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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. No, it's a valid comparison begause Batman Begins was, by SH movie standards, also a leggy sleeper hit which its sequel cashed in on. And we know from Batman '89 that the Joker + an amazing marketing campaign = $$$
  2. That's actually a decent trailer, and if you know how crap I think the JW is you'll know I don't say that lightly.
  3. The Austin Powers sequel also quadrupled the first movie's gross following Mike Myer's death.
  4. As someone who thought the movie would be good but not successful enough to have sequels I'm pleasantly surprised at its impact. Still haven't actually seen it, mind you.
  5. I'll say again - a batman film being a 15 is not a small deal. Joker and Suicide Squad doing it is one thing, but for WB's biggest, ostensibly family-friendly superhero... that's a statement of intent. (I know Batman Returns was 15 but, well, that kind of proves my point.)
  6. [Piggy-backing on the thread] Loved the first hour with the post-snap reality. They could have made a whole movie out of that. Thought the second hour with the time-travel stuff was fun nostalgia riff at first but wore out its weclome fast. Thought the final battle was pretty boring and actually hit the emotinal beats quite badly. I never want to see a big Marvel green-screen battle again. Overall I'd say the movie is decent victory lap that isn't even in the top 2 Avengers films, let alone the best SH movie as I've seen a few describe it.
  7. Huh, a 15 rating in the uk. That’s quite a big deal for a Batman film. Evidently they saw joker’s performance and thought ‘fuck it’.
  8. I'm seeing this get mocked quite a bit on my twitter feed, but hey - publicity is publicity
  9. I didn't realise this poster was official. It's pretty damn ugly. Why can't studios do good posters anymore? Anyway, it occurs to me I'm most looking forward to Carrell's Penguin, of all things. He looks like he's having the time of his life.
  10. "Whereas in the cinema, it is always his heroic side that is put forward..." I know he's just giving an off the cuff answer, but this isn't really true. Burton's Batman was portrayed as a fucked-up hermit and the entire thesis of the Nolan trilogy was ultimately that Bruce was better off without him.
  11. The numerous corporate tie-ins are giving me vaguely inappropriate Batman Returns imagery on Happy Meals vibes.
  12. Ok, now I'm interested. The look and feel of this clip isn't like any other superhero movie I can immediately think of. I noticed the guy Gordon's talking to is in Chernobyle and a few other british tv shows.
  13. The theme wasn't what I expected. Not sure if I like it, but definitely curious to hear it in context.
  14. If it's a good film then it's a good film regardless I guess, but I'm way past getting excitied at the prospect of 2.5 hour+ genre movies. If they announced it was 90 minutes I'd think 'wow, good for them!'
  15. I thought Orient Express was really quite bad, and I have a high threshold for mediocre Christie adaptations. Zero reason to think this'll be any better, though I am surprised it's not being dumped completely.
  16. I'm neutral on the Last of Us tv adaptation. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than doing Uncharted, but the dramatic effectiveness of the first game is such that I just view it as functionally remaking a classic film - which is usually something people are rightly dubious of. I guess if it connects with viewers who would never play games then fine, I suppose.
  17. The Star Wars comparison is apt because, while both worlds are potent, it's the original characters people are drawn to foremost. It's why we have a fucking Bobba Fett back from the dead TV show, and the Mandalorian had a baby Yoda.
  18. I only vaguely followed movies online around Begins but was on forums by TDK. The frenzy over the crumbs WB expertly fed the internet for that movie was insane.
  19. All those adventures with Felix that they fondly recalled in NTTD but we never saw must have aged him terribly.
  20. And then just two movies later the gimmick was that Craig's Bond was old and past his sell-by date.
  21. Saw a big billboard at a major London train station just now. Seems unusual they're doing that kind of marketing two months out but I guess WB are taking this seriously.
  22. If its job was to get me excited for Riddler or Catwoman it definitely failed. But the tone and visuals do, for better or worse, feel uniquely oppressive. It's not just down to earth, it's positively hellish.
  23. Certainly better than the last messy trailer. I wouldn't exactly say I'm hyped (which feels odd to admit as a Batman fan, maybe I'm just getting old) but the film will look gorgeous if nothing else. I think the marketing could have been way more focused but I also feel like Reeves has a good sense of quality control so it's not indicative of anything.
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