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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Just read that Farrell's presence is a glorified cameo, which is a shame if true. Going by the trailers it's hard to get excited by Riddler and Selina, but Oswald looks like he's having a whale of a time.
  2. I'd like this to be quite divisive. There are more than enough universally acclaimed SH movies that don't stick in the memory for long.
  3. With the Ukraine situation the bizarre embargo on reviews is starting to look like accidental genius.
  4. It's not a continuation of a story like the MCU so there isn't really much hunger for spoilers. Like, what would anyone want to know before seeing it?
  5. [Whispers] Solo, while not great, was the best non OT star wars movie.
  6. I don't really care because this isn't a movie series worth getting worked up over but... Holland will always have a baby-face. There will never be a point where he visually matures into what Drake looks and sounds like in the games. And that's fine, he's Sony's golden goose right now and he's done his job going by the numbers.
  7. Honestly shocked this is out in less than a couple of months. Thought it was a late summer or winter movie.
  8. Another music biopic that looks like every other music biopic. The problem is the genre never has any interest in the songwriting part of the subject's lives - that bit always comes magically, out of nowhere - and instead it's just the boring stardom side that we already know about.
  9. Still boggles my mind that JW's entire marketing hook - The park is open but it all goes to hell and tourists get eaten! - ended up constituting about 5 minutes of the movie. Extras are expensive I guess.
  10. I do actually still want to see this but ain't no way I'm paying the £16 Prime wants from me. Any UK people know when it'll be free to stream here?
  11. Is this confirmed as PG-13 then? Must be pushing that rating to the limit it's 15 in the UK.
  12. I see we're doomed to argue about the draw of characters in this thread too. Certainly no-one would pretend the original trio were the main reason the first became the phenomenon it did (and I haven't), but that doesn't mean they weren't a big part of why it worked and endured. Universal aren't getting the old gang back just for lols - this whole trailer is built around them because they know that's what'll get people talking.
  13. You know it was a classic moment in cinema because it was a meme for about five minutes...
  14. I mean if we can't agree that Joker making over a billion is a pretty concrete example of the character's draw then there's not much left to talk about. I suppose in a parallel dimension there's a relentlessly grim, action-scene-free movie about a depressed Joaquin Phoenix dressing up a random kids clown with no Joker iconography making that kind of money but, I'm gonne be honest, I can't see it.
  15. By how much? Joker 2019 made over a billion dollars. It's a perfect example of the character's draw.
  16. It's more of a truism than common knowledge. More people became aware of TDK's existence upon news of Ledger's death but it doesn't come close to accounting for why the movie became a pop culture phenomenon. It's not even unprecedented - a Batman-Joker movie two decades before it was its own box office behemoth. Marketed well, people are just really into that. And, y'know, Ledger was just that good.
  17. I'm not excited because I'm sure this film won't write them interestingly, but the original characters were a huge part of the first film's magic. Certainly I'd be more interesting in this movie if Pratt and Howard just weren't in it at all.
  18. Him and Goldlbum have the Paul Rudd gene. It's a bit ridiculous actually.
  19. I haven't seen the second movie - is there actually a rational explanation for how dinosaurs have managed to live in such great numbers alongside humans when clearly we would have wiped them out, or is this a 'who cares?' scenario.
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