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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Until it conveniently is when it last second remembers it needs to grasp for some kind of emotional investment.
  2. Yes and no. While Lucas has major problems as an actual filmmaker, he's a fantastic idea man. I would have been interested in what some of his ideas for E7 could have been like in the hands of more capable filmmakers.
  3. Of course Lucas didn't like TFA, his ideas for it were totally different and were snubbed. Oh wait, but I forgot...we're going with Lucas never planned for an E7.
  4. So where exactly was it again that you conceded your defeat over it not being some 600+ juggernaut? It still has far more of a chance at coming in below my 450 mark than hitting yours. People in glass houses....
  5. You mean this guy who's been saying since last night it will likely make between both sides of the argument on this board (i.e. 450-500)? Lol, try again loser.
  6. Btw, thanks @EmpireCity for your random ass, but amusing af posts about what films are undisputed cash grabs.
  7. So why didn't they buy the rights years sooner. It's a total cash grab right, why wait? They could be makin that real mother fuckin money!
  8. Yes I do. And guess what? If I hate E8 way more than R1 I will still argue it didn't get greenlight exclusively as a cash grab. The sequel trilogy should have happened in the 80's if they were cash grabs only. The ideas already floating around and Lucas knew he could've made very quick and very big bucks going ahead with it then.
  9. Some of you are such hypocrites. If you hated the film you'd be screaming "cash grab" from the mountain top. I said cash grab way before I ever had an opinion on the film, because the two things have nothing to do with each other.
  10. Oh my god, how are people actually arguing with me about this being a cash grab? Give me a freaking break. Say you like the movie, that's your opinion. Don't say it didn't exist exclusively to be a cash grab. That's being unreasonable.
  11. Wrong. The movie could have been made at so many points in history before it was. It was literally decades in the making until it was felt it could be done right. Nothing about that makes it exclusively a cash grab. Developing a subplot we knew everything about 40 years ago to capitalize on people's current Star Wars fever is the cashiest cash grab in the history of cash grabs.
  12. Good luck finding a film franchise that went past three movies that a majority of people will think were all great. There is a big enough sample size to be confident that this will inevitably lead to what most consider as lackluster films. Honestly, you guys are being way too stubborn in your fanboy-ism right now. I understand SW had been dead for a decade and this is only the second year of its return, but just think about the future for one second.
  13. This I will agree with. Still doesn't change my opinion on the film existing as a cash grab because the people working on it aren't the ones that got to decide it would exist.
  14. Which is an inevitable result in this kind of saturation of a film franchise. Or are you telling me MCU hasn't suffered any mediocre cookie cutter outings whatsoever?
  15. I called R1 a cash grab long before I saw the movie. All the Anthology films greenlit so far are, it doesn't matter to me if Christopher Nolan is directing them.
  16. All films are cash grabs in a sense, we've established that. However, you know darn well what I mean by calling a film a "cash grab." It's a film that exists for literally no other purpose but to make the studio a quick buck. Not because they thought it was a good story, had a lot of potential, had great talent wanting to work on it, etc. Because they knew there was 0% chance of losing money if they made it. A sequel trilogy had been in gestation for decades. There was far more behind deciding to make it than just the money. Otherwise it would have been made a long time ago.
  17. I legitimately can't wait to read the meltdowns over Star Wars saturation in 5-8 years. When this whole board falls into that mob mentality it's going to make my complaints look tame.
  18. It doesn't stop you from complaining though when there's something you don't like, as well as making suggestions on what you think should happen. No one is saying that their own personal opinion should be expected to be the one studios base all their decisions on. But we still express them.
  19. A KOTOR film would be insanely awesome, I said that years ago already. However, Disney will never do that because it's too risky for them. These are cash grabs first and foremost. Sorry if some don't like to hear that, but it's the truth. And if Disney greenlights something far more risky than "The Death Star Plans" f/Darth Vader or The Many Adventures of Hannie the Solo, then I may start believing they're no longer treating them exclusively as their golden goose.
  20. The first was the most successful by a long shot in terms of admissions. And they were adapting a book series that spans only 6 years. Of course they had to hurry. No one can accuse that of being some rushed cash grab just for the sake of a cash grab. But yes, Potter did end up developing what you could call a mass niche audience, so to speak. A very large amount of people showed up for them, but that set base was kind of it. That's why you never saw any of them selling the kind of admissions almost every SW has.
  21. Why do you need to make something out of nothing? There was no personal attack on Tele. Only a questioning of his own bias coming into play.
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