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Everything posted by Boxx93

  1. Neil Marshall for a Star Wars movie. Now that would be something
  2. I started watching the show on season 2 on a day I was bored zapping through channels and I kept watching because at the time I though it was a cool show but I was not as devoted/crazy/obssessed with GoT yet, but then something happened... after eight enjoyable weeks watching the show, an ninth episode called "blackwater" was aired on HBO. I was flipping out, I never thought in my life I would watch anything like that on television, it was the greatest hour of my life and it was the episode that soldified my love for Game of Thrones and that made me want to watch the entire first season back to back and then the second season again just to see that grand spectacular battle again, I felt like little 10 year old kid watching Lord of the Rings in theatres again. That is the reason why I was waiting for this particular episode ever since the fourth season came out (besides Joffrey´s wedding) because the Game of Thrones battles are an event. So I hope "Watchers on the Wall" makes me feel like that again, and so far Game Of Thrones never disappointed me before.
  3. Not really, Fast and Furious 6 (A ridiculously popular franchise here) was also delayed a month from its US release and even with a weaker local currency and direct competition from Monsters University opening on the same day and a leaked Blu Ray released on the web FF6 still managed to increase from Fast Five from 6,5m to 8,1m That being said, X Men DOFP will explode in Venezuela. Why am I so sure of this you might say? Well, Marvel movies (both from the studio and from fox and sony) have become an event in this country ever since the Avengers (13,6m) came out. IM3(12,4m), Thor 2(9,1m) and CA:TWS (10m) all had really strong opening weekends but somehow they become really backloaded with very good legs and arent really affected by competition, maybe because of the families. And X Men is right now a very popular franchise here, its been broadcasted in television a lot lately so the anticipation for this movie is really high right now, in fact presales already started now. Heck, every single friend I have talked to on my University get really excited whenever I bring DOFP to any conversation, and if the quality of this movie is as high as people are indicating, then we are talking about Avengers numbers here. Plus school holidays are about to start so you have families and fanboys alike supporting the movie and the world cup games are in midday so you have the afternoon showtimes to fill the gap. and there is no competition in future from big movies for now. Trust me, this will go beyond 10 million.
  4. My country in June 20. Its an excrutiating wait
  5. Very enjoyable movie but the ending was a bit confusing, maybe with a second viewing might upgrade the rating but for now I am gonna give it an 7.5/10
  6. If Frozen is still at the number 1 spot by the time July gets here, japanese theatre owners are going to beg Disney to delay the Blu Ray a few months, I am very sure of that. I mean come on, Frozen is a gold mine for the theatre owners right now, they are not going let Disney to kill the golden goose that easily.
  7. And this... is by far....the greatest reaction video to Oberyn´s death yet... BECAUSE IT IS IN A BAR FULL OF GOT FANS!!!! Enjoy!
  8. Go go powe.........am......I mean........ Big Hero siiiiiix!!!!!!!!!! No seriously, I can totally see this killing it at the Box Office if the GA reaction to the teaser is any indication.
