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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. So damn true. I actually voted for Cook cause I thought he had the stronger performances that season since I thought Archuleta peaked really early and got worse as it went on, but after him these other WGWG have been practically useless. And yeah they've all been so unsuccessful, save for maybe Scotty and like you said the Country audience is a lot easier to make it with. Although the season you're referring to where Hicks won is season 5, not 3. 3 was my 2nd least least favorite season of all of em after the season with Lee, 3 only had Fantasia and J Hud who were worth anything.
  2. Yeah you gotta love it when they have the brilliant idea to put the whole "from the director of..." in the marketing of a movie when it's from the director of a total POS. How exactly does that sell the movie?
  3. A bit OT, but I find it shocking that Jumanji adjusts to nearly $200m DOM. Not based off a board game, but the whole movie revolves around a board game. Makes you wonder though if they actually put some real star power and a decent premise into BS if it could of done OK. I still don't think the thing should have ever been made but if they're gonna base something off such a ludicrous idea at least have a really enticing concept and one big name star.
  4. Ah yes, I forgot to say animation, that's the other kicker. Never trust tracking with animation since those are basically impossible to track. Find me the last none $140m+, non animated movie the rule has failed on though. I know its been awhile.
  5. You just have to learn how to read tracking and it can actually work quite usefully. Hence where the "rule" comes in. I knew BS was going to open below $27m this weekend. How did I know that, besides all my better instincts telling me it was a bomb, that is? Because RS said mid 50's and MTC said 27. When MTC comes in that much lower than RS the movie opens below both of them the vast majority of the time. Now where that rule doesn't seem to work well at all is with the huge 130-140m+ openers, but otherwise I can't remember the last time its really failed.
  6. It just proves yet again the rule continues to work 95% of the time, the major exceptions being with the huge $140m+ openers like TA.
  7. What word is there on Prometheus yet? I hope you're not referring to that Empire review that was actually reviewing a different movie called Prometheus. As for SWATH, the reviews are very sparse even if one or two are negative doesn't necessarily mean majority will be. And that movie may not be that affected by reviews anyway. I still think June will be very strong at the BO.
  8. Kitsch is fine as an actor but considering there are a million other struggling actors out there who could probably act just as well or better than him I don't really feel bad for him that he can't seem to make it. He can always fall back on his looks if the acting biz doesn't work out.
  9. :lol:I hope it does! I'd much rather the bomb of the year title go to the crappier movie of the two. And the one that has Rihanna. `
  10. I think I looked and only 1 person answered yes on that $47m question. Have no clue why B set the benchmark that high, it's been clear for some time it was coming no where near that.
  11. At the risk of sounding hypocritical for saying the recession was over, no further arguments necessary, I must say this month would be downright abysmal if it weren't for TA right now. I mean seriously my guess is it would easily be the worst May ever for attendance if you take out TA right? But then again I guess that's besides the point since a whole lot of people are still going to the movies this month, it all just happens to be one movie and one movie only. I'm sure there are other months in box office history that are similar to that. Appeal definitely does play in though, no doubt. Aside from TA these May movies have been about as appealing as an old banana peel.
  12. Legs will be worse than JC with the crowded June coming up. I'm going with a 1.9 multi.
  13. Hmm so Nikki is still under RTH on TA huh? I think I'll stick with RTH's range thanks. He's been right everytime with it and Nikkie has underestimated that movie since day 1.
  14. Unfortunately I'm starting to get a bad feeling that this will have a much bigger OW than most of us are expecting just because kids have been deprived of any real kids movie since March (Pirates basically doesn't count). 84m is ridiculous though, that's not happening. I think 60m unfortunately could though. I just hope it plummets once Brave hits.
  15. Nah, I think it's passing TDK on Memorial Day. Yep, I said it.
  16. Needs more like 18.5m to make it. Then it could have a 67% Sat increase and 35% Sun decrease and do it, which would both be possible, imo.
  17. With 18m it has a small shot at 70m. Sat increase is bound to be big, should be bigger than last week's.
  18. Damn, even my 23m BS OW prediction is gonna be too high if it only does 8m today. I said it kind of jokingly earlier this year after JC bombed, but Taylor Kitsch really must be box office poison...
  19. Hallelujah!!! Thanks had not seen that. Only saw Nikke's latest. That's much better.
  20. Wow, 14m is definitely disappointing to me for TA if that's right. That's only about a 125% increase. Honestly was expecting it to increase 150% at the very least today, and hoping it could pull near 200%. Hopefully that number will go up. Not one bit surprised at the openers though. I totally aced Expecting and BS.
  21. Told you guys these three movies were all busts. Very surprised Dictator is doing worse than Expecting though.
  22. If white guy with a guitar #5 wins this year I'm officially done with this show because it's clearly no longer about talent. It's just about the girls voting for the cute white boy. Phillip has had 2 memorable performances the whole season, Volcano and the Seger song last night, and yet he sails to the finale. Admittedly both of those came at the end which surely helped, but he should've been gone long before then. He has zero singing range and gave the exact same generic melody free performance every single time up until Volcano last week. I'm still just in shock that he managed to knock out TWO of the most talented contestants they've ever had from making the finale with Skylar and now Josh. At least Jess made it, but honestly her consistency on the show wasn't quite as strong as Josh or Skylar even though her voice is incredible. I just think she needed a few more years. Will still be voting the daylights out of her next week. She just has to win for the sake of this show's credibility.
  23. Aren't they also supposed to be doing another Bridget Jones movie? That's another extremely late rom-com sequel.
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