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Everything posted by Sam

  1. I know it’s easy to pile on the movie, but it needs no fudging to get over 100M 4-day. Just Memorial Day standard drop get it comfortably over the mark (not that it’s suddenly a great number, but in this case, the fudging implication is not accurate and unnecessary)
  2. Spinosaurus vs. T-rex power levels break down is right up @aabattery’s alley. You go ahead boy. Tell us exactly how much stronger is Spinosaurus >>>>> T-Rex
  3. Great numbers for all three movies (well, relatively with Solo) The number for IW hopefully is not a typo. 6.8M Sun put FSS at 17.6M, a -40% drop from last weekend, which is good. 4-day weekend will be close to 23M.
  4. Rth confirmed in the UK thread that the reported $10M 4-day OW is inaccurate. Base on China thread, it also missed $10M OW (even if barely) Would be funny if OS actuals go down. Well, more sad. But also funny.
  5. IW failed spectacularly to give me the Brolin/Goldblum interactions we all deserve. So if Jurassic franchise can pull that off, it’ll get a lifetime pass from me.
  6. I think Fallen Kingdom will open a good 20M below Ultron, but can make up for it with summer weekdays to match Ultron’s Dom total. Somewhere over/under 450M would be an okay drop off. Below 400M would be plain bad.
  7. Yeah, should be 5th in dollars. And 17th in admissions. I don’t think it has much momentum left to get the 300k needed to pass The Attorney. This weekend FSS total is ~105k. And with JW coming, it’s gonna lose even more screens.
  8. How lol? Assuming a 270M Dom (it just had a 42M weekend, so adding only 50M more is really the low end) then it needs 350M OS. Meaning 70M more off of 57M OS weekend, with Japan to come.
  9. Would not surprise me. Going from 16.5M 3-day to 20.1M 4-day estimates mean they’re projecting a 37% Mon drop for IW. That kind of projection is already ridiculous on a normal weekend, let alone a holiday weekend lol.
  10. Even taking out China, that’s a staggering total for Asia-Pacific region. Europe region total is good for the kind of movie it is. Weird to say, but what holds back the OS total is Latin America. In local currencies, IW handily beat TA and established record grosses across the region; yet in dollars, the total is not that far from what TA ended with in 2012.
  11. Cancel Mangold! Let JJ Abrams direct the Boba Fett movie too, just to be sure. Can’t wait for more John Harrison/Rey Skywalker mystery boxes. JJ Abrams will top himself.
  12. The quick downward trajectory after just 3.5 years is what alarming. It is definitely an interesting weekend at Disney/Lucasfilm right now.
  13. Definitely. It led Lucasfilm to double down and go ahead with a Boba Fett movie of all things. Dis Solo numbers is good.
  14. Never seen such complete rejection of a franchise film from basically every markets like this. Will be interesting to see if Japan will persevere or it’ll go the way of UK/Germany/France/other SW-friendly markets. Rogue One made 40M+ there.
  15. Y’all are too much with the thread title. 83M OW off of 14M previews is 5.88x internal multiplier. Easily the best out of the 4 recent Star Wars.
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