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Everything posted by Sam

  1. After reading the last few pages (I know, I should have known better) I'd say it is time to nuke this would-be-legendary thread to keep it from being tainted further.
  2. For some reasons, YouTube decided that is the trailer for me. I've seen it so many times now. Watching Jim Halpert being all seriouzzz is taking its toll on me.
  3. If Rth just get $1 for each like he got for all the SW number updates from start till end of its run...
  4. I haven't seen the trailer (surprisingly not even before both times watching SW) but your endorsement make me intrigued. Is it more glorious than your man Hector?
  5. After my second viewing, I can definitely say that despite the qualms I have about its flaws (which I won't even bother to mention cause it would just be redundant of things already said so many times in this thread); what most important for me was the great theater experience that I had both times watching it. And isn't that the most important thing? The most enjoyable aspect of this movie is defnitely the new trio. I fell absolutely in love with Han/Leia/Luke in the OT then, and I fell in love with Rey/Finn/Poe this time too. Great characters can really elevate the material, make you care and make everything much more enjoyable. I'm also glad that JJ will not do the next one. This is his ST09 on a grander scale, he's better with paying homage stuff, not original nor sequel/follow up from what I see so far of him. So looking forward to what Rian Johnson can bring to the table.
  6. Crazy number! Keep on rolling! And this is why I need to hold off further theater viewing for a while.
  7. Now that I have seen SW8 twice, third and final time probably a month later when things died down a bit; this is all I really looking forward to. 2 more days! The Kurt Russell come back will hopefully be glorious!
  8. 1. The Hateful Eight 2. Finding Dory 3. Captain America: Civil War 4. Moana 5. The Nice Guys 6. Bourne 5 7. Zootopia 8. The Jungle Book 9. Suicide Squad 10. Kungfu Panda 3
  9. I was both overwhelmed and underwhelmed walking in out of the movie. Huh. Probably will have a more coherent and definite opinion tomorrow having sleeping on it.
  10. Loving the score bit too. But I'm not surprised, most Taratino movies has good music. Looking forward to both the full score and the sure-to-be glorious songs choices. That reminds me of this one time though, I accidentally set Twisted Nerve as my alarm ringtone. And let just say, that was one wake up call that I never want to experience again
  11. I searched up showtimes for this and look like my schedule for Dec 24th is set! I'm so fucking stoked for this! The unabashed Tarantino fangirl in me came out and just annoyed the heck out of my boyfriend with the gushing excitement lol.
  12. I rewatched Reservoir Dogs recently, still loving the hell out of the breakfast scene. Tarantino is so good at making scenes of people just sitting around talking about the most random shit ever, immensely entertaining and engaging. If this movie is mostly of that kind, then I'm down.
  13. LOL, really? Kurtzman and Orci's school of writing is going strong. Maybe General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross will dig up a vial of Banner's blood somewhere to become Red Hulk in CW. Gotta balance the playing field somehow.
  14. So no more magic blood? I feel like I should be sad about that somehow.
  15. The talks about STID reminds me of all the wild predictions for its BO back in 2013. That was fun.
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