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Posts posted by FTF

  1. The midnight screenings in places other than NA isn't made only by fanboys. Of course there were those that kept quiet, but there were a lot of people laughing. Myself included. The premier didn't even have fanboys except for me and a bunch of people, it was a premiere screening, not a midnight. Both people laughed. Swear to me.

    Ohhh, well would you look at that. It went from an entire audience laughing every time, to just you and your "friend" laughing sometimes...shocking. And you wonder why no one belives you...you're like the boy who cried wolf, or should I say the boy who cried lizard.
  2. to me this movie is not that good, boring, dense, not fun at all, total crap. This movie takes out all the wonder , fantasy, inherent in comic books, and Nolan is trying to convey some deep idiotic message to us mere mortals. WOM is defintely not good. In my office, when the Avenger came out, everybody was talking about it, ie when they will go and see it. with TDKR, nobody gives a hoot, ie not one person talking about it whether it is good or bad. So, there you go, WOM for this movie is overrated, IMO. Thank God this is the last one.

    Replacing bold font with italic font, that's nice.
    • Like 2
  3. Can someone find me anyone here who said the shooting had no effect on it? Find one person who said that.I'm simply stating there are a plethora or other reasons why it will not and never was going to reach 500 mill. And I'm the one not being objective FTF? Take a look in the mirror friend.

    How am I not being objective? I'm not claiming it would have broken records or beaten TA, etc, etc. All I'm saying is, take an ow of $185m, use the exact same current (as you claim) so-so/mixed wom drops, and it's hitting $500m...that's all I'm saying! This all started because you claimed "no matter what (regardless of the shooting) there's no chance in the world" it would have hit $500m...and that's crazy and wrong. It may not have hit $500m, as nothing is ever an exact certainty, but all the data and figures and numbers, etc. clearly point towards that it would have, so stubbornly stating no matter what that it wouldn't have makes no sense and is wrong and I don't know why you're being so insistent about it.
    • Like 4
  4. Yes, it does make sense because it would have been even more frontloaded. If you give it a 185 opening, I have it at 480 tops.

    sigh...I don't even know who I'm talking to anymore. I guess we'll have to end our discussion about this as I no longer feel you're being objective about it. Anyway, I'm curious to see how you feel the shootings are impacting movies if say EX2 "only" opens in the mid $30m range or lower ;) (hoping the movie is really good though).
    • Like 1
  5. Since I apparently didn't address this, here is my response. If the shooting affected it so much, then where is he great recovery? When will it start having uncharacteristically low drops to make up for all of those terrified people who stayed away OW?The truth is they wo't come and there won't be any great drops because word has gotten out that TDKR just isn't that good, or that it is good, but it isn't that great. :)

    Again, I'm saying with this mixed/so-so wom you think TDKR is having which will lead to around a $450m Dom finish, just adjusting its ow to $180-185m (which eveyone, including you, agrees it would have gotten without the horrible shootings) and using the same drops it's having now, that is $500m. So it makes no sense that you're saying it had no chance in the world to finish $500m under normal conditions, when it's going to finish only $50m or so away under the current conditions.
  6. Sure it makes sense, you are just stuck in one mode FTF. You think that this is going to follow the same path as TDK and that simply isn't true. TDKR is already showing signs of erosion and that has nothing to do with the shooting now. It's weekdays are weaker than TDK and it's weekend has been much weaker. This weekend it's in for another sizable drop. There is just no way this film was going to come close the epic perfect story that TDK took advantage of.

    This response has nothing to do with anything I said though. It's almost like I was reading a response from BKB ;)
  7. There's no way in the world this would have hit 500, even in a perfect scenario. It's too divisive. Many love it and many don't and then you have people like me that like it but not really. For this to have hit 500 you would have needed outstanding WOM and I think it was heading for a 2.5-2.6 multiplier. 480 tops.

    What are you talking about with that first sentence? Under the worst case scenario possible for its ow, it's going to hit $450m, but under normal conditions without a massacre it wouldn't hit $500m no chance in the world??? That makes no sense...again, just take $185m ow, use the same drops it's having (which are slightly worse because of shootings or as you think, bad wom), and it's hitting $500m.
  8. Posted Image

    I'm sorry, but he was the crappiest of the three, and I say this as a person who enjoyed TASM. The crap CGI did not help either.

    Don't bother trying to talk to ijack about Lizard or TASM, he's not objective at all. Same about Bane or TDKR, he's had a total agenda against that movie for a few weeks now. (and I liked TASM a lot, but Lizard is a joke and silly cartoon character compared to Bane).
  9. http://entertainment.time.com/2012/07/29/the-dark-knight-rises-again-what-aurora-effect/

    Last week, many news sources reported that the Aurora massacre had scared away moviegoers. Wrong: attendance, according to Box Office Mojo, was 40% higher last weekend than the previous weekend ($231.3 million to $165 million) and up 21% from same weekend last year (when the total take was $190.6 million).

    This weekend, total box-office revenue ($134.8 million) was indeed down from the same weekend last year ($179.7 million), when the new films were Cowboys & Aliens, with a $36.4 million three-day take, The Smurfs, with $35.6 million, and Crazy, Stupid, Love., with $19.1 million. The drop is almost entirely due to two related factors that have no connection to the shootings. One: Olympics coverage began with a splendid show Friday night; and two, Hollywood, knowing the Games were coming, released fewer films this weekend.

    Read more: http://entertainment.time.com/2012/07/29/the-dark-knight-rises-again-what-aurora-effect/#ixzz227gIh06p

    I'm so confused.

    This could possibly be the most idiotic article I've ever read.
  10. It's amazing how many people outside of the United States are so out of touch with how much the shooting is negatively impacting TDKR and the box office overall. EVERY movie is down, EVERY movie is being hurt, drops last weekend (and maybe this) were terrible, The Watch is bombing horribly (more so than a normal bombing), this is not simply a case of "well maybe people just don't like TDKR that much and it's not getting good wom", those comments are based on personal feelings about the movie and being out of touch about the shootings and not understanding the impact it's having. (yesterday was also partly cause of olympics opening ceremony...still completely unrelated to bad wom, and impacted all movies)

    • Like 7
  11. If that 17m figure is correct then BKB should be unbanned. I know the last thing everyone wants is someone rubbing TDKR's disappointing performance in people's faces however with 8 months of the BKB rants, I think he deserves to say to everyone.... I told you so.

    Fuck that...he doesn't get to gloat because some insane asshole went on a mass murdering rampage.
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