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Everything posted by Sam

  1. MU estimates is 82M. I had it at 80M for my Donovan question. Yay for 25k points
  2. It has a chance, but IMO, a small chance now, so I agree, I don't think it will. 700M will be a struggle too IMO. The legs from those first 24 markets last week were not that great. We'll see how the legs are in the markets that opened this week. 300M domestic or slightly more. And base on my projection (which are all pretty optimistic in some countries) I see about 415-420M OS. Not sure about that, not every sequel increase, whether it's domestic or OS. Case in point, Spider Man 2, which is also regarded as the best Raimi's Spidey. But it definitely has a good chance.
  3. I also know Korean a bit too, but mostly common words and phrases, I can't read, or write, but do speak and understand it a little. 4-5 years of watching Korean shows/movies/TV series and listening to Kpop paid off
  4. 20M is out of reach for MOS, what a shame Oh, the exchange rate, it could have been over 805M OS if not for it. But still, that's a shit load of money, and 9M admissions coming soon
  5. I had it in my Top 15 too, but only about 120
  6. Yeah, I figure that too. What's that in dollars? Also, Olive, what's the total for IM3 in dollars now? 66M?
  7. So 72.4 for MOS for 3-day weekend. Lower than I expected, I thought it could pull in 80M. I think we can pretty much say that 500M OS is dead. From holdover markets, let's go for the high end of 330M. Brazil 25M (absolute high end) Japan 20 (very optimistic since IM3 only did 25M there) Aus 20-25 (not sure about this one) Hong Kong 8-9. Will be a struggle to 400M now. Still, very good result for a reboot, and franchise starter.
  8. Well, you know the market better than me. So 20-25 in Brazil then.
  9. Can MOS push for 3M anymore? I think it'll be a struggle for it to get there.
  10. Incredible OW for WWZ. Simply impressive. 3M admissions is done. I hope it can push for 4MMOS ouch! That drop is sure ugly. IM3 is chugging along
  11. Japan is a wild card. But with the way the market is now over there, I think 15M too. Maybe 20M cause of the good release date (same with TA last year I believe)Brazil could potentially pull in 25M+. 30M is my optimistic predictionAus - 20-25HK - 8+ (atm)So taking high end of all those, about 85M, plus 330M from holdovers, that'll be 415M. 450M will require strong legs from many holdover market
  12. Barring some excellent legs and banking on Aus +Japan + Brazil to all do good, I see it finish at 450M at the most. That is a great start for a franchise starter.
  13. I don't think it's awful but it's definitely not that great. Just normal June increase on Sat, which is disappointing cause some (me included) were hoping for the market to correct itself on Sat too and gives it a better than normal jump.
  14. Good Sat numbers all around. STiD has a great jump, I wonder if there is double feature with WWZ for it?
  15. 60M is still very much viable for MOS, right? When will Tiny Times come out?
  16. I think this is like the first number for MOS that held and didn't drop (a little) from estimates. 25M+ OW here we go. And about $56.7M for STiD, great performance in China for the movie
  17. You should elaborate. That'll provide for somewhat on topic discussion at least Or fan wars, whichever works
  18. Love love ice tea, but hot tea is the one help keep me up at night studying.
  19. Little Tele's future is bright and shining.
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