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Everything posted by Boxx93

  1. Aw screw it! I am joining the 300m dollar club too. Put me on the list mfantin... or Lawrence of Arabia. Sorry Potter fans.
  2. I have been watching this teaser so many times today that I think I am getting obssesed with it. Its SO good. It game "The Incedibles" vibe if you know what I mean. If this is attached to Maleficent then I am gonna watch it just to see this on the big sceen and enjoy the reactions of the audience. In fact I have a gut feeling that this is going to be another Frozen-like phenomenon. Speaking of Frozen... Do you want to build a robot? it doesn´t have to be a robot. Ok bye.
  3. Loved the teaser. Made me laugh a lot. Oh BTW look at this cute fan art I just found:
  4. When I say a movie is just another popcorn flick I mean there is nothing special other than killing time in a dark room full of people and there are a lot of them. Witch is why sometimes every once in a while when a movie that is so much more than that like The Dark Knight comes out, its kind of a big deal. This new Godzilla had all the ingredients to be that special movie but failed to do so, hence my veredict at the end of my review saying its just another popcorn flick. And Gareth already focused more on the human element in this one, but people are complaning not because of that but for the poor treatment on that aspect. Although is still better than the 98 version I will give you that.
  5. not really, considering the number of seats that the english version has compared to the dubbed version.
  6. So I decided to watch it again because the first time I saw it in a crappy theatre with a crappy audience (full of cellphones lights and damn annoying kids) this time I went to a smaller less known theatre where less people go but it still has good air conditioner, comfortable seats and a very competent sound system, the 35 mm film of the movie was very clean too so I enjoyed the movie much more this time, but I still noticed the big problems this movie has. I am gonna start with the small stuff like editing, music and cinematography and then I am gonna get to the meaty stuff like acting directing and scriptwriting at the end of this review: Special effects: This was some the best special effects I have ever seen in a blockbuster hollywood film. Not only the monsters looked convincing but they also sold how big and scary they can be. the MUTOs looks a little bit like the Cloverfield monster and Godzilla looks like the original Toho version witch it was nice because the 1998 version looked like a Jurassic Park rip-off. And the best part of the VFX work on this was how realistic the battle with the monsters where and the disaster they leave after the fight whatever devastated city they are (Hawaii, Las Vegas, San Francisco). Thank god they did not go to Los Angeles or New York because making disaster movies on those location already feels cliched. Cinematography: This is another strong part of this movie, the camera work, where it truly feels cinematic, in a Spielberg type of way. No shaky cam at all so you can watch the action. another nice touch of the camera work is that when they show you the action of the monsters, they show it from the perspective of the humans, making the battles look more realistic. Perhaps the best part of the camera work was when the navy jumped from the airplane in the third act of the movie and Ford Brody saw Godzilla and the MUTO fighting with his goggles as he was falling from the sky. That shot was beautiful. Music: While I really appreciate the work of Alexander Desplat, the bombastic approach of the score did not fit well with the dark and grimmy tone of the movie, a more subtle score would have been nice, but it is still good work. Editing: While the pacing of the movie was good for a two hours movie, the slow burn that Gareth Edwards was going for made the film longer than it should have been, maybe if they showed more Godzilla vs MUTO fighing in the Hawaii sequence it would have been better. Acting: And this is where the movie gets more problematic, with such a good cast like Aaron Taylor Johnson, Elisabeth Olsen. Ken Watanabe and Brian freaking Cranston, the acting should have been better. Cranston is the only saving grace in this department. He had such a cliched role (the wacky scientist that no one believes until its too late) and yet I was really invested in his character more than any other character here, witch is why I was pissed off when he died so early, and on top of that his cardboard non emotional son did not felt afflicted for the death of his father, it´s like after he passes away his character never existed, never missed him, damn it If I was him I would not even be in the mood for talking about monsters with the army after my fahter was put on a freaking bag!!!! And that is not all. Elisabeth Olsen, another good actress who gets very little to do, just crying for her husband (well, at leat she showed some emotions) waiting for her to come back, heck she could have at least rescued a patient in the hospital in the middle of the Godzilla fight with the MUTO to make her more heroic, and her child..well... I could care less about that little kid. Ken Wantanbe was given very little and that is why he has the same expression throught the movie so I dont blame him. The rest of the cast do their job but nothing outstanding. Script: And this is the department where the whole potential of the movie falls apart: the screenwriting. Look, If you are going to make a monster movie THEN A MAKE A DAMN MOSNTER MOVIE for pete sake, this is not the Walking Dead where the humans are more important than the zombies, this is freaking GODZILLA, you have to make godzilla the driving force of the story, not the guest star of his own movie. Don´t get me wrong, I dont have a problem with making a more human story but if you are gona make a more human story than a monster movie, you have to make me care about about the