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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Gross isn't the be all, end all indicator of what the public's favorite movie is. Are you seriously gonna tell me that because Titanic is one of the all time highest grossers that means everyone who saw it must have loved it? You seriously can't be that naive Noctis can you? Gross is about a lot of other factors that just that. Titanic was a phenomenon of its time, everyone went to see it, even people that had no desire to and hated it. Just because more people saw it in the theater than say ROTK has nothing to do with which film is more beloved among people. There's PLENTY of evidence pointing to ROTK being the more beloved of the two among people as well.
  2. Point to me any place it's showed up on in the past decade of best films lists or discussions? Seriously find me one. It won its Academy Awards and has virtually never been recognized since. Unlike ROTK which pops up ANYTIME a discussion or list of best modern cinema shows up.
  3. And yet it is almost never recognized as such in the industry today. Interesting.
  4. Because I appreciate certain aspects of the film like the overall scope. There are things that Cameron did that are definitely great about it. However overall it is nowhere near one of the all time classics, and it's a chore to sit through that I only need to see once a decade or so.
  5. For the same reason it has more acclaim, accolades and legacy than any other film on this list.
  6. Oh dear lord, I would volunteer for castration and any other form of torture before I would ever watch Titanic 500+ times. Just seeing the re-release again this past April reminded my why I hadn't watched it in nearly a decade. Such a chore.
  7. To me they're pretty much even and I've never understood why some hate one and love the other, although I like AWE a bit better actually if only for that epic final battle.
  8. It's fine for what it is, but it certainly wouldn't belong on a "sampler of the best of modern film" though.
  9. Yeah, it is actually a very respectable club barring those 3. Take out DMC as well, and it's like a sampler of the best of modern film.
  10. WTF Titanic is winning? People here really think Titanic is better than ROTK, TS3, or TDK, arguably the three best films of modern cinema? Sometimes I don't know about this board.My rankings:1. ROTK - A+2. TDK - A+3. TS3 - A+4. Avengers - A+5. Avatar - A6. DH2 - A7. Titanic - B+8. DMC - B-9. Alice - C10. TF3 - C11. OST - D
  11. I don't have kids, but I've been around them nearly all my life since they've always been in my immediate family. I know that there are just some kids movies that kids don't like, or have no interest in seeing for whatever their reasons. Same as adults. I do agree with you that the Madagascar series definitely has far more appeal to kids than to anyone else, hence how they've grossed what they have, so I don't know that will be a big issue for this movie. I'm guessing the kids that liked the first one probably liked the 2nd, and will have some interest in this one. I still don't think it will have good WOM though. And I think it's insulting to a kid's intelligence to say that all they care about is bright, funny cartoons. They may like those too, but kids can look deeper than that. If they couldn't, there's no way Pixar movies like Wall-e or Ratatouille could have made over $200m.
  12. Meh, scratch that got a bit ahead of myself there with RTH's early Saturday numbers last night. BS and Expect both ended up increasing on Saturday and TA dropped more than 45% so I'll miss those two now. I think I jinxed it!
  13. Um duh? You really think if kids dislike a movie they're gonna be chomping at the bit to see the sequel? What makes you think it's any different for them than with anyone else? Just like bad WOM follows a sequel with any other movie, it certainly can with animation too (hello Shrek 4!). I don't understand why some people think kids are like robots or something who are incapable of forming their own opinions or thinking for themselves. A kid does not automatically love every movie that's made for them, of that I can assure you.
  14. Nikki is the reason that whole "women suck at math" stereotype exists.
  15. OMG, if Safe House increases this weekend I think I'm gonna have my first perfect week since I started plying the game last year!
  16. So 60-66% Sat jump for TA. Very nice. If only that Friday increase could have been closer to 200% though...Actually surprised BS may stay flat or even increase today. Expected a drop off for sure.Thanks as usual!
  17. TA's Friday number depresses me, especially after the range RTH gave us last night. It better have an awesome Saturday.
  18. Highly doubtful. Young females care the least about reviews possibly of any demo out there and that's SWATH's biggest demo right now. SWATH will have a big OW with or without critical acclaim. Legs are a different story, but it won't fail based on its OW alone.
  19. Funny, I could've told ya you would love BS from the moment I saw the preview B.
  20. Oh dear lord, Kitsch is Lone Ranger!? Nooo! If that's true, we can kiss its success chances goodbye right now!
  21. Hmm, I would have to rewatch it again with "parental" goggles on so to speak, but it didn't seem too bad to me. And red blood is definitely a lot different than any other color blood. I mean then it's not really even blood. I just can't imagine most kids who can handle the Star Wars movies (Sith in particular) not being able to handle JC.
  22. I'll always swear that it could have done nothing but help, but it's moot point now. But really, JC didn't end up being so mature of a PG-13 that most kids can't see it, so there really was NO reason not to use that in the marketing and go after that family audience.
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