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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I find takes like that tweet so baffling. A decade of unprecedented cultural hegemony has clearly broken (some) fanboys' brains.
  2. I haven't seen any of them but audience reception felt in line with critics for the first two. I don't think anyone can claim critics are hard on MCU films generally. They treat them as the entertainment products they are.
  3. Martin Freeman was the reason the first fim made so much money. Hard to imagine many people getting excited if he's not in it.
  4. Plotting has always been a mess on this show. They know everyone will binge it so they've never had the discipline to tell their stories episodically - the credits are placed arbitrarily and seasons feel like a giant, unweildly blobs.
  5. Don't complain about a lack of nuance straight after claiming people are saying the MCU is imploding. They aren't, and it isn't. But a relative lull after the biggest event movie ever combined with Disney+ saturation was inevitable and it's ok to acknowledge that.
  6. Can't believe this comes out in over a year. WB will be very happy with the early hype but that's a helluva long time to sustain meme marketing.
  7. I guess instantly forgettable netflix movies are good paydays that probably don't take long to film or promote so fair enough, I stand corrected.
  8. Huh, that's a lower opening for Elvis than I thought it might get, but I guess good legs are a given.
  9. Trying to think of another actor in living memory who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory this much. Yeah ok the Fantastic Beasts franchise is a lame duck and DCU was/is a clusterfuck but there was a mountain of goodwill for Miller before all this and important people decided he could carry a blockbuster.
  10. Is Oppenheimer - a period, talky movie presumably aimed at adults - expected to make lots of money? I know its budget is a reported hundred million (god knows how) but that's not exactly much by Nolan standards and Universal probably see it as a price worth paying to have a working relationship with him.
  11. Does this show the boring but necessary moments of Elvis really honing his craft or is like every other music biopic where it's a lighting bolt moment and suddenly he's a superstar (followe by a montage)?
  12. Has the Gaga song actually been a success on its own terms? Usually when a movie song blows up (eg Frozen) even I end up hearing it one way or another, but not this one.
  13. This is one of those 'nobody predicted it but in hindsight is seems so obvious' runs. Cruise at the height of his M:I goodwill + older audiences desperate for a reason to get back to the cinema. Still incredible, either way.
  14. Haven't been following the numbers but I didn't realise 1 billion was even in question. The trilogy had a not dissimilar trajectory to the Star Wars sequels, then.
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