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Everything posted by Ozymandias

  1. Missed all the Donnie Yen talk earlier, but I think his character was a great idea, likable, and criminally underused yet still managed to be the best character in the movie along with the droid. As for the reason he was cast, I don't necessarily think he himself was cast to pander to the Chinese market, but I definitely think the generic big gun guy was. I would've scrapped pointless generic big gun guy's character entirely and given all of his screen time to Donnie Yen so they could've done more with him. Like, give him more action scenes and scenes that tell us more about him.
  2. I was in Best Buy a few weeks ago buying a charger for my phone, and I dropped by the movie section and Blu-ray/4K movies were like 30 fucking dollars.
  3. I download good foreign movies that you either can't buy here or is hard to find. I've also cheated on some limited releases that don't play anywhere near me.
  4. oh my bad I did say I didn't check that one though
  5. I'm coming around to the mind that admissions are becoming overrated, but they do show a films true popularity at the time of release. I think tickets sold are only really worth talking about if a film is beating box-office records left and right. Titanic - 128m The Force Awakens - 90-95m The Phantom Menace - 85m Avatar - 75m The Dark Knight - 72m Shrek 2 - 71m Spiderman - 69m Return of the King - 61m I think The Avengers and Jurassic World are both around 60m as well, haven't checked. As you can see The Dark Knight sold almost as much tickets as Avatar but since 81% of Avatar's tickets were either in 3D/IMAX, it grossed over 200m more than The Dark Knight did. The Phantom Menace's gross is about half of The Force Awaken's gross but not that far behind in tickets.
  6. The only 2 places in the world right now that could turn into a hot war with Russia right now is Syria and Ukraine. Syria is pointless, both sides of that war are shit and not worth backing, its primarily the Saudis(yet again) pulling our chain there. And if you look at a map of Europe, its pretty easy to understand why Russia doesn't want Ukraine to have anything to do with NATO. And if you look at the map again, I'm actually surprised Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were ever approved by NATO to join the alliance, those 3 were bound to cause tensions if Russia ever got back on its feet. Oh boy, we're getting off topic lol.
  7. Nuclear Armageddon isn't happening, but I do think we are seeing the beginnings of the great unravelling of the post WW2/1991 world order. The Middle East today is worse than its ever been, the EU is on verge of breaking apart, Russia is resurgent, etc.
  8. I agree its still bad, I don't think I've seen in any of the prequels since they came out.
  9. more lightsaber battles, no jar jar, no little kid, no awkward love story, some things actually happen making the movie not totally pointless even though its executed really clumsily
  10. I'm getting the feeling that Ridley Scott can't fully win with this one Prometheus comes out: "Where are the Xenomorphs!? What the fuck is this shit?" Alien Covenant comes out: "Meh, Xenomorphs again? C'mon, do something new or a "proper" follow-up to Prometheus" The trailer to me looks like a straight up soft reboot of Alien with a Ripley clone, and I think its obvious they're doing a U-turn after lots of Alien fans were loudly disappointed with Prometheus. I might be in the minority on this one, but I personally I would've preferred a "proper" sequel to Prometheus and let Neil Blomkamp go forward with his fanboy rehash film.
  11. I think either she's killed off screen by David or in a flashback(which would be really lazy writing IMO and no different with what they did in Alien 3 with Newt/Hicks) or she shows up later in the film kinda like Matt Damon in Interstellar.
  12. Looks like it'll be pretty gruesome which is good but I hope this just isn't Aliens running around killing people in dark hall ways, I could just watch Alien 1-4 for that.
  13. I remember when Something Awful's mods weren't total shitbags that banned/suspended people over the most trivial things. Some sections of that place are still fun to read though.
  14. R1 is gonna make about 550m domestic and I'm happy for it even though I didn't care much for it, but all I want for Christmas next year is another TFA-like run because damn that was fun.
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