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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Or you could do something with Marigold and Expecting. Like which day will Marigold pass Expecting, if at all.
  2. That's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion here, everyone's entitled to that. I'm merely trying to disprove the false claim that Titanic is the most beloved film of all time, which is simply not true. I've never even seen evidence supporting it as one of the most beloved of all time.
  3. Just to settle the argument that Titanic is not widely considered one of the best films by either critics or audiences: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_considered_the_best Not mentioned once, and there's oodles of sources on that page so don't give me that "that's just wikipedia!" nonsesne. LOTR and ROTK however are mentioned many times in both the critical and audience sections. Here's the paragraph about LOTR in the audience section: The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001–2003) was voted the most popular film of all time by an audience poll for the Australian television special My Favourite Film and by a poll cast by 120,000 German voters for the TV special "Die besten Filme aller Zeiten" (German "The best films of all time").Its first film, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), was the pick of readers in a poll by Empire magazine in November 2004. The third film, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, was voted the best movie of all time by Yahoo movies and Movies.com's annual reader's poll in 2006 and 2007. The defense rests.
  4. What about which Fox Searchlight film will it pass by the end of the game? Here's the list of Fox Searchlight films, you could use whichever ones you best see fit: http://boxofficemojo.com/studio/chart/?studio=foxsearchlight.htm
  5. Should have been so much better of a week for me then it ended up. Here I thought I might get a perfect.
  6. Wow Noctis you are losing your mind. Just to make sure I didn't miss something I looked back and you sure as hell did not.
  7. Aw poor Noctis, I didn't know you had a weight problem.
  8. Oh dear god, this brilliantly exposes all the flaws with the movie and is hysterical at the same time!
  9. Nope, ROTK sends Titanic sinking into the depth of Mordor in the accolades department. Also you might wanna read the books before assuming the eagles are a flaw. Eagles would never allow themselves to be ridden normally, but the one that rescued Gandalf from Saruman's tower knew him and owed him a special debt. For the obvious time constraint issues Jackson didn't go into this whole subplot in the film. Not to mention the Eagles likely wouldn't have been able to get to Mount Doom while Sauron was still in power and would have been essentially delivering the ring straight to Sauran's grasp. Oh and yes there was room for two.
  10. It's truly sad and pathetic that you confuse having great taste with being a sheep. Your loss I guess.If we're getting into lists and awards we all know which one comes out on top there, so let's not even waste the time. And lol at your "real life examples". Their as relevant as my real life examples (including actual women!), which I also gave you.
  11. Funny you'd think one of the greatest films of all time could avoid such a monumental flaw. Oh well, guess not.
  12. I mean seriously Noctis, you consider ROTS the best Star Wars film. Clearly you're in the minority opinion on a lot of things. You've given no real evidence to support your statement here. All they are are words on a message board. Just you saying Titanic is one of the most beloved films of all time. Well anyone can say anything anywhere.
  13. Cause you say it's one of the most beloved films of all time. Well "show me the receipts."
  14. From an infamous '02 Diane Sawyer interview with her. Sawyer was asking Houston about her drug use, and Houston told Sawyer to prove it by saying "show me the receipts!" of the dealers she bought from.
  15. Oh dear, we already had the discussion about how most gross does not equal most loved. You losing your memory child!
  16. I never started off by bashing Titanic. In fact if you go back you'll see I merely stated surprise that it was beating films like TDK, TS3, and ROTK, while still giving it a B+. I didn't really start getting on Titanic until you started with the whole "most beloved of all time" crap, which I'm sorry is nonsense. I'm more bashing that statement and the film's emotional impact than I am the film itself. If I gave it a B+ then obviously I must think it's decent overall.
  17. And the insults continue I see.I guess we need a miracle worker here.
  18. And someone needs a visit from this guy: Seriously why do you immediately get all angry and insulting whenever someone disagrees with you? It makes me get angry and I'm not an angry kinda guy.
  19. Check the thread before you twist facts (though I know how easy that must be for you). You attacked RoTK for no reason, I merely responded to your childish insult, and that of course unleashed your high almighty fury.
  20. You're really gonna degrade animation like that? Yeah, cause that's always such a sound argument. And for the record you might wanna get your facts straight there before you start insulting me. Noctis is the one on the high horse as usual, flinging his insults as if his shit don't stink and then expecting that everyone else will just STFU.
  21. Then how come I couldn't get any of my female friends, including my own girlfriend to see the re-release with me? I had to go with my freakin mom cause she's the only one I knew who wanted to see it! And guess what, lo and behold the theater was full of 40+ groups of females and older couples.
  22. Yeah good point, a lot of people do kind of regard the whole trilogy as a whole. As it should be in some ways. And the LOTR trilogy is most certainly one of the most beloved works of modern film among people. Anyone denying it is foolish and ignorant, and no ludicrous argument will change that.
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