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Everything posted by Sam

  1. BKB, remember when we get BO numbers for Marvel movies from you? You know, the one that you pulled out of nowhere? Quite a few of us praised you too then So don't be jealous and begrudge God Rth of his glory
  2. I don't know really, I think that's the number Firedeep gave me a while ago. It seems that IM3 has quite weak workdays but make up grounds over weekend. So it's hard to say. I'm rooting for over 120M like you too
  3. Come on now Shawn, just out with it. No shame in trolling
  4. Damn you bastard I did terrible this week on all fronts
  5. Make for a thrilling roller coaster ride I must say The reactions when we get today's drop are gonna be glorious
  6. I voted A for this one in place of Tele and his love for Michelle
  7. I know he was serious, just a typo of 9 instead of 7. But it was fun teasing Shawn
  8. Shawn, these adds up to under 70M. Always check your math before trolling
  9. Shawn, I didn't know you're allowed to troll
  10. I was not sure too cause the Fri number is off, but it's a good number overall so I just went with the flow
  11. That's quite a nice drop for Oblivion, right? Shay could be thrilled
  12. Damn! 1 more question wrong. But oh well, I'm happy that Mud did good
  13. Now all I ask from Peeples is that despite the bombing number, can it have the 3rd best PTA this week?
  14. That Peeples number is depressing But that means I got 1 right for my Lowest 5 in BSG so no complains, bomb away
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