  9. Big Hero 6 have some BIG shoes to fill
  10. The one good thing about this episode is that I finally saw Khaleesi´s slave naked Call me pervert and say what you want about the Misssnadei/Grey Worm sub plot but I wanted to see her character naked more than any other woman in this show and that sub plot gave an excuse for that scene, so.. I am Happy. At least that will help me sleep and try to forget that horrible, horrble ending
  11. Already wrote my letter to them: Dear Walt Disney Company I am writting this letter because I have been following the box office run of Frozen ever since its limited release on November 22nd and then went wide on November 27th. It was a very fun movie to track at the box office ever sice its opening day, surpassing expectations every day, every week in every country around the world, especially in Japan where its (still) making most of its money, witch brings me the reason to why I am writing this letter to you. Evere since March 14th of 2014, Frozen held the number one spot in Japan for 12th weeks in a row and so far has made $ 208 million as we speak, and it has not slown down because its weakest weekends are, surprisingly, its opening weekend ($7.5m) and last weekend ($6.8m) at this pace it has a major potential to break the record of the 4th highest grossing movie of all time surpassing "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II" ($1.34 billion) and Spirited Away in yen (300 billion yen) to become the highest grossing movie of all time in Japan. But this potential will be ruined because of the same problem why Frozen crashed after four months at the US box office: The DVD/Blu Ray release. While the Home Video bussines still fairly profitable in the US (despite the arrilval of Netflix and Hulu) the same cannot be said for Japan as DVDs and Blu Rays are very expensive there and not very profitable at all. Only Spirited Away sold just over 1 million units and that was just a very little fraction to the money it earned in theatres. I heard that Frozen will be released in Japan on July 16 and as a Box Office tracker myself I think this is suicidal in terms of financial bussiness as the Home Video bussiness in Japan is poor and Frozen is not slowing down even after 3 months of release there, in fact its getting stronger. If the release date in July still stands we are talking about losing 50 million dollars in revenue, maybe even more. Movies in Japan usually get 9 months of release in theatres before they get to Home Video so why not give Frozen the same treatment? Half of the bussiness in theatres in Japan its been coming from Frozen alone ever since its opening day in that country so In my humble opinion I think its convinient both for the theatre owners in Japan and for the Walt Disney company to delay the release of Frozen on Home Video in Japan at least until December when Disney´s next animated hit Big Hero 6 comes out in Japan. This way Frozen will reach its maximun potential at the box office, the thetare owners will make money, Frozen will still break records for the news headlines, still make money on Home Video and will not compete with Walt Disney Animation Studios itself (Big Hero 6). Everybody wins!!! I hope somebody at the company will take notice of this because this Frozen run at the box office is so big and unique, that it would be a real shame if the movie gets its legs cut (yet again) because of an early release in Home Video (like in the US), Trust me, its more profitable this way. With kind regards, Armando. I hope that helps
  12. Well, it was not the shitty movie I expected it was going to be, some of the changes where cool but other changes to the animated movie where really unnecesary Simpathetic Maleficent? come on, give me a break... I wanted an evil Maleficent I greww up watching as a kid! The faries where awful, the King Stephan was even worse, Phillip was totally unnecesary, the True Love twist was such a rip off from Frozen that I prefered the Crow Guy to break the spell with the true love´s kiss. AND NO KING HUBERT!!! WHAT A CRIME WAS THAT!!! But the biggest dissapointment was the dragon.. She did not even turn in a dragon like in the original movie, It was the freaking crow!!! That is bullshit!!! and even the design of the dragon was really generic, nothing spectacular after we got Smaug last year. Heck, even the dragons from Game Of Thrones are better than this. At least Jolie´s performance was decent enough to carry this movie, the special effect are pretty good and the musical score was great. And of course the version of Lana del Rey of Once Upon A Dream was fantastic. Heck, I did not expected this to be surprisingly funny, the wicked sense of humor of Maleficent was really funny to watch... calling baby Aurora a beast Its not a piece of shit movie like Alice or Oz but this one had a lot potential to be great especially with Jolie as the main character but in the end... Its just another popcorn summer flick 6.5/10
  13. Disney sure likes to ejaculate prematurely... fucking idiots
  14. I have been binge watching this show for the last six months, and I finally caught up. MASTERPIECE. And since I am studying advertising in my University that makes the show even more enjoyable for me. I hope the show don´t end with Draper comitting suicide, that would be really sad What a shame this is an AMC show and not an HBO show... The amount of nudity and profanity would be out of this world
  15. Not really, Pooh has a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. Very few CG family movies other than PIXAR reach that kind of percentage at RT
  16. I did not expected to enjoy Divergent as much as I did. Really fun movie. But they could have removed the corny scenes. 7.5/10
  17. 270 dom + 480 os = 750 ww The goodwill from Frozen and the exposure of the teaser in front of Maleficient (witch is going to be a huge success) and the ever loyal Marvel fanboys combined with the families in the holiday season should help a lot.
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