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Everything posted by Bluebomb

  1. I disagree. For once, a re-release is doing well in HK.______________________________________________________________________________Battleship: Pre-selling in IMAX started yesterday and already peak showtimes are about 15-20% full. It is headed towards a weekend above 1m.The Avengers: Pre-selling has started at 1 theater today. 2 tickets have been bought. Ticket prices cost more than a regular 3D release. OW is expected to be in the 2-3m range.
  2. Really good for Love in the Buff. It's only down 1% from last Friday. It also would have been very close to or passed 2m on Thursday. Good opening for Mirror Mirror. The Hunger Games increased nicely. Titanic is still doing awesome. The Lorax did about expected.
  3. Madagascar 2 had goodwill from the first Madagascar. This one will stay flat or decrease because it's an unwanted sequel. Plus, some big markets in Europe is showing this in October which I think will decrease its OS gross.
  4. With the Tuesday opening, I don't see how it breaks the OW in most of Asia. Unless if you were referring to the 6-day OW versus the 5-day for Transformers 3?
  5. No it will not increase big in Asia. China yeah of course but not everywhere else.Dropping my prediction to 375m with some of Europe moving this to October.
  6. Did they move Madagascar 3 to October in those European markets because of soccer? PiB is based off of a successful franchise that's bigger than Madagascar.I think those October dates in Europe will kill Madagascar's 3 chances of 400m.
  7. I could see it missing 400m even with 3D. 350m is possible if it's not as strong in European markets like with M2. I just checked the international release dates for this. Why is it opening in middle of October in some European territories? Is there some big holiday in Europe in October or something?
  8. How big is the UEFA European Championships worldwide?
  9. Will European markets be enough to save Madagascar 3 from missing 400m?
  10. Yeah, it didn't make the top 5 at the time and the admissions site only publishes the top 5.But The Hunger Games is back in the top 5 at this hour. Wrath is somewhere below the top 5.
  11. Yes. General public seems to have mixed feelings about the movie. Really good for Love in the Buff. Titanic is doing well. The Lorax and Mirror Mirror should both pass Titanic today. Weak for Wrath of the Titans.
  12. LOL @ calling Lindsey a little psycho. Did the dancers in white masks give you that impression? :PNo, just watching through my computer.
  13. Hmm, maybe I got it confused with another movie. The market in China is expanding so people might want to see it for the first time if they weren't able to 15 years ago. I agree with you partially that some people will not want to see this again but I think with higher ticket prices and people's love of 3D, people will pay up to see it again so 50m in China should be no problem. Also, it's being released like a tentpole so I don't see this grossing only 15-20m.
  14. Because Titanic didn't get a release the first time around.I'll say 50m. I think it will do some damage but it will quickly fizzle out with Battleship and other movies coming out.
  15. Excellent for Love in the Buff. Hefty drops for The Hunger Games and Wrath of the Titans. Great opening for Titanic 3D. This is going to at least double all 3D re-releases' OWs in the past 3 years. Not bad for A Simple Life. __________________________ Interestingly enough, The Lorax was supposed to get an IMAX release this weekend but Titanic snatched it away. I don't know how FOX pulled it off but it's working as Titanic is about 75-85% full for all showtimes (advanced ticketing released up until Easter Monday). Wrath is getting some IMAX showtimes too but it's doing the opposite of Titanic, only 5-10% full with each showtime.
  16. Results show was a trainwreck. The top 3 on Blake's team were actually my bottom 3 for the night. Cannot believe Charlotte Sometimes is gone. She did great on Misery Business. Too bad she gave up in the sing-off along with Naia. Jordis deserved to go through based on the sing-off alone. Blake's team is pretty bland now. Especially RaeLynn. She cannot get off my screen fast enough.Did not like the people who advanced on Christina's team either except for Lindsey but I still have reservations about her. I really cannot stand Jesse. He's too cocky, unlike Javier last year who was confident but wasn't outwardly challenging other contestants to match him. I like Chris and I'm glad he survived but I hated his rendition of Bridge Over Troubled Water. I would have saved Sera instead of Ashley because I think Sera's a better vocalist and did better with the sing-off than Ashley but Ashley did pretty well on Monday so I'm not that angry that Christina chose her.If this is what the results show is going to be like, then I'm pretty sure that Tony Vincent (Broadway bald rocker) is going through on Team Cee-Lo next week regardless of performance.
  17. Taiwan - $35,271 from 5 theatersGood opening. I think it's safe to say this will be a hit everywhere. This and A Simple Life are similar so I don't think we should expect monster legs or gross from Taiwan or any of the Asian markets where A Simple Life has come out.
