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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Rth I indicated that the estimated $145.9 seems about right I think it’ll go just over/under $150M though. But not quite enough for $160M
  2. 15M for Solo is a pretty decent hold. Optimistic scenario is it can do 3x off of that weekend for about $220M total. But with the one-two punch of I2 and FK, $210M is more likely.
  3. You can doubt the reported $170M all you want, but it’s pointless to argue about it since you will never know the true budget. And even with $250M-300M+ budget, a 1B+ grosser will still be a big hit anyway. The first JW opened to $100M and ended with $228M, which is a pretty good multiplier for China. I think a 2x for FK is very doable, so 115M would get it a total on par with the first.
  4. I figure. Just hoping lol. $6.5M would still be good though, requires a drop of 18% on Sun, or 15M yuan.
  5. Is $7M possible for the weekend? Needs Sunday to stay flat though so I guess not, but would be nice.
  6. Yeah, I thought 160M would be doable before we got update on Friday number, which is on the lower side. Mid-140s sound likely. Optimistic Sat jump, but that’s too big a Sun drop you got there. OS markets usually drop in the teens/sub20% on Sunday of OW (for big tent poles especially) (For comparisons, IW jumped only ~33% for Sat, but also only dropped 18% on Sun. IW Friday was enormous though so less room to go up on Sat compare to FK)
  7. Wed: 20.2M Thu: 19.1M Fri: 26.8M Total: 66.1M Lower Friday than I thought. Still, needs 84M over Sat-Sun for 150M weekend. Doable.
  8. Ocean 8 is opening to tracking numbers as well as general expectations around here. It’s not a break out, nor it is underperforming. People are really arguing in circles with semantics.
  9. If FK dropping to 1B WW or under, then that would be a big disappointment BO-wise in the vein of TLJ. But it’s still not gonna be a flop in any way. If you want to discuss flops, may I suggest Solo? This is not the thread you are looking for.
  10. Complete guesswork on my end. I figure family appeal factor will drive up Sat a lot (as proven by SK and HK) Plus, it’s wide open in the OS markets right now with no competitions so IW should be holding well over Sun too.
  11. Plus, throughout its run, Friday has been consistently not a strong day for IW. It let to meltdowns several times until Sat rolled in lol.
  12. 145.9M is such a specific number for estimate lol. Thinking it’ll be closer to $160M.
  13. I have never seen the word ‘Toilet’ at once, this many times in my life lol.
  14. South Korea be leaving UK in the dust this time with biggest OS market for FK this weekend DP2 fallen out of Top 5, and beaten (ironically) by a Pokémon movie no less lmao.
  15. Great number! Maybe my mistyping $55M could happen after all lol @pepsa
  16. About 636k admissions. And a 108% Sat jump (off of a weirdly muted 10% Fri jump the day prior)
  17. DP2 with the best Fri jump for holdovers in Top 10. Them college kids out in full force. @Nova
  18. So far, only Deadpool increased from Deadline’s estimates. Everything else drop or stay the same.
  19. I’m guessing 120% increase for 680k admissions.
  20. My guess is 160M OS weekend. A decent 2.7x from those markets will give ~430M The big markets that left to open are most of Latin America, Australia and Japan. Think it’ll decrease in Latin America, flat/decrease in Aus, no idea about Japan. 550M-600M range for OS-Ch Presales in China looks to be on par with TF5, so I don’t see a big increase over JW there. But it’s China, so who knows?
  21. Friday jumps for holdovers off of DL chart Solo: +62.3% DP2: +64.7% IW: +63.9% Adrift: +60% Book Club: +20.7% Upgrade: +18% LOTP: +66.6% Summer is here, folks.
  22. About $13M 4-day opening plus Wed previews. 1.64M admissions. Edit: You mean TA (2012), right? If you mean Infinity War, then it was 4.75M admissions, $39M for 5-day OW.
  23. Should not be analyzing BO numbers at work, it did that to you lol. But yeah, I was thinking 50M+ total even after the 81% post-Memorial day drop cause I was hoping to see a better Friday jump. 33% is solid but it’s on par with The Mummy, so it’s not looking too promising. 5.5M admissions would be matching with JW. Off of a much bigger weekend. Hey, what do you mean sarcastically. I don’t know what you’re talking about, Solo is doing great! Maybe not as great as in China, but without the Ranger Solo title, that is to be expected.
  24. I mean to say 5.5M admissions and $45M total lol. Since it’s already fell behind JW in dailies Don’t know how I mistyped that 😑 As you can see, multitasking is not my forte.
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