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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. But why is SS performing like a Potter finale that had throngs of fans with decades of pent up hype for it? There is just no valid excuse for this whatsoever outside of WOM.
  2. Oh god, I was actually contemplating whether or not I did as well. Not even gonna discuss the actual film for a few days because atm it would just be a raging mess.
  3. Ok yeah, it's an amazing accomplishment for the WB marketing team I agree. They pulled the wool over a whole lot of us, and upsold away, so they know what they're doing. The sneaky bastards.
  4. IIRC, Baumer didn't even think SS was hitting 100 OW, so again he'll probably still say what an amazing achievement this is, blah blah blah. Anything is amazing out of proper context. If I go tell some random person on the street that an indie movie they've never heard of made millions of dollars this weekend they'd probably be in awe and think that was huge.
  5. Yes and you were. Very few here predicted 65m+ OD. That was despite already getting dragged through the mud on RT all week. SS was going to be massive, and then they dropped that movie on us.
  6. A week ago I hadn't seen a steaming pile of feces that was packaged in deceptive incense coated WB marketing. FUCK THEM. And yes it would have beat TDK's OW if it was well received, that's not up for debate.
  7. It's disappointing it nudged slightly up honestly. If this is going to crash and burn I want spectacular wreckage. If they're gonna be this flippant on delivering any kind of quality in their product, then I want to see their world burn.
  8. I agree WW is still opening well because of the decades of demand surrounding it, but if it's hated and falls off a cliff like these others then JL is getting a terrible OW.
  9. Suicide Squad sequel is gonna make them money?!?!? There's a better chance of Suicide Squad 2 committing film suicide and never happening then there is of it being profitable now.
  10. In an alternate reality where the film delivered? Of course! In this DCEU hell of a reality? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA.
  11. Because the potential was there for this to be the event film of the summer. Just because this board was remarkably out of touch with how buzzed the film was, doesn't change reality. The OD (even in spite of those reviews) proves how this was set up to break out huge, and now will have to settle for being a not much bigger than Apocalypse level hit. It's profitable sure, but the implications of releasing such a hated film right after BvS are absolutely dismal for this franchise's future.
  12. Even freaking Twilight and Potter sequels might get beat by SS for OD frontloading! I mean c'mon, a movie that's not even a proper sequel beat the undisputed champs of internal frontloading! THIS IS A DI-SAS-TER. Unless Sunday marks a miraculous recovery.
  13. Your prediction would hold weight if SS didn't have a MASSIVE 65m+ OD. There's no universe in which that kind of OD yields a sub 130 OW without a disaster having happened WOM-wise. Especially outside of the YA genre no less.
  14. It's not the fact that SS won't be profitable (it will be) it's the future hole WB is digging themselves into by all these horridly received DCEU films. The interest for SS was huge, way bigger than it had any right to be, and now all it will have going for its box office run was a 100m+ OW when it could have been so much more. At some point the floor will give out here and the big OWs will stop for this franchise and then what? Cause lord knows they can't rely on legs.
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