in the Gotham City Sirens film the year or two after.

    • Like 3
  13. 3 minutes ago, Jonwo said:


     I reckon it'll be SS2 for February or April 2019, The Batman for June or August 2019 and Batgirl or Flash for November 2019. 2020 will probably be GCS for March 2020, Wonder Woman July 2020 and JLD or Flash October 2020. 2021 likely will be Cyborg, GLC and JL2

    I don't think we're ever seeing Cyborg ... if we do it will be in a Teen Titans movie.


    Oh and we'll have to see if anything ever comes on the Nightwing front with Chris McKay.  DC could set up a Batman universe inside the DC universe with all those popular characters.  The truth is there's really too many potential properties and movies and just not enough time.  Will be interesting to see which ones get chosen and which ones get stuck in development hell over the next 5+ years.

  14. 1 minute ago, Blaze Heatnix said:



    I think 2019 might be the year of DC girls.  Wonder Woman 2, Batgirl and Gotham City Sirens.


    2020- Batman, The Flash, Man of Steel 2


    2021- Justice League 2, Aquaman 2, Green Lantern Corps

    Suicide Squad 2 is likely to go in production by March (that will be 2019 release) ... of course, Harley will be all over that as well, so :P

  15. 1 minute ago, Steele131 said:

    I'm thinking Batman, Flash and SS2 for 2019

    Think it just depends if they may want to hold out for Robert Zmeckis like the reports say.  If so, probably not going to get Flash until 2020.


    Either way, with the additional exposure of the TV series, Flash is WAY too big of a potential property for WB to let sit around forever.  They need to get things going and make the movie.

    • Like 3
  16. 14 minutes ago, Jonwo said:


    My guess is a date and announcement for Wonder Woman 2, whatever the third 2019 DC film is and the other 2020 DC film. 


    Ready Player One's first trailer is what I'm excited for.

    IMO, third 2019 film will be Batgirl or Justice League Dark ... the 2020 films will be Wonder Woman 2 , Flash & Gotham City Sirens. :)


    I think Superman, Cyborg & Green Lantern (and I don't trust Rock to ever actually make a fucking Shazam/BA movie it's all talk and then he does another film) are fucked for now as I get the feeling the women are taking over and it might be DC's biggest weapon going forward as they're fresh characters who are extremely popular with young girls.

    • Like 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    Comic Con next week is going to be interesting, I imagine WB will have dates for the DC films from 2019 onwards and the first trailers for Ready Player One and Tomb Raider

    Gotta think they're going to let us know their plans for 2019 soon (at least one other film besides SS2 & The Batman) and maybe 2020 slate.


    Give me that, Justice League trailer ... and Aquaman teaser and I'm happy camper.


    Of course, they could announce a surprise casting which would be cool too, but I'm not gonna hold my breathe.


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