characters, That is the reason why movies like Jaws and Jurassic Park are classic monsters movies, because their human characters are really memorable and you care about them. You think of Jurassic Park you think of Alan Grant, you think of Jaws and you think of Chief Brody. Who is going to remember Officer Ford in this movie? Heck even Walking Dead has more interesting characters than this (Rick Grimes played by Andrew Lincoln). Now back to Cranston´s character, since he was the best part of the human side of the story, then why Gareth Edwards did not made this as a father-son bonding experience? where Joe Brody (Cranston) and Ford Brody (Taylor Johnson) reconciliate after the death of the mother (another compelling character who dies too early as well unfortunately) and goes along in the ride disscussing with Dr Serizawa (Watanabe) about the MUTOs and Godzilla. Now THAT would have been a much more interesting story than what we got. And on top of that actually show the fightings between Godzilla and the MUTOs throught the movie because that is the main reason why we came to see the movie in the first place. So much teasing and teasing gets annoying and when you actually get to the third act you realise that the slow burn did not worth the time, they failed on that aspect. Godzilla is the type of movie where you have to maintain a balance between the humans side and the monster side, action and exposition, a fair share between the two. Too much exposition and slow burn can make a movie boring and too much mindless action can make a movie exhausting (the main problem with Pacific Rim ironically). I hope they find a better screenwritter for the sequel. Directing: Now this is where it gets interesting. despite all the big problems with the story and the acting, somehow Gareth Edwards made this film actually work. Any other director would have crapped this movie with the script this one end up having and this is why the direction of Gareth Edwards is the main saving grace of Godzilla, he really did a good job in this department, making the grimmy style work, making the monsters look fantastic (too bad we got little of them), and getting decent performances of the actors despite the horrible screenplay. I hope this guy makes the sequel and again, find a better screenwritter (I am looking at you Warner Brothers) I am gonna up my initial rating from 4.5 to 6.5 out of 10. Not a bad movie really but it could have been awesome witch is why Godzilla (2014) is in the end, just another popcorn movie.
  7. People did not mind watching the Fantastic 4 before watching 1, 2 and 3 So why they should complain about Big Hero 6?
  8. If Frozen legs are cut in Japan aswell because of that damn video release I want to write a really angry letter to Bob Iger
  9. But I did not spoiled stuff from the book (witch I have not even read yet) I just recaped stuff from tonights episode. The rules says thah we can talk about the episode once it airs on HBO but not from stuff from the book that did not happened yet witch, again..I did not.
  10. If Frozen passes Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and still manages to put The Avengers into danger as well that is when I am going to say this: "Frozen is making WAY TOO MUCH MONEY BOY!!!" I am not gonna say I doubt it will happen because at this point doubting Frozen´s potential is a very stupid thing to do
  11. Such a fucking good episode... especially the last scene with Sansa, Lysa and Littlefinger. Sansa hitting Robin was just as pleasent as watching Tyrion hitting Joffrey. And of couse Petyr throwing Lysa to the hole was the cherry on the pie.Speaking of Pies, Hot Pie returns yay!!!Arya and the Hound is still one the best pairings on the showAnd boy, Jorah Mormont just can´t catch a break with Dany hahahahaI might dislike the Red Woman but any scene with her naked its a joy to behold B)And the Viper will fight the Mountain!!! That is going to so fucking epic.Its a shame that I have to wait two weeks for the next episode. That Damn Memorial Day
  12. Why everytime there is going to be a big ass fight with these two big giant monsters CUT THE SCENE TO A FUCKING TV NEWS CHANNEL!!!! ITS FRUSTRTATING MAN!!!! 20 minutes of fighting at the end was not enough and the human drama... it was boring as hell. And Cranston should have been the leading man not Talylor Johnson This movie was so disappointing. 4.5/10
  13. The ratings where down at the same point last year where in episode 6 to 7 dropped from 5.6 million viewers to 4.8 million viewers. Definitly mothers day effect, but don´t worry, the Tyrion trial will generate enough hype to go back up in ratings next week. I still have hope for an 8 million viewers record for the season finale.
  14. So... are we looking at 6m+ this weekend or is it going to have a typical Frozen crazy hold?
  15. I hate Shae so much right now And that was Peter Dinklage at his finest, hope he gets an Emmy.
  16. Only 25 million away from Iron Man 3. Un-freaking-believable!!!!
  17. Just finished the show A really good television series. It would have been better if Skyler died somehow. I hate that bitch.
  18. Its going to reach 8 million before the season finale in initial viewings. the castle black battle episode its going to blow up in ratings.
  19. Man, this whole season is one big prolonged episode 9-ish climax. And I am fucking loving it.
  20. Actually, Frozen was indeed pretty big in Venezuela, its just that there is another local movie "Papita, Maní, Tostón" (witch is pretty good by the way) that people here really liked and that became the competition for Frozen. Had it not been for that movie and the riots in Febraury, Frozen would have snapped Ice Age 4 here. Plus, Frozen came out in many South American countries in January, witch is the start of school, had it been released in December it would have made much bigger bussiness. Its not much about preference, its more about the timing of its release
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