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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Some of you may want to consider how the last big opener this week in December when Xmas weekend fell on the same days as this year took a nasty 58% tumble in its second frame: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/weekend/chart/?view=&yr=2005&wknd=51&p=.htm
  2. I'm genuinely dumbstruck how some can think 3.5x is even remotely realistic for R1. I guess people still don't get what kind of movie TFA was, despite R1 already clearly showing it's no TFA.
  3. I would really like to see Moana hit 275-280 just because I feel that would be high enough to qualify it as sort of a mini Frozen run if you will. However, I also think 250-260 is the most likely range.
  4. 1b will be interesting. I don't think it's getting there without 500+ DOM. So I don't think it's getting there in other words.
  5. Lol @ 250 being "dead" for Moana when it just had an insane hold this weekend next to every other holdover, even Arrival dropped 50% and it seemed infallible to such a drop. Assuming that R1 estimate holds, I'm about 75% certain it finishes over 450. But 90% certain it finishes below 500.
  6. Sure, I'll hook you up to my paypal via PM and we can get this show on the road. Per film I charge $1 for nothing, $5 for a twitter opinion, $10 for a meme, and $100 for a rant/rave. And I'm worth it, remember I'm certified more reliable than RT.
  7. It wasn't about you specifically, rather everyone who has enjoyed it here. No one seems to have much to say about those first 90 minutes. Quite peculiar.
  8. Lmfao, JonathonLB and I posted nearly the same comment about the Hero's Journey and SW at the same time. We're that in sync suddenly? Wtf is this madness???
  9. Star Wars is the classic Hero's Journey, and there's a reason that is the most tried and true storytelling archetype: it works.
  10. The first act is one of the choppiest things I've ever seen. I haven't gotten that kind of cinematic whiplash since Goblet of Fire. The second act is so boring I can't tell you one thing that happens. Maybe the third act is better than I'm giving it credit for, however by that point I was so uninvested it just wasn't salvageable. Maybe I will have to give the last act another chance someday without having to endure those wretched first 90 mins.But more than likely I will just re-watch a certain short scene near the end over and over.
  11. I could've sworn ROTS was one giant space battle and then lavish lava finale. Need to re-watch.
  12. I always find it telling when people can only heap praise on one act of a film while conveniently ignoring the rest. It's a very noticeable trend with all the Pro-gue Ones.
  13. Well it may not have had gloss and polish, but I thought the characters were incredibly realized and I was totally invested in their story. Real people can be interesting too you know, even in a movie.
  14. Well written characters, performances, and plots are what entertain me more than just another run of the mill action scene. As if SW hasn't already done space battles a dozen times over and a dozen times better than R1's before.
  15. Manchester felt so genuine. One of those very rare films that completely felt like a look into real people's lives. Nothing fake or Hollywood about it. So I guess if you like that Hollywood sheen, I can see how it maybe wouldn't be your thing.
  16. Natalie Portman's performance in Jackie is breathtaking. Wasn't really expecting to care for it much despite the buzz but I preferred it to Black Swan. Shame that win will probably be the reason she doesn't win for this.
  17. Grrr...150m would make me much more comfortable with the club than 155m. Well, who said an easy fight was any fun I guess.
  18. Well as long as Star Wars is going to be run into the ground until a Richter 10 engulfs us all, here are some mostly decent suggestions...
  19. You were "extremely bored" in Manchester but R1 excites you? Wow, I just don't get it I guess... At any rate, DON'T SKIP Manchester if you love extremely well developed characters with superb performances to back them up.
  20. I think December 2020 is what they should be aiming for. Nothing seems to indicate this will be ready anywhere close to 24 months from now, and I know Cameron may not care about competition, but going up against E9 would still be completely stupid. Fox will never have it. Also, I don't know about Avatar's prospects as a summer release. Summer schedule is such a mad house these days. If it's ready by late 2019, then Cameron can use the extra year to really perfect the post-production of all the films.
  21. The new characters/actors in TFA are more memorable and likable than any other new characters from a blockbuster of this decade, imo. I think they're the reason TFA will hold up and not fall victim to its re-hashiness of ANH.
  22. Avatar still wins against TFA OS with exchange rates, but it doesn't seem to be by nearly as much as it appears when you don't factor that in.
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