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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I agree but then you have kids in your thrities and think 'christ this is exhausting, I wish I'd done this years ago.'
  2. As divisive as expected. I may still try to see it at cinemas, covid allowing. Probably the most surprising thing to the public will be the not-amazing action scenes, which most would have taken for granted given the IP.
  3. Someone on my twitter feed just posted cam footage of the last scene. I don't really care but damn that's brazen.
  4. Great start. I’m sure the picture will change a bit once critics I’ve actually heard of weigh in, but It the looks like the wait for the next exciting forum meltdown continues.
  5. This trailer needed to smash it out the park but it looks dead on arrival. Never thought I'd hear Mads Mickelsson say 'muggles' though, I'll give it that.
  6. Batman is the only superhero I like so I don't know why I'm not more excited for this. But maybe a lack of hype is the best way to watch a movie. It sure as hell didn't help with TDKR.
  7. Must admit I never played it but I remember contemporary reviews being quite underwhelmed. I did play Path Of Neo which was borderline broken, but I don't think the Wachowskis had anything to do with it.
  8. That demo looks amazing until you see the driving section and think 'yup, it's just another videogame.' I remember how nuts the watchowskis went for that Enter The Matrix tie-in though. As far as expanding the scope of the franchise with a concurrent plot it was an interesting failure.
  9. In the UK more than 4/5ths of covid patients in hospital are unvaccinated. Pretending there's an equivalence between the two groups is pointless.
  10. I'm not anti-restrictions. With him it's all the other stuff. And the other stuff will make people more anti-restrictions. His bullshit will cost lives. Anyway, on topic - I don't get the impression cinema-going will be massively curtailed in the UK this month. Things could be worse by January but if you really want to see this film nothing much has changed.
  11. The UK (with its clusterfuck of a government) is announcing more restrictions tonight, but it's not clear exactly what yet. A working-from-home recommendation is expected at the very least, but it might go further.
  12. I'm surprised how much that trailer (seemingly) gave away about the plot, almost to the point where I'd have been fine not watching it. Anyway, is there a way to legally watch this in the UK on release or is it cinema only?
  13. I was infatuated with Courtney Cox in the 90s, but she looks... really odd now.
  14. Saw a bus advert in London so they're at least trying... a bit. Notably it gave Reeves and Moss equal billing.
  15. Lol, well I guess I just committed mansplaining. Still, I don't think an easier ride than the sequels is a given from what I've heard about it.
  16. I wouldn't be sure of that. I know someone who worked on the CGI and said they couldn't decide if they loved or hated the film. Which admittedly made me a lot more interested.
  17. In the UK it'll have to get a lot worse before the govt decides to restrict anything, but if they do then cinemas will be among the first casualties. Which, going by the last year and a half, no-one will really care about. Pubs, on the other hand...
  18. Holland won't look any older until he's 50, at which point he'll suddenly look weirdly neither young nor old, like Leonardo DiCaprio.
  19. I suspect the movie will be very meta, and I'm tentatively ok with that. Hopefully it'll actually try to say something about its previous zeitgeist rather Ghostbusters: Afterlife's staunch refusal to say anything at all.
  20. This isn't going to move but Sony must be a tad nervous about the south african variant right now. Stock markets are already dropping on the news.
  21. Jurassic World was awful but I maintain it could have been great schlock if it was actually the movie advertised: tourists getting picked off for 2 hours all over the park instead of that being confined to a 5 minute set piece.
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