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Everything posted by Ozymandias

  1. Apparently a lot of these youtubers make lots of money for saying nothing interesting at all into a camera. I'm jealous of that, most people work for money.
  2. It made my skin crawl. I'm like that fat guy in The Mummy that repeatedly says "I hate bugs"
  3. Jackson's horror roots definitely show up occasionally in his King Kong. Andy Serkis got slowly eaten alive by giant toothy dick worms.
  4. 69% drop would be the same as THG's first Monday drop... but Logan dropped 8% softer than THG did on Sunday so.... maybe its dropped 8% softer today for 9.5m...? I was hoping this movie could break the front loaded X-Men curse but if not oh well... its hard imagining this not making my top 5 of the year list so thats good enough for me.
  5. I saw it a 2nd time and the last minute of this movie fucking perfect.
  6. I know the X-Men movies are front loaded, but being that this one is drastically different from the other movies I'm not ruling it out at this moment. I think its got an excellent 10% chance of doing it.
  7. I'm hoping it can leg to 300m. I think Mon-Wed will determine if thats remotely possible or not.
  8. X-Men Origins is nearly unintentional comedy from start to finish, I legit felt bad for Hugh Jackman when that turd surfaced.
  9. Rogue One didn't really do it for me. I saw it because I thought there was potential there in seeing how the rebels got the Death Star plans and while it had some cool moments in it, I think it needed a strong lead character to overcome the fact that we already know the rebels get the plans at the end and it didn't have that to compensate. I didn't hate it, but its not a movie I will be seeing again anytime soon. The young Han Solo smuggling movie by Disney™ movie just sounds flat out dumb and pointless to me, and I can't picture anyone as Han Solo other than Harrison Ford anyways. If by some miracle it gets raves(Like 80+ on MC and 95+ on RT) I may see it, but I highly doubt it. TFA was a good play-it-relatively-safe-movie that only need to do one thing which was restore Star Wars and I'm looking forward to seeing what Rian Johnson is gonna do with Episode 8.
  10. Regarding Star Wars, after the decidedly "meh" Rogue One, the new trilogy is probably gonna be the only new SW movies I end up seeing and caring about. I'm certainly not looking forward to the smuggling adventures of young Han Solo by Disney™.
  11. These are dark times for the happy meal movies. The dudebros and their 5 star entrees are beginning to take over. Lord Deadpool and Logan > Whedon and Gunn
  12. The Nolan Batman trilogy is strange to me in that the 2nd movie is so far beyond BB and TDKR to the point that its almost jarring. I haven't seen BB or TDKR since they came out and don't care to ever watch them again. I think its because Batman by himself isn't that particularly compelling of character unless he's up against the Joker who represents a completely contrasting ideology, and everybody knows TDK is really the Joker's movie. I think thats the reason why Logan beats TDK in the end for me, the best parts of Logan aren't the villains, its Logan himself, Xavier, and Laura. And there were numerous times where Logan really invoked the man feels which I've never felt during a CBM.
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