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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. A little surprised this will be one of their shorter efforts. Actually expected the opposite.
  2. 1) Will Battleship open to more than 47 mill? NO 2) Will What to Expect open to more than 20 mill? NO 3) Will The Dictator open to more than 30 mill for the 5 day? NO 4) Will The Dictator's two day (wed-Thurs) gross be more than 10 mill? NO 5) Will the combined gross of The Dictator (5 day) and What To Expect (3 day) be more than the Avengers (3 day)? NO 6) Will any film have a Saturday increase of more than 60%? YES 7) Will any film have a Sunday drop of less than 24%? YES 8) Will The Avengers drop more than 45%? NO 9) Will The Avengers weekend gross be more than the combined gross of films in places 3-10? YES 10) Will The Avengers total gross be more than 450 mill? YES 11) Will What to Expect and Battleship both have increases on Saturday? NO 12) Will THG make at least 500k more than The Lucky One? YES 13) Will Safe House have an increase this weekend? YES 14) Will The Raven make more than Safe? NO 15) Will Think Like a Man fall less than 30%? NO 12/15 3000 13/15 5000 14/15 6000 15/15 10,000 Bonus 1: To three decimal points, what will The Avengers % drop be this weekend? 3000 36.989 Bonus 2: What will the top five cume be for the weekend (only 3 day counts) 134.895 Bonus 3: What finishes in spots: 3 The Dictator 4 Dark Shadows 9 Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 11 The Pirates! 13 Safe 15 3 Stooges 2000 each...get all 6 correct get a 7000 bonus!
  3. It's definitely a weekend movie so the Monday number doesn't really surprise me. For all we know it could still have a 35% drop this weekend (not saying it will, but that's the kind of weekend movie it is).
  4. Absolutely. Worst case scenario is it only makes another $10m or so from here which puts it around $397-398m, but then you just know LG would fudge it to 400 anyways, so even worst case scenario it wins!!
  5. I think people will hold off till June. There's tons of appealing films opening in June for all kinds of different demos. We've seen before when there's unappealing movies, people don't go to them. Thankfully TA is strong enough that I think it can single-handedly carry May on its shoulders while we wait for June.
  6. Well for starters I don't have MIB opening nearly that high or TA going that low for Memorial day. I think TA will only be down to around 45m or so for the 3 day. I expect sub 40% holds this weekend and memorial weekend for it.
  7. 45-50m for OW/ 55-60m 4 dayI expect it will see 55-60% 2nd and 3rd weekend drops after that.
  8. I think TA will stay ahead of MIB after MIB's OW.
  9. Would Abe Lincoln count? BOM has that as a Horror thriller. Not that I think it has any shot, but probably still the best shot of anything left.
  10. I think most of that 4 parter horror question can be answered now. I'm pretty sure no other horror movie has any shot at opening to a 10m OD or 32m OW. I answered yes for both, and stupid DS just barely missed both marks.
  11. TA doesn't have much hate because there's not much to hate about it. It's not that kind of film. Even people who don't love it like Noctis still give it like a B-. I can't see it ever really eliciting strong responses of hate from too many people. It's pretty inoffensive on that front.
  12. Too bad for the darn Titanic re-release, it may have had a shot at passing its original WW gross.
  13. I'd love if DS could go up .3m or so and beat TA's Friday so I could get that question right in the game. Doubt anything good will be happening to DS though.
  14. And which role exactly screams guaranteed star to you? Like I said she has a chance but it's not set in stone by any means she'll make it yet.
  15. I think Watson has a chance, although it's greatly exaggerated by many around here. It will depend on picking the right roles on her part, and of course a lot of luck.
  16. Actually shocked to see Grint has a few movies lined up. I thought after Potter that would be it for him. Sorry but I can't really imagine why anyone would hire him. He's perfect for Ron but that's about where it ends.
  17. Clones would be mostly fine if it weren't for all of Christensen's atrocious melodramatics and hysterics. There's some really fun action scenes in that one and at least the plot doesn't consist of nothing but countless senate meetings. B movie that Christensen manages to drag down to like a C-.
  18. Just the mention of TPM in comparison to TA is making my ears gush blood.
  19. It really is. Can you imagine anyone who wants to go see a big summer popcorn action flick choosing BS over TA? I sure can't. The only hope for BS is if TA keeps having a ton of sellouts next weekend and BS gets a little overflow from that.
  20. Yeah, this record could really stand the test of time. It will take a movie with a pretty huge OW and excellent WOM to have any chance at toppling this.
  21. Ah, well maybe there's a method to her madness after all!
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