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Everything posted by blackspider

  1. Assuming 38m today (split the difference) and 26m tomorrow (32% drop) then TFA would pull in 141.5m in its first set of weekdays. The previous best was JW's at 87.3m. Let that one sink in for a bit.
  2. If TFA can pull 37-40m on weekdays then 60m on a Christmas Friday is definitely on the table.
  3. I'm just saying this, if it does indeed pass Titanic adjusted or just come close, then it goes down as the most impressive BO run ever. Titanic was in theaters for a whole goddamn year and TFA has to deal with internet piracy and a shorter time in theaters along with a more crowded marketplace. The fact it's even approaching these numbers already puts it in rare company. I'm still having trouble comprehending how insane this is.
  4. TFA has a legit shot at doubling the previous December OW record (84.6m) in its 2nd weekend. Wow.
  5. Star Wars is gonna have 5 films in the top 20 adjusted list. #domination
  6. Absolutely stunning number. A movie this huge shouldn't be displaying holds like these. This thing has been defying all logic since day one. Unreal.
  7. @BK007 I get what you're saying. But I know you can't tell me with a straight face that TFA wouldn't have broken the record if it started at midnight. People have done the math on it, starting at 7 pm actually doesn't add much in terms of showtimes. It went into 5-6 am showtimes because demand was high, so did DH2. At the end of the day, a movie can only play with the hand it is dealt. TFA has played its hand better than anyone else and that's why people are bitching.
  8. Whenever any movie breaks records, there's always gonna be people knocking it. I don't think we've had a record breaker that shut everyone up since SM1.
  9. I'll just put my .02 on this whole thing. There hasn't been one issue regarding the previews being counted towards Friday's gross since post-Aurora until now. And why is that? BD2, CF, AOU, MJ1 and JW all had the same advantages TFA did. They got showings before midnight too so why didn't people say their previews were unfair? TFA's demand was just higher than all of them and the grosses reflect that. If it had a midnight it still would've destroyed the record. Don't think otherwise.
  10. Damn, a lot of bickering went down in this thread. Shouldn't these massive numbers have everyone in high spirits?
  11. It's kinda unfair to say out now after seeing how well it held up on Monday but I never thought a 50%+ drop would happen due to all the advantages it has going for it this upcoming weekend.
  12. Just realized this is going to pass Clones unadjusted today. Revenge of the Sith by Thursday and then Phantom Menace by Friday.
  13. It's gonna fly by 300m today. We went from 200m in 5 days to 300m+ in 7 years. This thing is a frikkin' freight train just tearing shit up. Unreal.
  14. Mother of god what a fucking incredible number. This thing is straight up beasting and it's only getting started. I was hoping for a good hold, it was packed at my theater today. TFA actually increased from Sat-Sun at my theater as well.
  15. The pirated copy won't affect it. This is an event that people want to experience and that is heavily diminished watching it on a monitor.
  16. This thing is actually going to challenge and potentially pass TPM in admissions. Didn't think a movie would ever be able to do that.
  17. Holy shit at that Sunday number! TFA will also have the biggest OW underestimation in BO history, another record to add to the list. Monday record is next.
  18. Thanks. Hard to tell what its drop would've been under normal circumstances since Saturday was impacted. I'd still think sub-20%.
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