  18. Wrath of the Titans/Clash of the Titans OW comparison in Asian markets Mixed bag in Asia.
  19. Because most 3D re-releases have done poorly in HK. Titanic's opening day so far should be more than $100,000 and if you add on another $150,000 for the rest of the day, that would become a $250,000 opening day, beating almost every other 3D re-release's opening weekend.While The Hunger Games is in its 3rd weekend, it should do better on holidays because longer action epics see increases on holidays. To lose admissions from last weekend is not a good sign although the day has not ended yet. Also, it saw a great hold last weekend so the trend should have continued on into this week but the lower admissions means that the public has either moved onto other movies or the mixed WOM from the general public is starting to take shape.
  20. Yeah, song choice killed more than half of the performers. No, there's 24 singers in the competition. 6 singers from each team. These 12 singers are from Team Blake and Christina. Adam and Cee-Lo's teams of 6 will perform next week. I think tonight is the results show for Team Blake and Christina.
  21. Love in the Buff is doing really well. Good increase. Not liking that number for Wrath. Ouch for The Hunger Games. Nightfall is bleeding admissions badly. A Simple Life increased due to the holiday effect. Love in the Buff could reach 50,000 admissions today. Wrath is continuing to lose admissions by the day here. Not a good sign. Excellent start for Titanic! It'll definitely be frontloaded but this might hit $200,000-$250,000 opening day. Underwhelming for The Hunger Games. Longer action films should do well on holidays. Great showing for A Simple Life.
  22. The Voice - Team Blake & Christina 1. Jermaine Paul - Got swallowed by the band. His voice doesn't stand out enough. Good technical singer but always tries to grunt to add some grit to his voice. (4/10) 2. Chris Mann - I like the song but I don't get why Christina picked this song for Chris. He has one of the best technical voices in the competition but this song requires simplicity rather than vocal gymnastics. I thought his rendition ruined the song for me. It was too messy. Really disappointed as he was one of only 2 that I liked from Christina's team in the blind auditions. (3/10) 3. RaeLynn - She uses her country twang way too much. It gets overused to the point that I can't understand what she is singing. I can't believe Jordan got cut over her. Stupid decision by Blake. (0/10) 4. Moses Stone - I agree with Adam. He has a voice that he doesn't use nearly enough. Also, the sing/rap combo is getting old. He has to just sing a song otherwise he's going to become a gimmick really fast. Great stage presence but didn't hear enough vocals. (2.5/10) 5. Naia Kete - I was worried that her voice would crack when she was singing. A bit shaky but her shakiness emits 10,000x more vulnerability than most of the singers in the competition. There were some moments of brilliance mixed in with some rough patches. I still like her but I hope Blake is able to find 'the song' for her as I still think she can pull out something fantastic. Disagree with Christina on Naia needing to be more Reggae. Blake was right that she needed to stay closer to the melody and I'm glad she heeded his advice. (6/10) 6. Lindsey Pavao - I didn't like her in blind auditions or in the battle round. This performance surprised me though. I think she had pitch problems that were glossed over by the judges. She has a unique voice but the quirkiness is going to get old. Good performance and good vocals. (7.5/10) 7. Jordis Unga - A bit shouty in her upper register but Jordis has returned for the most part. She looked pretty confident and her singing was very good except for the shouty moments. Hard song to sing but she pulled it off. (7/10) 8. Sera Hill - I didn't like this song choice on her. Her voice is big but this song requires a voice that is more unique and limited in range to pull it off in my opinion. No wonder she couldn't do much with this song. Her voice just kind of sounded all over the place. Her voice is still good though. (5/10) 9. Erin Willett - Vocally good but to me there's no emotional connection so it falls flat. I really wish Cee-Lo would stop mentioning her dad. He's already been dead for x months. Stop reminding her. (5.5/10) 10. Ashley De La Rosa - Finally, this show really gets going. She was one of the few that didn't get swallowed up by the band when performing a more lively song. Vocally very good and she owned the stage. She is really blossoming. (8.5/10) 11. Charlotte Sometimes - I wasn't sure of her rearranging the song when she said it in the package but WOW, she pulled it off with her voice. One or two flat notes but very good vocally. I thought she was the only one to really connect to the song. Great dynamics and her unique voice enhanced the song rather than mangled it. Fantastic. (9/10) 12. Jesse Campbell - Christina was so wrong. If he wants people to connect to this song, it has to be sung in a simple manner and to the original. Adding all those runs and trills killed the song. He has a more lively voice than this song but What A Wonderful World needs to be sung to the melody. Twisting the song destroyed his whole performance for me. He reminds me of Javier Colon but in a bad way. This guy just can't stop twisting a whole song till it's unnoticeable. (1/10) Rankings 1. Charlotte 2. Ashley 3. Lindsey 4. Jordis 5. Naia 6. Erin 7. Sera 8. Jermaine 9. Chris 10. Moses 11. Jesse 12. RaeLynn
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